Department of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies

  • About the Department
  • Employees
  • Courses
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • Our goals
  • History of Department
  • News

The Department trains bachelors in computer science (four years of study). After receiving a bachelor’s degree in computer science, students may continue their  studies at the Department and after a year of study receive a qualification “Computer Systems Analyst” or “Master of Computer Science” in specialty “Information Technology Design”. In addition, the Department trains bachelors in specialties “Micro- and nanoelectronics” and bachelors in Applied Physics.

Annually 10-20 professionals graduate from the Department. Students who choose the Department as the place of their specialization receive in-depth university training in microprocessor technology, the use of computer technology for modeling processes in physics and radio electronics. The important thing is that students are taught not only to program and work with powerful software products, but also to create modern complexes for conducting physical experiments using computers to control the experiment and process the results of the experiment. Training is carried out with the use of computer technology in laboratories of the basics of radio electronics, microprocessor technology, automation of physical experiment, computer laboratories.

The main direction of scientific work of the department is mathematical modeling of processes in physics and radio electronics, physical properties of local centers, nanometric phases and crystals with structural phase transitions, automation of physical experiment.


ChairpersonIvan KarbovnykChairperson
ProfessorIvan BolestaProfessor
Professor (by-worker)Maria NazarkevychProfessor (by-worker)
Professor (by-worker)Serhiy RendzinyakProfessor (by-worker)
Associate ProfessorBohdan BlahitkoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorBogdana KalivoshkaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIhor KaternyakAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIvan KhvyshchunAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOleksii KushnirAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorZinovii LiubunAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorVasyl RabykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorRostyslav RomanyshynAssociate Professor
Associate Professor (by-worker)Khrystyna SerednytskaAssociate Professor (by-worker)
Associate ProfessorSerhii VelhoshAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorHryhoriy ZlobinAssociate Professor
LecturerViktor DzikovskyyLecturer
LecturerPavlo LevushLecturer
Lecturer (by-worker)Petro RykovskyLecturer (by-worker)
Lecturer (by-worker)Valeriy ShevchykLecturer (by-worker)
LecturerYaroslav ShmyhelskyyLecturer

1 year

2 year

3 year

4 year

5 year

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

  1. Fundamentals of Robotics (126 Information systems and technologies) E-learning course (available for viewing only for registered users)
  2. Intelligent data analysis: methodical instructions for laboratory work / compiled by I.D. Karbovnyk, Z.M. Liubun, V.G. Rabyk – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2015. 70 p.
  3. Velgosh S.R., Karbovnyk I.D., Kovalchuk M.G. Organization and programs of practices. Methodical recommendations for students of the specialty “Radiophysics and Electronics.” – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2006. – 28 p.
  4. Velgosh S.R., Karbovnyk I.D., Kovalchuk M.G., Futey O.V. Execution and design of course, diploma and master’s works: methodical recommendations [for students of the Faculty of Electronics]. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2012. – 77 p.
  5. Nazarkevych M.A., Lotoshynska N.D. Typography and editing / Study guide. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2022.
  6. Nazarkevych M., Miyushkovych Y. Technical editing. Basics of working in LaTeX / Study guide. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2020. 216 с.
  7. Zlobin G. Fundamentals of computer science and computer engineering: Textbook – Lviv: LONMIO, 1997. 230 с.
  8. Zlobin G. G. Personal computer user’s manual: Lviv: Meta, 2001. 136 с.
  9. Zlobin G. G. Personal computer user’s manual. II edition: Lviv: Spolom, 2003. 272 с.
  10. Zlobin G. G. Personal computer. Training course. Part I. Hardware of IBM-like personal computers: Lviv: Prostir-M, 2003. 83 с.
  11. Zlobin G.G. Personal computer. Training course. Part II. Operating system Linux: -Lviv: Prostir-M, 2003. 95 с.
  12. Zlobin G.G. Personal computer. Training course. Part III. Windows XP operating system and application software: Lviv: Prostir-M, 2003. 95 с..
  13. Zlobin G.G., Rykalyuk R.E. Architecture and hardware of a computer: Study guide.-K.: Caravel, 2006. -304 с.
  14. С. Apunevych, V. Boyko, G. Zlobin, V. Semeniuk, S. Kudryk. Edited by G. Zlobin Linux is just like Borsch-Lviv: Soroka, 2006. 116 с.
  15. Р. Mysyk, R. Mykulchyk, I. Kulchytskyi, G. Zlobin, V. Piletskyi, S. Kravets.English-Ukrainian glossary of Microsoft products: public edition / Edited by B. Ritsar-Lviv: ECOInform, 2006. 208 с.
  16. Zlobin G.G. Fundamentals of Informatics, Computer Engineering and Computer Technologies (for students of economic specialties): Textbook.-K.: Caravel, 2007. -240 с.
  17. Zlobin G. G. Hardware of the PC. Encyclopedic edition: Educational and methodological manual – K.: Editorial Office “Computer”, 2007. 128 с.
  18. Architecture and hardware of a computer. II edition:: Study guide.-K.: Caravel, 2009. -242 с.
  19. Knowledge management: e-learning of project management in the community of practice: sustainable development: a practical guide / Edited by I. Kateryniak, T. Mamatova – Kyiv: Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralization Support in Ukraine” DESPRO, 2021. 193 p.
  20. Innovation Spring in Tech Startup: momentum to take off = “Innovation Spring” in technology startups: momentum to take off: a textbook / Ihor Kateryak: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2021. 172 p.
  21. Manual for the preparation and organization of e-learning: a manual / Igor Kateryak – Kyiv. 2017.- 52 с.
  22. Community of practice: innovations in local self-government (based on the based on the example of e-learning organization): a manual / co-authored by. -Kyiv, 2012, -160 p.
  23. Formation of regional innovation policy: educational and methodological manual I Kateryak, A Lipentsev, N Maziy – Lviv, LRIDU NAPA, 2012


  24. Center for Innovation and Development, 2002. 286 p.
  25. Lubun Z., Mochulskyi Y. Fundamentals of radio electronics Part 1. Laboratory workshop. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2003. 32 p.
  26. Fundamentals of neural network theory. Text of lectures. Liubun Z.M. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2007, 142 p.
  27. Elements of digital microcircuitry: Workshop on the course “Fundamentals of digital and microprocessor technology”, Methodical recommendations.
  28. Ivankiv L.I., Pastyrskyi Y.A., Polovynko I.I., Semak S.S., Khvyshchun I.O.. Competitive test tasks in physics. – Lviv: Lviv University Press, 1993. – 100 p.
  29. Ivan Khvyshchun. Methods and algorithms of computer processing of experimental results. Study guide for the course “Programming and Mathematical Modeling.” – Lviv: Lviv University Press, 1998. – 44 p.
  30. Vasyl Rabyk, Ivan Khvyshchun. Elements of digital microelectronics. Workshop on the course “Fundamentals of Digital and Microprocessor Technology.” – Lviv: Lviv University Press, 1998. – 46 p.
  31. Ivan Khvyshchun. Computer methods of preparation of drawings in radio electronics (circuit and design levels) Methodical instructions for the course “Engineering graphics.” – Lviv: Lviv University Publishing House, 1998. – 32 p.
  32. Ivan Khvyshchun. Programming algorithms for solving physical and scientific and technical problems in PASCAL. Lecture notes. Lviv: LNU 2003. 230 p.
  33. Programming and mathematical modeling: Textbook. K.: In Yure Publishing House, 2007. – 544 p.
  34. Ivan Khvyshchun. Algorithmization and programming. Lectures. Materials for independent work. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2017. – 282 p.
  35. Object-oriented programming (electronic resource, access only for registered users Access mode)
  36. Algorithmization and programming (electronic resource, available only to registered users Access mode)
  37. Cross-platform programming (electronic resource, available only to registered users Access mode)

    Links to courses taught by departmental teachers in the Moodle system:



  38. Programming of configurable digital systems
  39. Wireless and mobile networks
  40. Digital and analog electronics
  41. Programming of robotic systems
  42. Programming of embedded and configurable systems
  43. High-level computer security systems
  44. Mobile development. Android platform
  45. Technologies for creating software products (122)
  46. Object-oriented programming (C++)
  47. Fundamentals of robotics
  48. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in IT
  49. Electrical engineering and electronics
  50. Algorithmization and programming
  51. Intelligent data analysis
  52. Discrete mathematics
  53. Microprocessor technology
  54. Object-oriented programming
  55. Computing theory, Algorithms and data structures
  56. Programming of robotic systems


Our goals

Mission of the Department of Radiophysics and Computer Technology

The mission of the department is to train specialists with high moral qualities, Ukrainian-centric socially responsible worldview and highly qualified in the field of information technology in accordance with modern market needs. In particular, professionals must be competitive in the labor market, be able to use innovative approaches to learning, have leadership qualities, be able to work in a team and be socially and professionally mobile. It is these qualities that will allow professionals to be in demand in the IT industry


Vision of the Department of Radiophysics and Computer Technology

The department must preserve and develop the achievements of previous years. In particular, in the field of educational and methodical work, to train highly qualified specialists with basic education in the field of electronics and thorough computer training.

In the field of scientific activity to develop research work in the field of knowledge12 “Information Technology” and to train highly qualified specialists (phd, doctoral students)


Objectives of the Department of Radiophysics and Computer Technology

In strengthening the role of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in society.

Emphasize the importance of national-patriotic education of students in the educational process, cultivate patriotism in them, form a national consciousness, self-esteem and respect for other people. Develop and participate in activities related to educational work.

In scientific research

Develop existing and create new modern research areas. Participate in the formation of faculty (and interfaculty) research projects, holding scientific and practical conferences, publishing a collection of scientific papers “Electronics and Information Technology”.

In the learning process.

To improve the programs of disciplines from the cycles of professional and practical training of specialties 122 “Computer Science”, 121 “Software Engineering” and 126 “Information Technology and Systems”. Involve the results of scientific research in the educational process.

Develop new learning technologies and implement them in the learning process;

Ensure the growth of the professional level of teachers and teaching skills.

Publication of educational and methodical literature on the latest areas of modern IT.

In creating a modern infrastructure.

Develop cooperation with IT companies, in particular, Cipress and Softserve to create the latest training laboratories and equip existing equipment with modern equipment.

History of the department

The department was established in 1964 by the well-known scientist professor Mykola Hryhorovych Maksymovych with the name “Department of Theoretical Foundations of Electrical and Radio Engineering”. In 1999, the department was renamed the Department of Radiophysics. Until January 1965, the department occupied one room in the building on the street. Lomonosova, 8 (now Cyril and Methodius Street). From 1965 to 1986 the department was located in the building on the street. September 17, 14 (now Sichovykh Striltsiv Street). In 1986, the department was relocated to the street. Drahomanova, 19 and street Drahomanova, 12. Since February 2003, the department is located on the street. Gene. Tarnavskoho, 107.

The first head of the department was Professor Mykola Hryhorovych Maksymovych (April 29, 1914 – June 10, 1981).

History of Department


The department was established in 1964 by the well-known scientist professor Mykola Hryhorovych Maksymovych with the name “Department of Theoretical Foundations of Electrical and Radio Engineering”. In 1999, the department was renamed the Department of Radiophysics. Until January 1965, the department occupied one room in the building on the street. Lomonosova, 8 (now Cyril and Methodius Street). From 1965 to 1986 the department was located in the building on the street. September 17, 14 (now Sichovykh Striltsiv Street). In 1986, the department was relocated to the street. Drahomanova, 19 and street Drahomanova, 12. Since February 2003, the department is located on the street. Gene. Tarnavskoho, 107.

The first head of the department was Professor Mykola Hryhorovych Maksymovych (April 29, 1914 – June 10, 1981).

Про захист командних проектів студентами другого курсу спеціальності “Комп’ютерні науки”

10.06.2024 | 12:12

Ще 16 травня студенти другого курсу освітньої програми “Комп’ютерні науки”, яка реалізується у співпраці з ІТ компанією SoftServe, успішно захистили свої командні проекти. Захід відбувався у приміщенні компанії SoftServe, де студенти мали можливість представити свої напрацювання перед експертною комісією, що складалася з представників як академічної спільноти, так і ІТ-індустрії. Під час захисту студенти продемонстрували високий рівень підготовки, креативність та вміння працювати в команді над реальними проектами.
Дуальна освіта, яку реалізуєфакультет електроніки та комп’ютерних технологій спільно з SoftServe, дозволяє студентам не лише...

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On April 17, 2024, at 15:05, the 12th Scientific Seminar will be held at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies

16.04.2024 | 18:27

Tomorrow, don’t miss it!
The Twelfth Scientific Seminar at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies.
A.P. Luchechko “OSL dosimetry of ionizing radiation”
Kushnir O.O. “IoT in the service of protection”
Link to the meeting online:
We invite everyone to attend!
Запрошуємо всіх бажаючих!
Переглянути засади наукового семінару та новини про попередні наукові семінари можна у розділі Науковий семінар

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On April 24, 2024 at 15 hours. 05 min. an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Oleh Sinkevych on “Fundamentals of registration and authorization of users in Web applications” will be held

15.04.2024 | 14:28

On April 24, 2024, at 15 hours. 05 min. an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Oleh Sinkevych on “Fundamentals of registration and authorization of users in Web applications” for 2nd-year students majoring in 126 – “Information Systems and Technologies” of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies on the course “Python Programming Language” will be held.
The lecture will be held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.
We invite everyone to join the lecture.

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On April 18, 2024, at 11 hours. 50 minutes, an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Mykhailo Pavlyk on “Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks”

15.04.2024 | 14:27

On April 18, 2024, at 11 hours. 50 minutes, an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Mykhailo Pavlyk on “Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks” will be held for 4th-year students majoring in 121 – “Software Engineering” of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies on the course “Information Security of Programs and Data”.
The lecture will be held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.
We invite everyone to join the lecture.
Access is available...

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The third stream of the HIVE Project – HEI – Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship online training starts

15.04.2024 | 14:12

Have you been dreaming of turning your ideas into a business for a long time, but have never dealt with startups? Not a problem, because the third stream of online training HIVE Project – HEI – Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship – is starting – an opportunity for all members of the academic community (students, teachers, non-academic staff of higher education institutions) to take a 3-module online course and learn how to turn their business idea into a real project...

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