Department of Radioelectronic and Computer Systems

  • About the Department
  • Employees
  • Courses
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • Research
  • Our goals
  • News

The Department of Radioelectronic and Computer Systems (DRCS) (till June 2014 – the Department of Radioelectronic Materials Science (DREM)) was founded in 1977 on the basis of the Faculties  of Physics and Chemistry of the University and the Lviv Research and Development Institute of Materials (LRDIM) (a joint order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Ministry of Radio Industry of the USSR No. 29/68 from February 8 / March 5, 1977, Order of the Rector of the Lviv State University # 449 of April 25, 1977). The rapid development of the electronic industry, the introduction of the latest scientific developments in production required a fundamentally new approach to training young specialists for the electronic and instrument-making industry, industry scientific institutions. It was necessary to combine a deep study of radiophysics, physical material science, computer simulation and mathematical prediction of the properties and processes of electronics materials, to develop a new section of electronics – functional.

At the time of its opening, the Department of REMS was one of the first in Ukraine, which combined the general and theoretical training of students in the walls of the University with research and professional training in the base enterprise. Since 1977 the training of specialists was conducted on the specialty “Radio physics and electronics” – the specialty “Radioelectronic materials science” at the Faculty of Physics, and since 2003 it was  conducted in the field of “Applied Physics” – the specialization “Radioelectronics materials science” at the Faculty of Electronics.

Up to 50 students of radiophysics, physicists and chemists studied at the department. More than 200 graduates were sent to work at the LRDIM “Karat” and scientific and production enterprises of Lviv, Drohobych, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnitskyі and others.

The educational process involved leading specialists of the Lviv Scientific Research Institute of Materials (Volzhenska L.I., Burak Y.V., Matkovskyi A.O., Prokopyshyn I.Yu., Vinnik D.M., Zubyuk G.G., Sobolev V.M. and etc.) and teachers of physical and chemical faculties. Until 1983, the chair of the part-time chair was headed by the Director of the  Research and Development Institute of Materials (RDIM) prof. Zyubryk O.I. The first teachers at the department were associate prof. Savitskyi I.V., cand. chem sciences Yarmoluk Ya. P., assistant Futey O.V. Later at the department the foolowing persons were engaged in the educational process; associate prof.  Bolesta I.M., associate prof. Koman B.P., prof. Savitskyi V.G., associate prof. Lenovenko A.M., senior teacher Kharchenko O. I., prof.  Yaremko Z.M., associate prof. Monastyrskyi  L.S.  In different years the department was headed by: prof. Savitskyi V.G. (1984-1987), director of RDIM associate prof. Gavrilyuk Yu.M. (1988-1990), deputy director general of the scientific-production enterprise “Karat” Veremeichuk MS (1992-1996). For 20 years the affairs of the department were headed by associate prof. Savitskyi I.V, and since March 1997 the department was headed by prof. Luchiv R.V., who before worked at the Department of Semiconductor Physics. Now the department is headed by the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Monastyrskyi L.S. .

Teachers of the department read a number of original special courses, in particular: “Radio electronics material science” (Associate Professor Savitsky IV), “Processes of recording and processing of optical information”, “Acoustoelectronics”, “Functional electronics”, “Fundamentals of electronic, ion and photon technologies” (associate professor Bolest I.M.), “Special materials of electronics”, “Magnetic materials and devices” (assosiate professor Volzhenskaya L.G.), “Optimization and forecasting in materials science”, “Ultrafine substances and their control”, ” Composites and Ceramics “(prof. Yaremko Z.M.), etc. The programs of such special courses as “Solid Structure”, “Film Material Science”, “Physical Methods of Researching Materials” (assistant Futey O.V.) have been improved.

Among graduates of the department – 5 doctors of sciences, more than 26 candidates of sciences. The title of a professor of the department of REMS obtained: Zyubryk O.I., Savitskyi V.G., Yaremko Z.M., Bolesta I.M., Monastyrskyi L.S.  A doctor’s dissertation was prepared by  Yarmolyuk Ya.P., but unfortunately, he tragically died (+ 1986).

In 2014 according to the order of the rector of the LNU, the department was renamed to the department of Radioelectronic and Сomputer Systems. Now the department takes an active part in preparing students for the areas of “Computer Science” and “Information Systems and Technologies”. Teachers of the Department have prepared and conducted the following courses:

Technology information protection;
Microcomputer systems;
Logical programming;
Designing of MEMS;
Programming  by Python;
Designing of intelligent systems based on MC Paspberry Pi;
Biometric identification systems;
E-learning and document circulation;
Operating Systems;
System modeling;
Computing and automation of the experiment;
System analysis;
Fuzzy logic;
Methods and algorithms of fuzzy simulation;
Low-level programming;
Engineering computer graphics;
Stochastic modeling.

The department plans to involve leading IT specialists in the educational process, and to  increase the level of English-speaking students and employees. The concrete implementation of the programs of these ideas at the present stage is the introduction of the system of electronic teaching and electronic document circulation of the department on the basis of free software, carrying out the English-language seminars “Scientific English”.

The DRCS maintains scientific relations with Poland (Rzeszow University) and Germany (Munich and Wurtzburg University), in particular, in 2017, Professor Monastyrski was a scholarly internship at the Department of Mathematics at Rzeszow University, where he collaborated with Professor T. Kwater and Dean Professor O. Lopuszanski on problems of computer simulation of complex systems. The plans of the department are to establish scientific contacts with the Jagiellonian University and the University of Gryungen. In 2018, the student of the department Chuprinskyi Oleg was sent to study at the University of Tartu (Finland).


ChairpersonIgor OlenychChairperson
Professor (by-worker)Galyna KlymProfessor (by-worker)
ProfessorLiubomyr MonastyrskyiProfessor
Associate ProfessorYaroslav BoykoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOleh SinkevychAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorBohdan SokolovskyiAssociate Professor
LecturerOleksandr FuteiLecturer
LecturerMykhailo PavlykLecturer
Lecturer (by-worker)Marianna PrytulaLecturer (by-worker)
1st Category EngineerRoman Kovtun1st Category Engineer
Postgraduate Student, Lecturer (by-worker)Volodymyr HuraPostgraduate Student, Lecturer (by-worker)

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

Methodical materials (list of methodical materials of each department with reference to them) / Methodical materials

  • Monastyrskyi L. S. Systemy i metody zakhystu informatsii. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2013. – 172 s. / Monastyrskyi L.S. Systems and methods of information protection. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2013. – 172 p.
  • Babych O. Y., Parandii P. P., Halii P. V. Funktsionalna mikroelektronika. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – 220 s./ Babych O. Y., Parandii P. P., Halii P. V. Functional microelectronics. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – 220 p.
  • Olenych I. B. Fizychni osnovy nanotekhnolohii. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – 232 s./ Olenych I.B. Physical bases of nanotechnologies. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – 232 p.
  • Olenych I.B. Metodychni vkazivky do vykonannia laboratornykh robit z kursu “Nechitka lohika”. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2017. – 59 s./ Olenych I.B. Methodical instructions for laboratory work on the course “Fuzzy Logic”. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2017. – 59 p.
  • Zyubryk O.I., Burak Y.V., Savytskyi I.V. Acoustoelectronics – Lviv, 1980. -100 p.
  • Zyubryk O.I., Savytskyi I.V. Radioelectronic materials science. – Lviv, 1981. -128 p.
  • Zyubryk O.I. Materials for optical recording of information – Lviv, 1982. 136 p.
  • Matkovsky A.O., Yarmolyuk Y.P. Optical and X-ray methods of analysis of electronics materials. – Lviv, 1985. -82 p.
  • Bolesta I.M. Chemical bonding and structure of materials. – Lviv, 1992. -86 p.
  • Monastyrsky L.S. Mass and heat transfer in heterogeneous semiconductor structures based on cadmium-mercury-telurium and silicon. -Kyiv, 1988. -59 p.
  • Monastyrskyi L.S. Multidimensional modeling of kinetic phenomena in heterogeneous semiconductor structures based on cadmium-mercury-telurium and silicon: – K.: ISDO. – 1996. -76с
  • Monastyrsky LS Systems and methods of information security: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2013. – 172 p.
  • Babych O. Y., Parandiy P. P., Galiy P. V. Functional microelectronics. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – 220 p.
  • Physical bases of nanotechnology. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. 232 p.
  • Olenych I.B. Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work in the course “Fuzzy Logic”. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2017. 59 p.


The department intensively introduces the latest forms of education. Thus, since the first semester of 2013/2014 academic year the department has been operating an e-learning system based on the modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment Moodle. Teachers of the department fill the system with electronic resources, and multimedia teaching materials are being developed.



The department conducts scientific researches in the following areas:

  • development of sensors based on porous silicon, experimental and theoretical study of their properties, creation of software for the processing of signals from sensors;
  • computer simulation of complex systems using parallel multiprocessor computing technologies;
  • simulation of electronic processes in inhogeneous  semiconductors and devices based on them;
  • development of “smart systems ” based on modern microcomputers and microprocessors.

During the last decade, 3 state budget projects were implemented at the department:

ОБ-129Ф “Physico-chemistry of hybrid nanostructures based on conjugated polymers, carbon, magnetic nanoclusters and spatially inhomogeneous semiconductors” (2012- 2014). Scientific supervisors – doctor of chemical sciences, senior researcher Aksimentyeva O.I., doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Monastyrskyi L. S.
ОБ-15Ф “Hybrid nanosystems based on conjugated polymers and clusters of inorganic substances with semiconductor, electro-optical and sensory properties” (2015-2016). Scientific supervisors – doctor of chemical sciences, senior researcher  Aksimentyeva O.I., doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Monastyrskyi L. S.
CМ – 34П “Electronic processes in silicon structures and creation of inexpensive dual purpose sensors based on them” (201-2017). Scientific supervisor – doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof. Monastyrskyi L. S.

Two topics within the working hours of teachers:

“Modeling of physical properties of mercury-containing superconducting materials” (2015-2017). Scientific supervisor – candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Babych O. Y .;
“Designing of Intelligent Microcomputer Systems” (2016-2017.) Scientific supervisor – doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof.         Monastyrskyi L. S.

One doctor’s dissertation was defended (Monastirskyi  LS “Kinetic phenomena and electronic processes in spatially inhomogeneous and low-dimensional semiconductor structures with a developed surface”, 2011) and two candidate’s dissertation  (Pavlyk M.R. “Structural and optical properties of hybrid composites on basis of nanosized silicon and carbon with conducting polymers “, 2013, and Boyko Ya.V.” Crystal structure and physical properties of mercury-containing superconducting cuprates in normal state “, 2016).

Teachers and staff of the department regularly publish the results of their research in professional domestic and foreign journals and present reports at scientific conferences. So. in 2016-2017, published 32 articles, 51 theses at scientific conferences and received 5 patents for inventions.

Our goals



The department forms and implements educational and scientific standards in the field of information technologies and electronics and forms a personality – a carrier of intellectual and innovative potential.


The department is a leader in the field of knowledge in the field of hardware, software products and organizational solutions in the field of intelligent information technology.


Achieving the highest standards in educational, scientific and social activities in the field of information technology Ensuring the high quality of the educational process through interaction with employers and its continuous adaptation to new requirements. Participation in the international market of educational services and in innovative activities.

Про захист командних проектів студентами другого курсу спеціальності “Комп’ютерні науки”

10.06.2024 | 12:12

Ще 16 травня студенти другого курсу освітньої програми “Комп’ютерні науки”, яка реалізується у співпраці з ІТ компанією SoftServe, успішно захистили свої командні проекти. Захід відбувався у приміщенні компанії SoftServe, де студенти мали можливість представити свої напрацювання перед експертною комісією, що складалася з представників як академічної спільноти, так і ІТ-індустрії. Під час захисту студенти продемонстрували високий рівень підготовки, креативність та вміння працювати в команді над реальними проектами.
Дуальна освіта, яку реалізуєфакультет електроніки та комп’ютерних технологій спільно з SoftServe, дозволяє студентам не лише...

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On April 17, 2024, at 15:05, the 12th Scientific Seminar will be held at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies

16.04.2024 | 18:27

Tomorrow, don’t miss it!
The Twelfth Scientific Seminar at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies.
A.P. Luchechko “OSL dosimetry of ionizing radiation”
Kushnir O.O. “IoT in the service of protection”
Link to the meeting online:
We invite everyone to attend!
Запрошуємо всіх бажаючих!
Переглянути засади наукового семінару та новини про попередні наукові семінари можна у розділі Науковий семінар

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On April 24, 2024 at 15 hours. 05 min. an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Oleh Sinkevych on “Fundamentals of registration and authorization of users in Web applications” will be held

15.04.2024 | 14:28

On April 24, 2024, at 15 hours. 05 min. an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Oleh Sinkevych on “Fundamentals of registration and authorization of users in Web applications” for 2nd-year students majoring in 126 – “Information Systems and Technologies” of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies on the course “Python Programming Language” will be held.
The lecture will be held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.
We invite everyone to join the lecture.

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On April 18, 2024, at 11 hours. 50 minutes, an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Mykhailo Pavlyk on “Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks”

15.04.2024 | 14:27

On April 18, 2024, at 11 hours. 50 minutes, an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Mykhailo Pavlyk on “Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks” will be held for 4th-year students majoring in 121 – “Software Engineering” of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies on the course “Information Security of Programs and Data”.
The lecture will be held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.
We invite everyone to join the lecture.
Access is available...

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The third stream of the HIVE Project – HEI – Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship online training starts

15.04.2024 | 14:12

Have you been dreaming of turning your ideas into a business for a long time, but have never dealt with startups? Not a problem, because the third stream of online training HIVE Project – HEI – Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship – is starting – an opportunity for all members of the academic community (students, teachers, non-academic staff of higher education institutions) to take a 3-module online course and learn how to turn their business idea into a real project...

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