Serhii Velhosh

Position: Associate Professor, Radiophysics and Computer Technologies Department, Associate Dean, факультету електроніки та комп'ютерних технологій of scientific, teaching and educational work

Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Phone (office): (032) 239-42-24


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Research interests

More than 80 scientific publications, including more than 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals.

  • Theoretical and optical-luminescent investigations of the complex halides electronic structure.
  • Software development, machine learning, computer vision.



  1. Low-temperature luminescence of CdI2 under synchrotron radiation / I.Karbovnyk, V. Pankratov, S. Velgosh, I. Bolesta, R. Lys, I. Kityk, H. Klym, I. Makarenko, V. Pankratova, A.I. Popov // Low Temperature Physics. – 2020. – V. 46. – P. 1213-1216.
  2. Furgala Yu. Using Color Histograms for Objects Detection in Resized and Rotated Images / Yu. Furgala, A. Velhosh, S. Velhosh, B. Rusyn // Collected Scientific Papers “Electronics and Information Technologies”. – 2020. – Is. 13. – P. 28-37.
  3. Bolesta I. Topology of Plasmonic Silver and Gold Pre-Percolation Films / I. Bolesta, A. Vaskiv, S. Velgosh, O. Kushnir, Ya. Shmygelskyy // Journal of Physical Studies. – 2019. ‑ Vol. 23, № 4. ‑ 4601 (7 pages).
  4. Bolesta I. Topology and Fractal Dimension of Nanocomposite Metal-Dielectric Films / I. Bolesta, I. Karbovnyk, O. Kushnir, S. Velhosh, H. Klym, I. Rovetskii // Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON-2019). – 2-6 July, 2019. – Lviv, Ukraine, 2019. ‑ P. 756–761.
  5. Bolesta I.M. Morphology and Optical Properties of Nanostructures Formed in Non-Stoichiometric СdI2 Crystals / I.M.Bolesta, I.N. Rovetskii, S.R. Velgosh, S.V. Rykhlyuk, I.D. Karbovnyk, N.V. Gloskovskaya / Ukr. J. Phys. – 2018. – Vol. 63, No. 9. – P. 816-823.
  6. Karbovnyk I. Long-term Evolution of Luminescent Properties in CdI2 Crystals / I.Karbovnyk, I. Bolesta, I. Rovetskyi, V. Lesivtsiv, Ya. Shmygelsky and  S. Velgosh // Low Temperature Physics. – 2016. – V. 42. – P. 594-596.
  7. Bolesta I.M. On the Mechanism of Nanostructure Growth on the Surface of CdI2 Crystals / I. M. Bolesta, I. N. Rovetskii, Z. M. Yaremko, I. D. Karbovnyk, S. R. Velgosh, M. V. Partyka, N. V. Gloskovskaya, V. M. Lesivtsiv // J. Phys. – 2015. ‑ Vol.60, № 11. – P. 1143-1149.
  8. Bolesta I.M. Time dependence of the luminescence intensity in CdBr2: AgCl, PbBr2 crystals under N2-laser excitation at room temperature / I.M. Bolesta, B.M. Kalivoshka, I.D. Karbovnyk, V.M. Lesivtsiv, I.S. Novosad, S.S. Novosad, I.M. Rovetskyy, S.R. Velgosh // Materials Science-Poland. – 2014. – Vol. 32, Is. 4. – P. 604-609.
  9. Karbovnyk I. Studies of CdI2–Bi3 microstructures with optical methods, atomic force microscopy and positron annihilation spectroscopy / I. Karbovnyk, I. Bolesta, I. Rovetskii, S. Velgosh, H. Klym // Materials Science-Poland. – 2014. – Vol. 32, Is. 3. – P. 391-395.
  10. Karbovnyk BiI3 nanoclusters in melt-grown CdI2 crystals studied by optical absorption spectroscopy / I. Karbovnyk, V. Lesivtsiv, I. Bolesta, S. Velgosh, I. Rovetsky, V. Pankratov, C. Balasubramanian, A. Popov // Physica B: Condenced  Matter. – 2013. – V. 413. – P.12–14.
  11. Velgosh S. [et al] First-principles simulations of the electronic density of states for superionic Ag2CdI4 crystals / S. Velgosh, B. Andriyevsky, I. Karbovnyk, I. Bolesta, O. Bovgyra, W. Ciepluch-Trojanek, I.V. Kityk, A.I. Popov // Solid State Ionics. – 2011. ‑ Vol. 188. – P. 31-35.
  12. Bellucci S. [et al]. Influence of Silver Clusters on the Light Absorption in CdBr2-Ag Crystals / S. Bellucci, I. Bolesta, I. Karbovnyk, I. Kolych, S. Martyniv, S. Velgosh // Journ of Nanophotonics. – 2010. – Vol. 4. – P. 049503.
  13. Bellucci S. [et al] Cadmium clusters in CdI2 layered crystals: the influence on the optical properties / S.Bellucci, I. Bolesta, M. Cestelli Guidi, I. Karbovnyk, V. Lesivtsiv, F. Micciulla, R. Pastore, A.I. Popov, and S. Velgosh // J. Phys.: Cond. Matter. – 2007. – Vol. 19. – 395015 (pp. 1-9).
  14. Bolesta I. [et al] Optical, infrared and electron-microscopy studies of metallic clusters (Cdi)n in layered CdI2 crystals / Bolesta, S. Velgosh, Yu. Datsiuk, I. Karbovnyk, V. Lesivtsiv, T. Kulay, A.I. Popov, S. Bellucci, M. Cestelli Guidi, A. Marcelli, and M. Piccinini // Radiation Measurements. – 2007. – Vol. 42. ‑ P. 851-854.
  15. Bolesta I. Band energy structure and optical properties of Ag2CdI4 superionic compound / I. Bolesta, V.Savchyn, S. Velgosh // Ferroelectrics. ‑ ‑ Vol. 316. ‑ P.153-156.
  16. Bolesta I.M. Thermal, electrical and optical studies of phase transitions in Ag2CdI4 solid electrolyte / M. Bolesta, I.D. Karbovnyk, S.R. Velgosh, O.V. Futey // Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. – 2003. – Vol. 158. – P. 157-161.
  17. Bolesta I. Crystalline and band energy structure of Ag2CdI4 / I. Bolesta, O. Futey, S. Velgosh // Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. – 2000. ‑ Vol. 1, N 1. ‑ P. 13-15.
  18. Bolesta I. Band energy structure and optical spectra of Cs2CdI4 crystals / I. Bolesta, Y. Furgala, I. Kityk, S. Velgosh // Ferroelectrics Lett. – 1996. – Vol. 21, Is 5-6. ‑ P. 175–178.
  19. Bolesta I. Electronic structure of intrinsic and impurity Mn-centres in A2BX4 crystals with b-K2SO4 type structure / I. Bolesta, I. Kityk, Y. Furgala, S. Velgosh // Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. – 1995. – Vol. 134, Is. 1-4. ‑P. 65–68.


  • Born on June 5, 1972 in Lviv.
  • 1979‑1989. Studied at Lviv Secondary School № 37.
  • 1989‑1994. Studied at Faculty of Physics of Ivan Franko State University of Lviv.
  • 1994‑1997. PhD Student at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
  • 1994‑2000. Junior researcher of the Research and Development Department..
  • 2000‑2007. Assistant of the Radiophysics Department.
  • Since 2007. Associate Professor of the Radiophysics and Computer Technology Department.
  • 2003. PhD dissertation “Energy Structure and Optical Spectra of A2BX4 Group Crystals: A2CdI4(A=Cs, Ag) and CnH2n+1NH3)2MnCl4(n=2,3)” (specialty: 01.04.10 ‑ Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics).
  • 2008. Title of Associate Professor.


  • Dean’s deputy of scientific, teaching and educational work of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technology.
  • Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technology.
  • Editorial Board Member of the Collected Scientific Papers “Electronics and Information Technologies”.
  • Organizing Committee Chairman of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies (ELIT).

Teaching materials

  1. Velgosh S.R., Karbovnyk I.D., Kovalchuk M.G. Organization and programs of practices. Methodical recommendations for students of “Radiophysics and Electronics” specialty. ‑ Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing House. ‑ 2006. ‑ 28 p.
  2. Velgosh S.R., Karbovnyk I.D., Kovalchuk M.G. Futey O.V. Execution and design of course, diploma and master’s theses: methodical recommendations [for students of the Faculty of Electronics]. ‑ Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing House. ‑ 2012. ‑ 77 p.


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