Serhii Velhosh
Position: Associate Professor, Radiophysics and Computer Technologies Department, Associate Dean, факультету електроніки та комп'ютерних технологій of scientific, teaching and educational work
Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Phone (office): (032) 239-42-24
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Research interests
More than 80 scientific publications, including more than 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
- Theoretical and optical-luminescent investigations of the complex halides electronic structure.
- Software development, machine learning, computer vision.
Навчальні дисципліни
- Algorithms and data structures (121 SE HPC)
- Algorithms and data structures (126 Information systems and technologies)
- Computing theory, algorithms and data structures (122 Computer Science)
- Discrete Mathematics (121 Software Engineering, High Performance Computing)
- Discrete Mathematics (122 Computer Science)
- Discrete Mathematics (126 Information Systems and Technologies)
- Low-temperature luminescence of CdI2 under synchrotron radiation / I.Karbovnyk, V. Pankratov, S. Velgosh, I. Bolesta, R. Lys, I. Kityk, H. Klym, I. Makarenko, V. Pankratova, A.I. Popov // Low Temperature Physics. – 2020. – V. 46. – P. 1213-1216.
- Furgala Yu. Using Color Histograms for Objects Detection in Resized and Rotated Images / Yu. Furgala, A. Velhosh, S. Velhosh, B. Rusyn // Collected Scientific Papers “Electronics and Information Technologies”. – 2020. – Is. 13. – P. 28-37.
- Bolesta I. Topology of Plasmonic Silver and Gold Pre-Percolation Films / I. Bolesta, A. Vaskiv, S. Velgosh, O. Kushnir, Ya. Shmygelskyy // Journal of Physical Studies. – 2019. ‑ Vol. 23, № 4. ‑ 4601 (7 pages).
- Bolesta I. Topology and Fractal Dimension of Nanocomposite Metal-Dielectric Films / I. Bolesta, I. Karbovnyk, O. Kushnir, S. Velhosh, H. Klym, I. Rovetskii // Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON-2019). – 2-6 July, 2019. – Lviv, Ukraine, 2019. ‑ P. 756–761.
- Bolesta I.M. Morphology and Optical Properties of Nanostructures Formed in Non-Stoichiometric СdI2 Crystals / I.M.Bolesta, I.N. Rovetskii, S.R. Velgosh, S.V. Rykhlyuk, I.D. Karbovnyk, N.V. Gloskovskaya / Ukr. J. Phys. – 2018. – Vol. 63, No. 9. – P. 816-823.
- Karbovnyk I. Long-term Evolution of Luminescent Properties in CdI2 Crystals / I.Karbovnyk, I. Bolesta, I. Rovetskyi, V. Lesivtsiv, Ya. Shmygelsky and S. Velgosh // Low Temperature Physics. – 2016. – V. 42. – P. 594-596.
- Bolesta I.M. On the Mechanism of Nanostructure Growth on the Surface of CdI2 Crystals / I. M. Bolesta, I. N. Rovetskii, Z. M. Yaremko, I. D. Karbovnyk, S. R. Velgosh, M. V. Partyka, N. V. Gloskovskaya, V. M. Lesivtsiv // J. Phys. – 2015. ‑ Vol.60, № 11. – P. 1143-1149.
- Bolesta I.M. Time dependence of the luminescence intensity in CdBr2: AgCl, PbBr2 crystals under N2-laser excitation at room temperature / I.M. Bolesta, B.M. Kalivoshka, I.D. Karbovnyk, V.M. Lesivtsiv, I.S. Novosad, S.S. Novosad, I.M. Rovetskyy, S.R. Velgosh // Materials Science-Poland. – 2014. – Vol. 32, Is. 4. – P. 604-609.
- Karbovnyk I. Studies of CdI2–Bi3 microstructures with optical methods, atomic force microscopy and positron annihilation spectroscopy / I. Karbovnyk, I. Bolesta, I. Rovetskii, S. Velgosh, H. Klym // Materials Science-Poland. – 2014. – Vol. 32, Is. 3. – P. 391-395.
- Karbovnyk BiI3 nanoclusters in melt-grown CdI2 crystals studied by optical absorption spectroscopy / I. Karbovnyk, V. Lesivtsiv, I. Bolesta, S. Velgosh, I. Rovetsky, V. Pankratov, C. Balasubramanian, A. Popov // Physica B: Condenced Matter. – 2013. – V. 413. – P.12–14.
- Velgosh S. [et al] First-principles simulations of the electronic density of states for superionic Ag2CdI4 crystals / S. Velgosh, B. Andriyevsky, I. Karbovnyk, I. Bolesta, O. Bovgyra, W. Ciepluch-Trojanek, I.V. Kityk, A.I. Popov // Solid State Ionics. – 2011. ‑ Vol. 188. – P. 31-35.
- Bellucci S. [et al]. Influence of Silver Clusters on the Light Absorption in CdBr2-Ag Crystals / S. Bellucci, I. Bolesta, I. Karbovnyk, I. Kolych, S. Martyniv, S. Velgosh // Journ of Nanophotonics. – 2010. – Vol. 4. – P. 049503.
- Bellucci S. [et al] Cadmium clusters in CdI2 layered crystals: the influence on the optical properties / S.Bellucci, I. Bolesta, M. Cestelli Guidi, I. Karbovnyk, V. Lesivtsiv, F. Micciulla, R. Pastore, A.I. Popov, and S. Velgosh // J. Phys.: Cond. Matter. – 2007. – Vol. 19. – 395015 (pp. 1-9).
- Bolesta I. [et al] Optical, infrared and electron-microscopy studies of metallic clusters (Cdi)n in layered CdI2 crystals / Bolesta, S. Velgosh, Yu. Datsiuk, I. Karbovnyk, V. Lesivtsiv, T. Kulay, A.I. Popov, S. Bellucci, M. Cestelli Guidi, A. Marcelli, and M. Piccinini // Radiation Measurements. – 2007. – Vol. 42. ‑ P. 851-854.
- Bolesta I. Band energy structure and optical properties of Ag2CdI4 superionic compound / I. Bolesta, V.Savchyn, S. Velgosh // Ferroelectrics. ‑ ‑ Vol. 316. ‑ P.153-156.
- Bolesta I.M. Thermal, electrical and optical studies of phase transitions in Ag2CdI4 solid electrolyte / M. Bolesta, I.D. Karbovnyk, S.R. Velgosh, O.V. Futey // Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. – 2003. – Vol. 158. – P. 157-161.
- Bolesta I. Crystalline and band energy structure of Ag2CdI4 / I. Bolesta, O. Futey, S. Velgosh // Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. – 2000. ‑ Vol. 1, N 1. ‑ P. 13-15.
- Bolesta I. Band energy structure and optical spectra of Cs2CdI4 crystals / I. Bolesta, Y. Furgala, I. Kityk, S. Velgosh // Ferroelectrics Lett. – 1996. – Vol. 21, Is 5-6. ‑ P. 175–178.
- Bolesta I. Electronic structure of intrinsic and impurity Mn-centres in A2BX4 crystals with b-K2SO4 type structure / I. Bolesta, I. Kityk, Y. Furgala, S. Velgosh // Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. – 1995. – Vol. 134, Is. 1-4. ‑P. 65–68.
- Born on June 5, 1972 in Lviv.
- 1979‑1989. Studied at Lviv Secondary School № 37.
- 1989‑1994. Studied at Faculty of Physics of Ivan Franko State University of Lviv.
- 1994‑1997. PhD Student at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
- 1994‑2000. Junior researcher of the Research and Development Department..
- 2000‑2007. Assistant of the Radiophysics Department.
- Since 2007. Associate Professor of the Radiophysics and Computer Technology Department.
- 2003. PhD dissertation “Energy Structure and Optical Spectra of A2BX4 Group Crystals: A2CdI4(A=Cs, Ag) and CnH2n+1NH3)2MnCl4(n=2,3)” (specialty: 01.04.10 ‑ Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics).
- 2008. Title of Associate Professor.
- Dean’s deputy of scientific, teaching and educational work of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technology.
- Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technology.
- Editorial Board Member of the Collected Scientific Papers “Electronics and Information Technologies”.
- Organizing Committee Chairman of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies (ELIT).
Teaching materials
- Velgosh S.R., Karbovnyk I.D., Kovalchuk M.G. Organization and programs of practices. Methodical recommendations for students of “Radiophysics and Electronics” specialty. ‑ Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing House. ‑ 2006. ‑ 28 p.
- Velgosh S.R., Karbovnyk I.D., Kovalchuk M.G. Futey O.V. Execution and design of course, diploma and master’s theses: methodical recommendations [for students of the Faculty of Electronics]. ‑ Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing House. ‑ 2012. ‑ 77 p.
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