Programming (126 Information Systems and Technologies)

Type: Normative

Department: radiophysics and computer technologies




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
132Associate Professor Zlobin HryhoriyФеC-11

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
132ФеC-11Associate Professor Zlobin Hryhoriy, Associate Professor Zlobin Hryhoriy

Опис навчальної дисципліни

The course introduces students to structural programming in C. The study of this discipline aims to understand and master the basic principles of program development in C, and also provides a basis for independent practical work in the field of computer science.

The curriculum in the discipline “Fundamentals of Programming” is based on a standard curriculum approved and recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The curriculum was compiled by Associate Professor of Radiophysics and Computer Technology Zlobin GG and it is its own development. According to the curriculum for the preparation of students at the educational and qualification level “bachelor”, the study of the discipline “Fundamentals of Programming” is carried out in the 1st year in the 1st semester. The number of credits is 4. Types of classes according to the curriculum are: lectures, laboratory classes, independent work of students. The following means of checking the level of students’ preparation are used: laboratory classes (admission, defense), modular tests, passing the exam. Evaluation of student performance is carried out on a stem scale in accordance with the developed evaluation criteria.

After studying the discipline, students must:


basic types of C language variables, language operations, C program structure, conditional language commands, implementation of cycles in C language, means of input and output in C language, methods of implementing functions in C language, methods of working with arrays, methods of using structures and objects. connections in the C language, language tools for working with files.

be able:

create and debug a program in C based on a compiled or provided algorithm.

Recommended Literature

  1. В. В. Подбельский, С. С. Фомин Программирование на языке Си: Учебн. Пособие. – 2-е доп. изд. – М: Финансы и статистика, 2001. – 600 с.
  2. А. Крупник Изучаем Си.. – П.: Питер, 2001. – 256 с.
  3. Е. Р. Алексеев, Г.Г. Злобин, Д.А. Костюк, О.В. Чеснокова, А.С. Чмыхало Программирование на языке С++ в среде Qt Creator – М.: ALT Linux, – 448 с.


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