International Research Projects
- The international project Training to Teaching Online in Wartime and After (U-train) is implemented in partnership with the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine) and the Department of Computer and System Sciences at Stockholm University (Sweden), as well as with the NGO “Ukrainian Distance Learning System” and Khazar University (Azerbaijan).
- Project LU-PG1207 (2020-22) “The Anisotropy of Surface Structure and Electron Spectra of the Cleavage Surface of Chalcogenides Semiconductor Crystals – In4Se3” USA (PI Prof. Galiy P.V.) (no fee). Joint studies of crystallography of chipping surfaces by DPE methods and electronic spectra of surfaces by UV-visible spectroscopy; theoretical calculations of the density of electronic states and electronic spectra with the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD) of Louisiana State University and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA) (with the right to conduct experiments using the equipment (XPS and UVES/UVESCR) in the presence of interested parties from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA) (Prof. Peter A. Dowben and P-D Archit Dhingra and joint publications of results with them indicating the affiliation of LNU)
- Ukraine Global Faculty project: foreign professors from leading universities, top experts and entrepreneurs deliver online lectures to Ukrainian audiences.
- EU4UA – Modernization of Legal Education for the Support of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine project.
- NEXT – Digital Transformations for Supporting Next-Generation Labor project.
- EU4DUAL4UKRAINE project cooperation