
Students of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies are among the winners of the quest contest “In Search of Assets – Online Detective”.

04.10.2024 | 21:04

On October 2, 2024, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv hosted the third quest competition “In Search of Assets – Online Detective”. The competition combined intellectual leisure with the development of analytical skills of smart young people in the field of security and the use of open-source intelligence (OSINT) methods.
The competition was attended by 22 teams from various higher education institutions. Along with students and postgraduate students of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, representatives of other Ukrainian universities demonstrated...

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A series of workshops of the program “Google Cloud for Students: A Confident Career Start” starts on 17.09.24.

16.09.2024 | 13:01

A series of workshops of the program “Google Cloud for Students: Confident Career Start” starts on 16.09.24.
This component of the program is available only to those institutions that have registered for the program, including the Ivan Franko National
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
You will be able to choose the workshops that best suit your goals to improve your Google Cloud skills. All workshops will be available not only live, according to the schedule, but also in the recordings...

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On September 1, 2024, a solemn meeting with new students took place at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies

04.09.2024 | 20:11

On September 1, 2024, the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies hosted a solemn meeting of freshmen with the faculty administration. The event was held according to a clearly defined schedule, where students of different specialties met with their mentors, teachers, representatives of the administration and leading IT companies.
The meeting was organized in two stages, according to the specialties. During the event, the freshmen were greeted by Dean Yuriy Furgala, Deputy Deans for Academic Affairs Marta Dufanets, for Research and...

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