Department of Sensory and Semiconductor Electronics

  • About the Department
  • Employees
  • Courses
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • Research
  • Our goals
  • History of Department
  • News


107 Tarnavskoho str. , Lviv 79017, Ukraine

Over the years, the Faculty of Physics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv has developed and effectively formed a scientific field of research related to the technology and physics of semiconductors and dielectrics. Significant progress in these areas was accumulated at the Department of Semiconductor Physics, in particular in the laboratories. For instance: “Radiation-Stimulated Processes” (scientific supervisor,Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Tsal M.O.), “Non-equilibrium Processes” (scientific supervisor,Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Zakharko Y.M.) and “Oxide crystals” (scientific supervisor ,Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nosenko A.E.). The urgency of the subject, significant scientific results and the presence of highly skilled personnel have become a prerequisite for the creation of a new department.

According to the Decree of the Academic Council of the Ivan Franko National University of  Lviv from February 27, 2002 (protocol №10/2) and relying on the order of university Principal  № 559 from March 26, 2002 a Department of Electronics was established at the Faculty of Physics, which was headed by the Doctor of Physical and mathematical sciences , professor Pavlyk Bogdan Vasylovych.

To provide a scientific and pedagogical activity of the Department of Electronics, 5 teaching, and 2 teaching auxiliary positions were allocated. From the Department of Semiconductor Physics to the Department of Electronics were transferred: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor  Zakharko Y.M., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Kostik L.V., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Balitsky O.O., master of production  training  Mikhalevych N.Y. From the  Department of General Physics to the Department of Electronics were transferred: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Matviishyn I.M. and I category engineer  Shpak L.M.

Together with the teaching staff of the department, a research group was formed. In 2002, the staff of researchers were 12 employees.

Since 2006 the teaching staff of the department is replenished by young teachers, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences: Luchechko A.P., Lys R.M., Slobodzian D.P.

In April 2017, it received a new name: Department of Sensor and Semiconductor Electronics. At that time, from the Department of Semiconductor Physics to the Department of Sensor and Semiconductor Electronics, were transferred: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Galiy P.V., Yarovets I.B., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Shevchuk V.N. and so on.

The main directions of research work of the department:

  • Investigation of radiation-stimulated processes in dielectric and semiconductor crystals and structures on their basis.
  • Development and research of new materials for sensors of electromagnetic and ionizing radiation.
  • Physics and Technology of Crystal Phosphorus.
  • Development of electronic reference meters of physical quantities.

Teachers and researchers of the department published more than 350 articles in professional journals, over 400 abstracts at National and International conferences.

The department supports the constant scientific and practical relations with the domestic and foreign institutions of science and education: the Institute of Applied Problems of Materials Science, Kyiv;  Institute of Single Crystals; National University “Lviv Polytechnic”,National Technical University, Department of Radiotechnics; Scientific enterprise “Karat” Lviv; Research and Production Enterprise “Termoprylad” Lviv. International relations: Long-term cooperation has been established with scientists from the University of Wroclaw, Republic of Poland and the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (Center for Contemporary Microstructures and Devices (CAMD) of the State University of Louisiana (USA); Austin Peay State University, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, for the purpose of conducting joint research in the field of topological insulators and fluorescent materials; Laboratory of Glass and Ceramics (University of Rennes, France); Institute of Physics of the Pan (Warsaw); University of Casimir the Great in Bydgoszcz.

Since 2002, 16 major state budget themes, 4 economic themes, and 4 international projects have been implemented at the department. The staff of the department is defended by 9 candidates and 1 doctoral dissertation.

The department participated in conducting international conferences LOD-2002, Lumdetr-2006, ISPCS-2010, Heureka (2002-2014). The staff of the department received 2 patents for invention and 20 patents for utility model. Three tutorials are written.

The department trains specialists – bachelors and masters in the specialty (153) – “Micro and nanosystem technology” (specialization “Physical and biomedical electronics”).

The department staff  (2 professors, 5 associate professors, and 1 assistant)have been teaching the following  general courses to the students of educational qualification level of bachelor’s degree:

  • Personal computers (I – year students);
  • Theory of electromagnetic field (III year students);
  • Semiconductor Electronics (ІІІ year students );
  • Materials of electronic engineering (ІІІ year students );
  • Electrotechnical materials in medicine (III year students);
  • Solid-state electronics (IV – year students );
  • Power Electronics (IV – year students);
  • Modeling in Electronics (IV – year students);
  • Physical bases of sensors (IV -year students );
  • Quantum Electronics (IV -year students );

For students of educational qualification level of master’s degree:

  • Electronic Spectroscopy and Engineering Surface (V – year students);
  • Liquid Crystals in Sensory Electronics (V -year students);
  • Actual questions of touch electronics (V – year students);

Special courses for students of educational qualification level of bachelor degree:

  • “Fundamentals of microelectronics” (ІІІ – year students);
  • “Optical Sensor” (ІІІ -year students );
  • “Physical bases of thermometry” (III – year students);
  • “Physico-chemical control of composition and structure of materials of touch electronics” (IV -year students );
  • “Structure and Physical Properties of Crystals” (IV – year students);
  • “Kinetic phenomena in materials of touch electronics” (IV – year students);
  • “Radiation Sensor” (IV – year students);

 For students of educational qualification level of master’s degree:

  • “Nanosystems and Nanotechnology” (V-year students);
  • “Microelectronic sensory devices” (V – year students);
  • “Fluorescent methods of controlling the parameters of n / a materials and structures” (V -year students);
  • “Fundamentals of Technology for the Manufacturing of Microelectronics Structures” (V – year students);
  • “Technologies of obtaining nanomaterials” (V-year students);
  • “Biomedical sensors” (V – year students);
  • “Radiation-induced processes in solids and biological objects” (V-year students);
  • “Individual and medical dosimetry” (V – year students).

The department has formed training laboratories “Semiconductor Electronics” (head of the laboratory – Didyk R.I.) and “Sensor Electronics” (the head of the laboratory is Shykoriak Y.A.), which includes the following laboratories:

  1. Quantum Electronics

Conducting laboratory classes on the general course of “Quantum Electronics” for students of the fourth and fifth year.

  1. Sensors

Conducting laboratory sessions on general courses “Sensorica” ​and “Physical basics of sensors” for students of the fourth year.

  1. Solid-state electronics

Conducting laboratory classes on “Solid-state electronics” and “Electronics”  for the fourth year students.

  1. Laboratories of special-practical training



ChairpersonBohdan PavlykChairperson
ProfessorPavlo GaliyProfessor
ProfessorAndriy LuchechkoProfessor
Associate ProfessorOleksandr KarpinAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorLyudmyla KostykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorMarkiyan KushlykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorRoman LysAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIgor MatvijishynAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorDmytro SlobodzyanAssociate Professor
Lecturer (by-worker)Igor KayunLecturer (by-worker)
Lecturer (by-worker)Yaroslav ShpotyukLecturer (by-worker)
Lead EngineerOlha TsvetkovaLead Engineer

1 year

2 year

3 year

4 year

5 year

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

  • 1. Lys R.M. Collection of problems from the course “Physical bases of solid-state microelectronics”: a textbook [for students of higher educational institutions] / R.M. Lys, B.V. Pavlyk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2019. 208 p.
  • 2. Galiy P.V. Basic services and systems and technologies of access to the Internet: a textbook.
  • 3. Functional microelectronics: a textbook / O.Y. Babych, P.V. Galiy, P.P. Parandiy. – Lviv: Liga-Press, 2014. – 174 p.
  • 4. Pavlyk B.V. Workshop on solid-state electronics / B.V. Pavlyk, I.M. Matviyishyn, L.V. Kostyk, L.M. Shpak. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2012. – 130 p.
  • 5. Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Power Electronics” / L.V. Kostyk, R.M. Lis, I.M. Matviyishyn, D.P. Slobodzian, L.M. Shpak – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2017. – 59 p.
  • 6. Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Devices and methods of displaying biomedical signals and images” / D.P. Slobodzian, I.M. Matviyishyn, Y.O. Shpotiuk, L.V. Kostyk, A.P. Luchechko, R.M. Lis – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center. – 2017. – 47 p.
  • 7. Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Introduction to the specialty” / R.M. Lis, B.V. Pavlyk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center. – 2016. – 34 p.
  • 8. Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Solid-state electronics” / B.V. Pavlyk, R.M. Lis, I.M. Matviyishyn, L.M. Shpak, A.P. Luchechko, D.P. Slobodzian – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center. – 2016. – 36 p.
  • 9. Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Liquid crystals in sensor electronics” / Y.A. Nastyshyn, I.M. Matviyishyn, L.M. Shpak, O.M. Krupych, D.P. Slobodzian – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center. – 2013. – 38 p.
  • 10. Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Liquid crystals in sensor electronics” (Part 2) / Y.A. Nastyshyn, I.M. Matviyishyn, L.M. Shpak, O.M. Krupych, D.P. Slobodzian – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center – 2014. – 47 p.
  • 11. Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Liquid crystals in sensor electronics” (Part 3) / Y.A. Nastyshyn, I.M. Matviyishyn, L.M. Shpak, O.M. Krupych, D.P. Slobodzian – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center. – 2015. – 58 p.
  • 12. Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Physical bases of thermometry” / B.V. Pavlyk, R.M. Lis. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center. – 2012. – 46 p.
  • 13. Methodical instructions for the laboratory workshop on the course “Quantum Electronics” / Y. Zakharko, L. Kostyk, A. Luchechko – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2012. – 60 p.
  • 14. Matviyishyn I.M., Kostyk L.V., Pavlyk B.V., Luchechko A.P. Materials of electronic equipment: Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2012. – 52 p.
  • 15. Kostyk L.V., Luchechko A.P., Matviyishyn I.M. Analysis and construction of spectra using the ORIGIN package: Methodical instructions for the design and analysis of graphic materials from laboratory workshops and visualization of experimental data in the performance of course and diploma works. -Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2012. – 64 p.
  • 16. Methodical recommendations for the course “Basic parameters and characteristics of solid-state electronics structures” / B.V. Pavlyk, I.M. Matviyishyn, L.V. Kostyk, L.M. Shpak – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2008. – 50 p.
  • 17. Methodical recommendations for the course “Basic parameters and characteristics of solid-state electronics devices” / B.V. Pavlyk, I.M. Matviyishyn, L.V. Kostyk, L.M. Shpak – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2007. 28 p.
  • Lys R.M. Collection of problems from the course “Physical bases of solid-state microelectronics”: a textbook [for students of higher educational institutions] / R.M. Lys, B.V. Pavlyk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2019. 208 p. Access mode.
  • Lys R.M. Quantum numbers: methodological materials for students of physical specialties / R.M. Lys. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2022. – 50 p.
  • Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Power Electronics” / L.V. Kostyk, R.M. Lys, I.M. Matviyishyn, D.P. Slobodzian, L.M. Shpak – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center. – 2017. – 59 p.
  • Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Devices and methods for displaying biomedical signals and images” / D.P. Slobodzian, I.M. Matviyishyn, Y.O. Shpotiuk, L.V. Kostyk, A.P. Luchechko, R.M. Lis – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center. – 2017. – 47 p.
  • Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Introduction to the specialty” / R.M. Lis, B.V. Pavlyk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center. – 2016. – 34 p.
  • Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Solid-state electronics” / B.V. Pavlyk, R.M. Lys, I.M. Matviyishyn, L.M. Shpak, A.P. Luchechko, D.P. Slobodzian – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center. – 2016. – 36 p.
  • Methodical recommendations for the laboratory workshop on the course “Physical Fundamentals of Thermometry” / B.V. Pavlyk, R.M. Lis – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center – 2012. – 46 p.

Links to the courses taught by the teachers of the departments in the Moodle system:



The main directions of scientific work of the department

  • Study of radiation stimulated processes in dielectric and semiconductor crystals and structures based on them. Scientific adviser – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Pavlik B.V.
  • Development of new materials for electromagnetic and ionizing radiation sensors. Supervisor – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Luchechko A.P.
  • Physics and development of crystal phosphors. Scientific adviser – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Ch. scientific collaborator Zorenko Yu.V.
  • Development of electrical reference meters of physical quantities. Supervisor – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, transl. scientific collaborator Lenovenko A.M.

The department has 2 research laboratories:

НДЛ-10  – Laboratory of materials for optoelectronics

Head of the Laboratory – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Ch. scientific collaborator Zorenko Yu.V.

The main areas of work of the laboratory:

creation of a class of luminescent converters based on single-crystal films of oxidizing and alkali halide compounds obtained by liquid-phase epitaxy;
development and implementation of scintillation elements based on single crystals of complex oxides obtained from the melt and optimization of their lighting parameters;
determination of the features of the luminescence of phosphors based on complex oxygen-containing compounds obtained from the melt and melt-solution;
study of excitation energy relaxation processes in oxide and alkali halide phosphors, including the processes of migration, dissipation, recombination and capture of elementary electronic excitations;
study of the luminescence of nanocrystals and precipitates based on RE cations dispersed in a matrix of alkali halide and oxide crystals.

Research topics carried out in the НДЛ-10  laboratory:

Subject: CH-59F (2017-2019)

Title: “Production and study of nanosystems based on chalcogenide semiconductors with natural nanostructured matrices”. Scientific adviser of the topic – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. sciences, prof. Gallius P.V.


НДЛ-20  – Sensory Laboratory.

Head of the laboratory – Art. scientific collaborator Shpotyuk Ya.A.

The main areas of work of the laboratory:

study of the physical nature of the processes of aggregation of radiation defects in dielectric crystals;
study of possible mechanisms of radiation-stimulated processes in wide-gap semiconductors and barrier structures based on them;
development of the concept of recommendations for the use of thermometers of the TP series in the fields of radiation;
determination of luminescence features in single crystals and ceramic samples of Ca3Ga2Ge3O12, Cd3Ga2Ge3O12i Gd3Ga5O12;
study of the processes of recombination and capture of charge carriers in AWO4(A=Pb, Cd, Zn) single crystals and ceramic samples of garnets;
study of the influence of visible and IR light on the luminescent properties and curves of thermally stimulated luminescence of garnets and tungstates.
study of the structure and luminescent properties of nominally pure nanopowders and nanoceramics of Gd3Ga5O12 garnet activated by impurities of rare earth elements.

Research topics carried out in the НДЛ-20  laboratory:

Subject: CE42-Hp (2016-2018):

Title: “Nanostructured and polycrystalline REM-containing materials for scintillators, sensors and energy-saving technologies”. Scientific supervisor – Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences, Art. scientific Shpotyuk Ya.A.

Subject: SE-76F (2018-2020)

Title: “Physical Processes in Sensory Materials Based on Oxides and Chalcogenides Activated by Rare Earth Elements”. Scientific adviser – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. sciences, prof. Pavlik B.V.

Subject: CE-65NR (2017-2020)

Title: “Modification of sensory properties of silicon structures and REM-containing materials based on oxides and chalcogenides”. Scientific supervisor – Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences, Assoc. Lis R.M.

A scientific seminar is constantly working at the department.

Our goals


The department is a basic structural unit of the faculty, which forms and implements the conditions for the development of the individual by obtaining a complete higher education in electronics and technical based on scientific and scientific-pedagogical achievements.


The department is a long-time performer of scientific and educational programs in the field of materials science for sensor and semiconductor electronics, and also works in the field of combining equipment and organizational solutions in the information technologies.

Strategic goals

  1. Ensuring high quality of the educational process through interaction with main electronics and IT firms, as well as continuous adaptation of educational programs to the new requirements of modern electronics and the labor market.
  2. Participation in the international market for educational services with the aim of combining and expanding the educational and research base.

History of Department

At the Faculty of Physics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, for many years, a scientific direction of research related to the technology and physics of semiconductors and dielectrics has been created and effectively developed. A significant legacy in these areas was accumulated at the Department of Semiconductor Physics, in particular in the laboratories of “Radiation-stimulated processes” (supervisor of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Tsal M.A.), “Nonequilibrium Processes” (supervisor of Candidate (Phys. and Mathematics, Associate Professor Zakharko Ya.M.) and “Oxide Crystals” (supervisor of Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Nosenko A.E.). The relevance of the subject, significant scientific results and highly qualified personnel became a prerequisite for the creation of a new department.

According to the decision of the Academic Council of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv dated February 27, 2002 (minutes No. 10/2) and the order of the Rector of the University No. 559 dated March 26, 2002. at the Faculty of Physics, the Department of Electronics was created, which was headed by Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences, Professor Pavlik Bogdan Vasilyevich.

To ensure the scientific and pedagogical activities of the Department of Electronics, 5 teaching and 2 teaching and support positions were allocated. From the Department of Semiconductor Physics to the Department of Electronics moved: Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences Associate Professor Zakharko Ya.M., Ph.D. Phys.-Math. sciences, assistant. Kostik L.V., Ph.D. Phys.-Math. sciences, assistant. Balitsky O.A., master of industrial training Mikhalevich N.Yu. From the Department of General Physics to the Department of Electronics moved: Candidate of Physics..-Mat. sciences, assistant. Matviishin I.M. and engineer I cat. Starling L.M.

Together with the teaching staff of the department, a research group was formed. In 2002, the research staff consisted of 12 employees.

Since 2006, the teaching staff of the department has been replenished with young teachers, Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences: Luchechko A.P., Lis R.M., Slobodzyan D.P.

In April 2017, it received a new name: the Department of Sensory and Semiconductor Electronics. At present, Doc. Phys.-Math. Sciences, Professor Galiy P.V. , junior researcher Yarovets I.B., engineer And kat., Cand. Phys.-Math. Sciences Shevchuk V.N. etc. And the executioner. Kayun I.

History of Department

department history
At the Faculty of Physics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, for many years, a scientific direction of research related to the technology and physics of semiconductors and dielectrics has been created and effectively developed. A significant legacy in these areas was accumulated at the Department of Semiconductor Physics, in particular in the laboratories of “Radiation-stimulated processes” (supervisor of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Tsal M.A.), “Nonequilibrium Processes” (supervisor of Candidate (Phys. and Mathematics, Associate Professor Zakharko Ya.M.) and “Oxide Crystals” (supervisor of Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Nosenko A.E.). The relevance of the subject, significant scientific results and highly qualified personnel became a prerequisite for the creation of a new department.

According to the decision of the Academic Council of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv dated February 27, 2002 (minutes No. 10/2) and the order of the Rector of the University No. 559 dated March 26, 2002. at the Faculty of Physics, the Department of Electronics was created, which was headed by Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences, Professor Pavlik Bogdan Vasilyevich.

To ensure the scientific and pedagogical activities of the Department of Electronics, 5 teaching and 2 teaching and support positions were allocated. From the Department of Semiconductor Physics to the Department of Electronics moved: Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences Associate Professor Zakharko Ya.M., Ph.D. Phys.-Math. sciences, assistant. Kostik L.V., Ph.D. Phys.-Math. sciences, assistant. Balitsky O.A., master of industrial training Mikhalevich N.Yu. From the Department of General Physics to the Department of Electronics moved: Candidate of Physics..-Mat. sciences, assistant. Matviishin I.M. and engineer I cat. Starling L.M.

Together with the teaching staff of the department, a research group was formed. In 2002, the research staff consisted of 12 employees.

Since 2006, the teaching staff of the department has been replenished with young teachers, Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences: Luchechko A.P., Lis R.M., Slobodzyan D.P.

In April 2017, it received a new name: the Department of Sensory and Semiconductor Electronics. At present, Doc. Phys.-Math. Sciences, Professor Galiy P.V. , junior researcher Yarovets I.B., engineer And kat., Cand. Phys.-Math. Sciences Shevchuk V.N. etc. And the executioner. Kayun I.

Про захист командних проектів студентами другого курсу спеціальності “Комп’ютерні науки”

10.06.2024 | 12:12

Ще 16 травня студенти другого курсу освітньої програми “Комп’ютерні науки”, яка реалізується у співпраці з ІТ компанією SoftServe, успішно захистили свої командні проекти. Захід відбувався у приміщенні компанії SoftServe, де студенти мали можливість представити свої напрацювання перед експертною комісією, що складалася з представників як академічної спільноти, так і ІТ-індустрії. Під час захисту студенти продемонстрували високий рівень підготовки, креативність та вміння працювати в команді над реальними проектами.
Дуальна освіта, яку реалізуєфакультет електроніки та комп’ютерних технологій спільно з SoftServe, дозволяє студентам не лише...

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On April 17, 2024, at 15:05, the 12th Scientific Seminar will be held at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies

16.04.2024 | 18:27

Tomorrow, don’t miss it!
The Twelfth Scientific Seminar at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies.
A.P. Luchechko “OSL dosimetry of ionizing radiation”
Kushnir O.O. “IoT in the service of protection”
Link to the meeting online:
We invite everyone to attend!
Запрошуємо всіх бажаючих!
Переглянути засади наукового семінару та новини про попередні наукові семінари можна у розділі Науковий семінар

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On April 24, 2024 at 15 hours. 05 min. an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Oleh Sinkevych on “Fundamentals of registration and authorization of users in Web applications” will be held

15.04.2024 | 14:28

On April 24, 2024, at 15 hours. 05 min. an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Oleh Sinkevych on “Fundamentals of registration and authorization of users in Web applications” for 2nd-year students majoring in 126 – “Information Systems and Technologies” of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies on the course “Python Programming Language” will be held.
The lecture will be held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.
We invite everyone to join the lecture.

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On April 18, 2024, at 11 hours. 50 minutes, an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Mykhailo Pavlyk on “Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks”

15.04.2024 | 14:27

On April 18, 2024, at 11 hours. 50 minutes, an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Mykhailo Pavlyk on “Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks” will be held for 4th-year students majoring in 121 – “Software Engineering” of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies on the course “Information Security of Programs and Data”.
The lecture will be held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.
We invite everyone to join the lecture.
Access is available...

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The third stream of the HIVE Project – HEI – Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship online training starts

15.04.2024 | 14:12

Have you been dreaming of turning your ideas into a business for a long time, but have never dealt with startups? Not a problem, because the third stream of online training HIVE Project – HEI – Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship – is starting – an opportunity for all members of the academic community (students, teachers, non-academic staff of higher education institutions) to take a 3-module online course and learn how to turn their business idea into a real project...

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