Telecommunication microprocessor systems (122 Computer Science)
Type: For the student's choice
Department: radiophysics and computer technologies
Semester | Credits | Reporting |
6 | 5.5 | Setoff |
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
6 | 32 | Associate Professor Blahitko B. Y. | ФеІ-31, ФеІ-34 |
Laboratory works
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
6 | 32 | ФеІ-31 | Associate Professor Blahitko B. Y., Associate Professor Blahitko B. Y. |
ФеІ-34 | Associate Professor Blahitko B. Y. |
Опис навчальної дисципліни
The purpose of teaching the course is to master students’ basic theoretical information and practical skills of the course. To prepare the student for the effective use of elements of microprocessor technology in the design of digital and analog microprocessor systems
Learning outcomes:
Microprocessor analog and digital circuitry
Principles of work in integrated environments PSoC Creator, Worland C ++ (BC)
PSoC Programmer
Hardware of PSOC @ 3-030 and PSOC @ 3-050 microcontrollers PSoC @ 3 Development Kit
Software part of PSOC @ 3-030 and PSOC @ 3-050 microcontrollers PSoC @ 3 Development Kit.
be able:
Develop your own project on PSOC @ 3-030 and PSOC @ 3-050 microcontrollers PSoC @ 3 Development Kit
Perform analysis and correction of errors in the developed project
Demonstrate project work in real time.
Recommended Literature
- Микропроцессорные системы: Учебное пособие для вузов/ Под ред. Д.В. Пузанова. –СПб.: Политехника, 2002. – 935 с.
- Technical Reference Manual (TRM), Version 2.10, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. 2006.p-s: 542.
- Dave Van Ess, Understanding Switched Capacitor Analog Blocks, Application Note AN2041.Cypress MicroSystems, Inc.2004.p-s:.
- Advanced Analog Design, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. 2002.p‑s: 179.
- Dave Van Ess, Understanding Switched Capacitor Analog Blocks, Application Note AN2041.Cypress MicroSystems, Inc.2004.p-s:16
- Dennis Seguine, Adjustable Sallen and Key High-Pass Filters, Application Note AN2030. Cypress MicroSystems, Inc.2002.p-s:5
- CY8C24x94 Final Data Sheet, PSoC® Mixed-Signal Array, Cypress MicroSystems, Inc. 2006.p-s: 48
- CY8C27x43_I Final Data Sheet, PSoC® Mixed-Signal Array, Cypress MicroSystems, Inc.2006.p‑s: 45
- C Language Compiler User Guide, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. 2006.p-s: 62
- Assembly Language Guide, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. 2006.p‑s: 110
- Агуров П.В., Последовательные интерфейсы ПК. Практика программирования. – СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2004. 496 с.
- Каган Б.М., Сташин В.В. Основы проектирования микропроцессорных устройств автоматики. -М.: Энергоатомиздат,1987, 304 с.
- Однокристальные микро-ЭВМ. /Боборыкин А.В., Липовецкий Г.П., Литвинский Г.В. и др. –М.: Бином, 1994, 400 с.