Department of System Design

  • About the Department
  • Employees
  • Навчальні дисципліни
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • Research
  • Our goals
  • News

The Department of System Design was established in 2016 (Order of the Rector No 0-66 dated April 11, 2016). Professors of the department, since 2005, simultaneously with the launch of specialists training in the direction 6.050101 – “Computer Science” at the Faculty of Electronics, actively involved in the preparation of bachelors of this direction. Since 2009, the professors of the department together with lecturers of other departments have started the preparation of masters in the specialty 8.05010102 – “Information Technology Design”. Since 2012, the professors of the department have started training specialists and masters in the specialties 7.05010103 and 8.05010103 “System design”. Starting from 2016, in connection with the introduction of a new list of specialties, the department carries out the preparation of bachelors and masters in the specialty 122 – “Computer Science”, and from 2017 – bachelors from the specialty 126 – “Information systems and technologies”.

When developing new educational programs for student preparation, the faculty staff closely collaborates with IT industry specialists, in particular with Global Logic, Epam, SoftServe, N-iX, Vakoms and others. The main purpose of creating new educational programs for students of the department is to train specialists in information technology in accordance with the new requirements of the labor market. With the assistance of the Lviv IT Cluster on September, 2017, a new educational program for specialists in the field of Data Science was launched. Оn September, 2019, a new educational program for specialists in the field of Software Engineering was launched.

The department has engaged the design of complex software and hardware systems for solving the problems of collecting, intelligent processing and analysis of large volumes of the data in various fields of activity. The department develops automated and automatic systems for collecting, storing, reproducing, pre-processing and analyzing data. For the realization of these systems, the department investigates the technologies of relational (SQL-based), non-relational (NoSQL-based) and distributed (decentralized Blockchain-like systems, etc.) databases, the methods of the realization of high-performance parallel and distributed computations based on the computing clusters of classical and hybrid architecture, the use of the special hardware computing systems based on graphics processors (CUDA, OpenCL, etc.), and the development of applied software solutions in the fields of Data Processing and Visualization, Data Analysis, Business Intelligence, and Machine Learning.

The head of the department is R. Shuvar, who has been in this post since April 2015. He graduated from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in 1982 with a degree in Radiophysics and Electronics at the postgraduate studies at Ivan Franko State University of Lviv (1985-1988), and then worked as an assistant professor (1988-1994), and from 1994 since today he has been a associate professor of the University.  In 1989 he defended his thesis for a scientific degree of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, and in 1996 he received the academic title of associate professor. Since 2005, he is actively engaged in scientific and pedagogical work in the field of “Computer Science” and “Information Systems and Technologies”. He supervises the scientific work of graduate students and students.

The studying process at the department is provided by three doctors of physics and mathematics – professors V.Yuzevych (0,5 rates), B.Koman and O.Balytskyi, as well as candidates of physical and mathematical sciences – associate professors L.Demkiv, R.Shuvar, T.Nenchuk, R.Stakhira, candidate of techniical sciences – associate professor S.Shcherbak (0,5 rates), senior lecturer R.Kovtko, assistant professors V.Parubochyi and A.Prodyvus. The lecturers of the department have passed the profile, including a half-year internship in leading educational and research institutions of Ukraine.

To ensure the educational process at the department, educational laboratory of Information Technologies Designing (headed by V.Pysarevskyi) is created and functioning.

For the laboratory lessons on normative, specialization and selective disciplines, four specialized educational computer laboratories №№ 5, 8, 9 and 11 were created and functioning at the department.


ChairpersonRoman ShuvarChairperson
Professor (by-worker)Oleh BuhriiProfessor (by-worker)
ProfessorBohdan KomanProfessor
ProfessorBohdan PavlyshenkoProfessor
Professor (by-worker)Volodymyr YuzevychProfessor (by-worker)
Associate ProfessorVolodymyr AnokhinAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorLidiia DemkivAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOrest HeraAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorVasyl LyashkevychAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorTaras NenchukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorRoman StakhiraAssociate Professor
Senior LecturerRoksolana KovtkoSenior Lecturer
LecturerOleksandr ChmyhaloLecturer
LecturerOleksandr HaliatkinLecturer
LecturerOleh HusakLecturer
LecturerOleh KaskunLecturer
LecturerIgor KolychLecturer
LecturerPetro KulykLecturer
LecturerMaria LyashkevychLecturer
Lecturer, Postgraduate Student (by-worker)Iryna MysiukLecturer, Postgraduate Student (by-worker)
Lecturer, Postgraduate Student (by-worker)Roman MysiukLecturer, Postgraduate Student (by-worker)
LecturerVitalii ParubochyiLecturer
LecturerAndrii ProdyvusLecturer
LecturerAndriy ZhyshkovychLecturer
1st Category EngineerVladyslav Tskhurbaiev1st Category Engineer
Postgraduate StudentBohdan BuhriiPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentIvan BulkaPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentIgor DrozdovPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentOleh DutsiakPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentMarkiyan FostiakPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentOleg SigunovPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentMyhaylo SkorynskyPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentMikola StasiukPostgraduate Student
Postgraduate StudentMaksym YacubovychPostgraduate Student

1 year

2 year

3 year

4 year

5 year

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

  • Demkiv L.S. Methodical recommendations for applying Maple during physical process simulation. – Lviv: Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University of LNU, 2004.
  • Stakher YM, Demkiv LS, Electromagnetism and MathCAD. Methodical recommendations for conducting practical classes on the course “Electricity and Magnetism” with the use of applied software. – Lviv: Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University of LNU, 2004.
  • Pavlishenko BM, Shuvar R.Ya. Methodical recommendations “Programming of the CGI interface for interactive WEB-technologies” to the courses “Information Technologies”, “Fundamentals of the Internet” for students of the Faculty of Electronics. -Lviv: Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2004.
  • Pavlishenko BM, Shuvar R.Ya. Methodical recommendations “E-Commerce in the Internet” to the course “Information Technologies” for the 3rd year students of the Faculty of Electronics. -Lviv: Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University of LNU, 2004.
  • Pavlishenko BM, Shuvar R.Ya. “Organization of databases. MSDS MS ACCESS.” Methodological recommendations for the course “Organization of Databases” and “Information Technologies” for students of the Faculty of Electronics. -Lviv: Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2005
  • Pavlishenko BM, Shuvar R.Ya. Methodical recommendations “Numerical modeling of recombination processes in wideband semiconductors” to the special course “Modeling of processes in semiconductors” for students of the Faculty of Electronics. -Lviv: Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2005
  • Pavlyshenko B.M. Methods of recognition of optical images: Lyrics of lectures / B.M. Pavlyshenko. -Lviv: Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University named after Ivan Franko, 2009-104s.

Modern guidelines for studying courses are available at the Department of Electronics at the Moodle section and are available to students electronically.

Textbooks and manuals:

Links to the courses taught by the department’s teachers in the Moodle system:



Scientific research at the Department of System Design is carried out in the following areas:

  • the design of complex software and hardware systems for solving the problems of collecting, intelligent processing and analysis of large volumes of the data in various fields of activity.
  • development of the automated and automatic systems for collecting, storing, reproducing, pre-processing and analyzing data.
  • investigation of the technologies of relational (SQL-based), non-relational (NoSQL-based) and distributed (decentralized Blockchain-like systems, etc.) databases, the methods of the realization of high-performance parallel and distributed computations based on the computing clusters of classical and hybrid architecture
  • the use of the special hardware computing systems based on graphics processors (CUDA, OpenCL, etc.)
  • development of applied software solutions in the fields of Data Processing and Visualization, Data Analysis, Business Intelligence, and Machine Learning.

The department performs topics:

Parallel algorithms for selection of informative elements of raster images

State registration number: 0116U001683. Scientific supervisor of the topic Shuvar R.Ya.

A number of methods of segmentation of high resolution raster images using spatial and spectral approaches have been developed. The research has been carried out on the advantages and disadvantages of selection and recognition of informative elements, in particular biometric data, physical objects, objects of the Earth remote sensing, using modern algorithmical methods of the properties allocation and machine learning. On the basis of the obtained data, research was carried out in the field of alignment of the luminosity on raster images in order to increase the accuracy of selection and recognition of elements, and also proposed a number of modifications of the SQI method for aligning the luminosity on raster images, the study of the possibility of using the proposed methods to improve the selection of the informative elements having the small size in comparison with the size of the raster image.

Our goals



The system design department prepares socially responsible highly qualified specialists in the field of modern information technologies, who have leadership and high moral qualities, ability to work in a team, are competitive in the labor market, effectively interact in a professional, corporate and social environment, have social and professional skills and are in strong demand in IT companies.


The department educational programs are modern, high-quality, innovative and focused on the IT industry needs. The department graduates are successful employees of leading IT companies, capable to performing a wide range of tasks, mastering new technologies, adapted to rapid retraining.


  • Development of existing and opening of new educational programs in modern IT fields
  • New technologies of educational, methodical and scientific activity organization introduction at the department
  • Deep collaboration with leading IT companies
  • Personnel potential development at the department
  • Infrastructure improvement at the department

Students of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies are among the winners of the quest contest “In Search of Assets – Online Detective”.

04.10.2024 | 21:04

On October 2, 2024, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv hosted the third quest competition “In Search of Assets – Online Detective”. The competition combined intellectual leisure with the development of analytical skills of smart young people in the field of security and the use of open-source intelligence (OSINT) methods.
The competition was attended by 22 teams from various higher education institutions. Along with students and postgraduate students of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, representatives of other Ukrainian universities demonstrated...

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A series of workshops of the program “Google Cloud for Students: A Confident Career Start” starts on 17.09.24.

16.09.2024 | 13:01

A series of workshops of the program “Google Cloud for Students: Confident Career Start” starts on 16.09.24.
This component of the program is available only to those institutions that have registered for the program, including the Ivan Franko National
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
You will be able to choose the workshops that best suit your goals to improve your Google Cloud skills. All workshops will be available not only live, according to the schedule, but also in the recordings...

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On September 1, 2024, a solemn meeting with new students took place at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies

04.09.2024 | 20:11

On September 1, 2024, the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies hosted a solemn meeting of freshmen with the faculty administration. The event was held according to a clearly defined schedule, where students of different specialties met with their mentors, teachers, representatives of the administration and leading IT companies.
The meeting was organized in two stages, according to the specialties. During the event, the freshmen were greeted by Dean Yuriy Furgala, Deputy Deans for Academic Affairs Marta Dufanets, for Research and...

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Celebrations on the occasion of September 1, 2024

27.08.2024 | 11:33

Dear students, faculty and staff of the University!
On September 1, 2024, we invite you to take part in the festive events dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year.
8:00 – Worship service
Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, 21 Krakivska St.
10:00 – Solemn Academy on the occasion of the beginning of the new academic year
University assembly hall.
From 12:00 – Meetings of freshmen at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies (50 Drahomanova St.)
The meetings will be...

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