Student Government

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Students’ Trade Union and Student Council work to ensure comfortable conditions of study and interesting leisure for the students of the faculty.

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Student Council

Students’ Trade Union and Student Self-Government are organizations that stand guard over the rights of the student.

Their aim is to ensure and protect the rights and interests of students, in particular with regard to the organization of the educational process. Therefore, their main tasks are to promote the educational, scientific and creative activities of students, create appropriate conditions for living in dormitories and recreation of students, activities of student groups, societies, associations, clubs for interests; organize cooperation with students of other higher educational institutions and youth organizations.

  • Students’ Trade Union

Any full-time student of the University who recognizes the Charter of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine, has submitted an application for admission and regularly pays trade union fees (in the amount of 1% of the academic scholarship, if received by the student) may become a member of Students’ Trade Union.

Any full-time student of the University is a member of student self-government.

Advantages of Students’ Trade Union membership:

  • Rights protection and assistance when necessary.
  • Constant awareness of the Organization members
  • Assistance in applying for a social scholarship.
  • Assistance in applying for a subsidy for students living in a dormitory.
  • Assistance in issuiance of the International Student Identity Card (ISIC).
  • Interesting and unforgettable student life.
  • Extra points in the student ranking.
  • Possibility of going on a summer vacation to the seaside or mountains for a low price.

Про захист командних проектів студентами другого курсу спеціальності “Комп’ютерні науки”

10.06.2024 | 12:12

Ще 16 травня студенти другого курсу освітньої програми “Комп’ютерні науки”, яка реалізується у співпраці з ІТ компанією SoftServe, успішно захистили свої командні проекти. Захід відбувався у приміщенні компанії SoftServe, де студенти мали можливість представити свої напрацювання перед експертною комісією, що складалася з представників як академічної спільноти, так і ІТ-індустрії. Під час захисту студенти продемонстрували високий рівень підготовки, креативність та вміння працювати в команді над реальними проектами.
Дуальна освіта, яку реалізуєфакультет електроніки та комп’ютерних технологій спільно з SoftServe, дозволяє студентам не лише...

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On April 17, 2024, at 15:05, the 12th Scientific Seminar will be held at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies

16.04.2024 | 18:27

Tomorrow, don’t miss it!
The Twelfth Scientific Seminar at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies.
A.P. Luchechko “OSL dosimetry of ionizing radiation”
Kushnir O.O. “IoT in the service of protection”
Link to the meeting online:
We invite everyone to attend!
Запрошуємо всіх бажаючих!
Переглянути засади наукового семінару та новини про попередні наукові семінари можна у розділі Науковий семінар

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On April 24, 2024 at 15 hours. 05 min. an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Oleh Sinkevych on “Fundamentals of registration and authorization of users in Web applications” will be held

15.04.2024 | 14:28

On April 24, 2024, at 15 hours. 05 min. an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Oleh Sinkevych on “Fundamentals of registration and authorization of users in Web applications” for 2nd-year students majoring in 126 – “Information Systems and Technologies” of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies on the course “Python Programming Language” will be held.
The lecture will be held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.
We invite everyone to join the lecture.

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On April 18, 2024, at 11 hours. 50 minutes, an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Mykhailo Pavlyk on “Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks”

15.04.2024 | 14:27

On April 18, 2024, at 11 hours. 50 minutes, an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Radioеlectronic and Computer Systems Mykhailo Pavlyk on “Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks” will be held for 4th-year students majoring in 121 – “Software Engineering” of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies on the course “Information Security of Programs and Data”.
The lecture will be held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.
We invite everyone to join the lecture.
Access is available...

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The third stream of the HIVE Project – HEI – Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship online training starts

15.04.2024 | 14:12

Have you been dreaming of turning your ideas into a business for a long time, but have never dealt with startups? Not a problem, because the third stream of online training HIVE Project – HEI – Innovation for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship – is starting – an opportunity for all members of the academic community (students, teachers, non-academic staff of higher education institutions) to take a 3-module online course and learn how to turn their business idea into a real project...

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