Iryna Mysiuk
Position: Lecturer, System Design Department, Postgraduate Student, System Design Department
Google Scholar profile:
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Research interests
Text analysis using artificial intelligence
Machine learning
Automated testing
Development of software products
- Mysiuk I., Mysiuk R., Shuvar R. Collecting and analyzing news from newspaper posts in facebook using machine learning / Stuc. intelekt. // 2023; 28(1):147-154 DOI: 10.15407/jai2023.01.147
- I. Mysiuk, R. Mysiuk, R. Shuvar, V. Yuzevych Methods of analytics of big data of popular electronic newspapers on facebook // Electronics and information technologies – 2022. – Vol. 19. – P. 66–74, DOI: 10.30970/eli.19.6
- Mysiuk I., Shuvar R. Modeling the system for accumulating a test set of data from the Instagram social network // Міжнародна мультидисциплінарна інтернет-конференція «Світ наукових досліджень». Випуск 12. 2022.
- Mysiuk R., Mysiuk I., Pawlowski G., Yuzevych V., Yasinskyi M., Tyrkalo Y. Video-based Concrete Road Damage Assessment Using JetRacer Kit (2023) 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on the Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems, CADSM 2023 – Proceedings DOI: 10.1109/CADSM58174.2023.10076528
- Mysiuk R. Api test automation of search functionality with artificial intelligence / Mysiuk R., Yuzevych V., Mysiuk I. // Stuc. Intelekt – 2022. – Vol. 27, No 1. – P. 269-274. DOI: 10.15407/jai2022.01.269
- Mysiuk R. Data processing and visualization for corrosion detection / Mysiuk R., Yuzevych V., Mysiuk I // Electronics and information technologies – 2021. – Vol. 16. – P. 50–60, DOI: 10.30970/eli.16.
- Mysiuk R. Data Modelling of Physical-Mechanical Processes in Nano Concrete with the Ensemble of Pores / R. Mysiuk, I. Mysiuk, G. Pawlowski // Path of Science. – 2022. – Vol. 8, No 9 – P. 1001-1009. DOI: 10.22178/pos.85-6
- Павленчик Н. Ф., Павловські Г., Мисюк І. В., Тиркало Ю. Є., Куриліна О. В. Моделі та методи прийняття управлінських рішень у менеджменті // Міжнародний науковий журнал “Інтернаука”. Серія: “Економічні науки”. – 2023. – №1. 10.25313/2520-2294-2023-1-8520
- Mysiuk R. Determining the Place of Depressurization of Underground Pipelines (Gas Pipelines): New Solutions in Industry based on Thermal Image Analysis Using Computer Vision / R. Mysiuk, I. Mysiuk, V. Yuzevych, G. Pawlowski // Path of Science. – 2022. – Vol. 8, No 10 – P. 1001-1010. DOI: 22178/pos.86-9
- Mysiuk R. Detecting cracks in concrete based on images using Amazon Web Service Rekognition / Mysiuk R., Yuzevych V., Mysiuk I., Ohirko I. // Electronics and information technologies – 2022. – Vol. 20. – P. 18–29, DOI: 30970/eli.20.3
She studied at secondary school №77 in Lviv. In 2021, she graduated with a master’s degree from the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (specialty “Computer Science”). In 2022, she entered the PhD program at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies, Department of System Design. Since 2019, she has worked as a trainee teacher, and later as an assistant at the Department of System Design. Since 2020, I have been working in an IT company.
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