Bohdan Koman

Position: Professor, System Design Department

Scientific degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Academic status: Professor


Google Scholar profile:

Research interests

  • Computer  electronics,
  • semiconductor electronics,
  • machine learning,
  • synergetic processes in self-organized systems,
  • electronic phenomena in low-dimensional systems,
  • interphase interaction and mechanical stresses.

Навчальні дисципліни



  1. Коmан B.P. Regularities of interphase interaction in near-surface layers of solid-state electronics structures: Monograph. B.P. Koman .– Lviv, 2017.- 350 p. ISBN978-617-10-0403-0.
  2. Koman B.,Yuzevych V. Regularities of interphase interaction and mechanical stresses in subsurface layers of solid state structures of micro- and nanoelectronics: in “Scientific foundations of modern engineering” / International  Science  Group. – Boston: Primedia eLaunch,  2020.–  p. 113–134. Available at:   DOI: 10.46299/ isg.2020. MONO. TECH.I . ISBN 978-1-64871-656-0.


  1. Kushnir V. Creating AI for games with UNREAL ENGINE 4./ Kushnir V., Koman B.  – Electronics and information technologies (ELIT) – 2018. iss. 9. P.113-119.
  2. Коман Б.П. Температурная  селективность  радиационного  воздействия на кремниевые МОП-транзисторы / Б.П. Коман // Физика и техника  полупроводников. – 2014. – Т. 48. – Вып. 5. – С. 677–683.
  3. Koman B.P. Deformation-Induced Interfacial  Interactionin  Elastically-PlasticallyDeformed  Single   Crystals  of  CdxHg1_xTe / B. P. Koman  // Metallofiz.  Noveishie Tekhnol.–2017–  39, No. 8: 1129—1148.
  4. Koman B.P. Alfa-particles irradiation in defects in SiO2 films of Si-SiO2 structures / B.P. Koman, O.V. Galchinskij, R.O. Kovalyuk, A.K. Shkolniy //  Nucl. Instruments and Meth. In Physics Res. B. – 1996. – 116. – P. 389–392.
  5. Koman B. P.   Effect  of combined  radiation  processing  on parameters  o f Si-based MOS  transistors  /  B. P. Koman, R. I. Bihun  & O. A. Balitskii  –  Radiation Effects and  Defects in  Solids   2017, Vol.172,  NOS.7-8, p.600-609.  
  6. Koman B. P. The  Nature  of  Intrinsic  Stresses  in Thin  Copper  Condensates  Deposited  on Solid  State  Substrates / B. P. Koman, O. A. Balitskii , V.M.  Yuzevich  –  Journ. Nano Research,  2018, V.54,  pp.66-74.
  7. Koman B. P. Photoplastic  Effect in Narrow-Gap  Mercury Chalcogenide  Crystals /   B. P. Koman, O. A. Balitskii,  D.S.  Leonov  //  Metalofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol. , 2018,  40, No 4, p. 529-540.
  8. Koman B. P. Self- organizing processes and interphase interaction in solid-state structures / B. P. Koman, V.M.   Yuzevich  //  Transylvanian  Review     2018, Vol. XXVI,  No. 29. p.7639–7651.
  9. Yuzevich V.M. Thermodynamic and adhesive parameters of nanolayers in the   system “metal-dielectric” / V.M.   Yuzevich, B. P. Koman,  R. M. Dzhala // Funct. Mater., 2018, 25, No2, р. 319-328.
  10. Yuzevich V.M.   The  Peculiarities of  Contact   Potential   Difference  and  Energy  Characteristics of   Metal  Boundaries / V.M. Yuzevich, B. P. Koman,  R. M. Dzhala // Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii  2017, т.15,No 4,.703–711.
  11. Yuzevich V.M. Analysis of metal corrosion under conditions of mechanical impacts  and  aggressive   environments  / V.M.  Yuzevich, R. M. Dzhala, B. P. Koman // Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol.  2017, 39, No. 12: 1655–1667 .
  12. Коман Б.П. Automated complex for research of parameters of electro-active centers in solids with the use of methodology of термостимульованої depolarization / of Б.П. Коман // Selection and treatment of information – 2016. – №44 (120) – C.37-44. (міжвід. збірн. sciences. labours)
  13. Коман Б. П. Programmatic approximation of thermometric descriptions of diode touch-control of temperature for WASP of Android / Б. П. Коман // Announcer of the National university “Lviv політехніка” series “Computer sciences and information technologies. – 2016.- №843.- С.28- 34.
  14. Yuzevich V. Intelligent Analysis of Data Systems for Defects in Underground Gas Pipeline  IEEE Second / V. Yuzevich, B. Koman, R. Scryncovsky //  International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing.– August  21–25, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine, p.134–138.
  15. Monastyrsky LS Recognition of gases based on microcomputer analysis of porous silicon sensor data / L.S. Monastyrsky, OI Petrishin, BP Koman, R.Ya. Yaremyk // Sensor electronics and microsystem technologies. – 2016. – Vol. 13, №3. – P. 74–79.
  16. Yuzevich VN Modeling of the relationship between mechanoelectric surface parameters of solids / V.N. Юзевич, Б.П. Koman // Solid State Physics. bodies – 2014. – Vol. 56. – Issue. 5. – P. 895–902.
  17. Комаn B. P.  Mathematical modeling of processes in the surface layers of solids for interfacial interactions /B. P. Комаn, V.М. Yuzevich // Вісник НУ “Львівська політехніка“, серія  Компютерні системи проектування. Теорія і практика – 2016. – № 859 . – С. 36-45.
  18. Koman BP, Yuzevich VM Modeling of interphase interaction and adhesion processes in systems “metal condensate – solid substrate” / B.P. Koman, V.M. Yuzevych // Bulletin of the National University “Lviv Polytechnic” series “Information Systems and Networks” – 2016.- №752.- P.56-61.
  19. Yuzevich  V.M.  Thermodynamic and adhesive parameters of nanolayers in the   system “metal-dielectric” / V.M.   Yuzevich, B. P. Koman,  R. M. Dzhala Funct. Mater., 2018, 25, No2, р. 319-328.
  20. Yuzevich  V.M.  The  Peculiarities of  Contact   Potential   Difference  and  Energy  Characteristics of   Metal  Boundaries / V.M. Yuzevich, B. P. Koman,  R. M. Dzhala – Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii  2017, т.15 No 4,.703–711.
  21. Yuzevich  V.M. Analysis of metal corrosion under conditions of mechanical impacts  and  aggressive   environments  / V.M.  Yuzevich, R. M. Dzhala, B. P. Koman – Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol.  2017, 39, No. 12: 1655–1667 .
  22. Koman B.P., Yuzevich V.M.. Energy parameters of Interfacial layers in composite systems grapheme-(Si,Cu,Fe, Co, Au, Ag, Al, Ru, Hf, Pb) and  semiconductors (Si, Ge)- ( Fe,Co,Cu,Al, Cr, W, Pb)  / B.P. Koman, V.M. Yuzevich   // Jоurnal of Nano-Electronic Physics– 2015.– Vol. 7 , No4 , 04059  (7pp).
  23. Koman BP AFM-study of the surface of metallic condensates on monocrystalline silicon and energy parameters of interphase interaction in the system “metallic condensate-semiconductor” / BP Koman, IM Rovetsky, VM Yuzevich // Metal Physics and the latest technologies. – 2015.– T. 37, № 11.– S. 1443 – 1460.
  24. Koman BP Peculiarities of interphase interaction in Si-SiO2 structures / BP Koman // Sensor electronics and microsystem technologies. – 2016.– T.13, №2. – C. 84–93.
  25. Yuzevych V. M. Mechano-electric  of the  near-surface layer of some materials  / V. M.  Yuzevych, B. P. Koman,  R.M. Dzhala // Jоurnal of Nano-Electronic Physics– 2016.– Vol. 8 No4 , 04005  (7pp).
  26. Olenich IB Electrical properties of silicon oxide heterostructures based on porous silicon / IB Olenych, LS Monastyrsky, BP Koman // Ukr. phys. magazine. 2017. T.62, №2. – S.166–170.
  27. Koman BP Own mechanical stresses, thermodynamic and adhesion parameters in the metallic condensate – single-crystal silicon system / B.P. Koman, V.N. Yuzevich // Solid State Physics. bodies. – 2012. – Vol. 54, p. 7. – P. 1335–1341.
  28. Yuzevich VN Peculiarities of temperature dependence of interaction energy parameters in quartz – Pb, NaCl, KCl – Pb systems / V.N. Юзевич, Б.П. Koman // Solid State Physics. bodies. – 2014. – Vol. 56, Issue. 3. – P. 583–588.
  29. Koman BP Dimensional dependence of mechanical stresses in metallic condensates on silicon / B.P. Koman, V.M. Yuzevich // Metal Physics and the latest technologies. – 2014. –№ 8. – P. 145–151.
  30. Юзевич В.М. Energy of adhesive bonds in the system of copper condensate on monocrystalline silicon / VM Yuzevych, PM Soprunyuk, BP Koman, PV Lugoviy // Metal Physics and the latest technologies. – 2005. – V. 27, № 5. – P. 643–652.
  31. Koman BP Mechanical stresses in copper condensates on monocrystalline silicon / B.P. Koman, V.M. Yuzevich // Metal Physics and the latest technologies. – 2003. – V. 25, № 6. – P. 1538–1551.
  32. Koman BP Influence of X-ray radiation on silicon MOS transistors / BP Koman. Koman // Ukr. phys. jury – 2000. – V. 45. –№ 9. – P. 1101–1105.
  33. Коман Б.П. Relationship between mechanical and electrophysical properties of intrinsically defective Cd Hg Te crystals / BP Koman // Solid State Physics and Chemistry. – 2011. – V. 12. – P. 1018–1025.
  34. Koman BP Influence of alpha irradiation on silicon MES – transistors / B.P. Koman // Sensor electronics and microsystem technologies. – 2012. – V. 39. – №1. – P. 88–96.

Materials of reports at international conferences

  1. Koman B., Yuzevich V. Synergetic processes in uniaxially deformed crystals. 2019  IEEE   XIth International   Scientific and   Practical  Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies  (ELIT-2019): Proceeding, Lviv, Ukraine, 16 – 18  September, 2019. Lviv, 2019. Р .113-116.
  2. Kushnir V., Koman B., Yuzevich V.  IoT Image Recognition System Implementation for Blind Peoples Using esp32, Mobile Phone and Convolutional Neural Network.  2019  IEEE   XIth International   Scientific and   Practical  Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies  (ELIT-2019): Proceeding, Lviv, Ukraine, 16 – 18  September, 2019. Lviv, 2019. Р .201-.204.
  3. Kushnir ,  Development  a  Software   with  Augmented  Reality  Using  Unreal  Engine 4   / V. Kushnir,    B. Koman,   R. Shuvar  // 10- th  International Scientific and Practical Conference Electronics and Information Technologies, Processing.– August 29–September 02,  ELIT 2018.–Lviv-Karpaty village,Ukraine, p.A141-144.
  4. Yuzevich V. Modeling of processes in the surface nanolayers of solids for interfacial interactions / Yuzevich. B. Koman // 6 – th International Conference “ Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterial” NANO- 2018.-27-30 August 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine. Abstract  Book -p. 608-609.
  5. Yuzevich V. Thermodynamic description  of  interphase  interaction  in  nano-layers of dielectric-metal systems / Yuzevich, B. Koman, R.Scryncovsky // 2018 IEEE 8 th International Conference on  Information and Telecomunication  Technologies  and Radio Electronics (UkrMico) –September  10-14, 2018, Odessa, Ukraine Proceeding.
  6. Koman B. Information parameters of synergetic processes in structures with interfractional boundaries / Koman,   V. Yuzevich, R. Scryncovsky // 2018 IEEE  8 th Internationa Conference  on Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties-NAP-2018 – 9 – 14 September 2018, Zatoka, Odesa, Ukraine.  Proceeding. Part 4, Zatoka, Ukraine, Track: 7: Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Life Science. Sumy: Sumy State University, 2018.  P. 04NNLS-1 – 04NNLS-6.
  7. P. Koman. Interfacial  Interaction  in  Elastically-Plastically  Deformed  Single  Crystals  of   Semiconductors. – Joint  Conferences on  Advanced :  Materials  and Technologies:  The  14-th  Conference on  Functional  and  Nanostructured Materials –  FNMA-17; The  7-th   International  Conference on Physics of Disordered Systems– PDS-17.  25–29  September 2017, Lviv & Yaremche . Ukraine.  Abstract  Book.– P. 84–86.
  8. Koman, V. Yuzevich.  Design of interphase  co-operation  of nanolayers in the systems “metal-dielectric”. 9-th Ukrainian-Polish Scientific  and Practical Conference Electronics and Information Technologies (ELIT-2017). August 28-31 2017, Lviv–Chynadiyevo, Ukrainian.  Abstract  Book.– P. 266–268.
  9. Koman B.P., Bihun R.I.,Yuzevich V.M., Dzhala R.M. Mechanical and thermodynamics parameters in Si-metal structures for micro- and nanoelectronics. International  research  and practice conference:  Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials ( NANO-2017)–23–26 August 2017. Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Abstract  – P. 415–416.

Patents for inventions and copyright certificates:

  1. B.P. Koman, LM Morozov, IB Olenich. Patent for the invention № 117139, 25.06.2018. Method of processing silicon MOS transistors. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. IPC92018.01) H01L21 / 00 H01L29 / 00.
  2. Bigun R.I, Stasiuk Z.V, Koman B.P., Morozov L.M. The method of obtaining copper nanofilms. Patent for invention № 116839. Registered 10.05.2018. IPC (2018.01) C23C14 / 18 (2006/01) C23C14 / 24 (2006/01) C03C17 / 40 (2006/01) C01 G 3/00 B32 B15 / 20 (2006/01) B82Y 40/00 B82B 3/00 B05D 3/10 (206/01) Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
  3. Patent for the invention №110461. The method of obtaining a silicon MOS transistor. / B.P. Koman, LM Morozov. Registered 12.01. 2016 IPC H01L21 / 26 (2016.01). Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
  4. Patent for invention №108773 A method of manufacturing silicon MOS transistors / Koman BP, Morozov LM, Monastyrsky LS – 10.06-2015, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
  5. Patent № 99369. Ukraine, IPC (2012). The method of reducing the concentration of acceptors / Koman BP, Morozov LM, Pisarevsky VK (Ukraine, applicant and patent owner Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. – № a 201014881 application. 13. 12. 2010, published June 25, 2012, Bulletin № 129.
  6. Patent № 86018. Ukraine, IPC (2006). The method of obtaining a silicon transistor / Koman BP, Morozov LM (Ukraine, applicant and patent owner Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. –№ a 200509623 application. 13. 10. 2005, registered on 25.03.2009. Publ. 25. 04. 2007, bulletin №5.
  7. Patent № 77961. Ukraine, IPC (2007). The method of obtaining a silicon transistor / Koman BP, Morozov LM (Ukraine, applicant and patent owner Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. –№ 2004010504 application. 22. 01. 2004, publ. 15. 08. 2005, bulletin № 8.
  8. Patent № 72308. Ukraine, IPC. The method of obtaining a silicon transistor / Koman BP, Morozov LM (Ukraine, applicant and patent owner Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. -№ 2002087054 application 28. 08. 2002, publ. 15. 02. 2005 r., bul. №2.
  9. Declarative patent № 72073A, IPC. The method of obtaining a silicon transistor / Koman BP, Morozov LM (Ukraine, applicant and patent owner Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. -№2003065799 application 23.06.2003, publ. л 1.
  10. Patent № 86137. Ukraine, IPC (2009). Method of metallization of silicon substrates / Koman BP, Morozov LM (Ukraine, applicant and patent owner Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. – 2007 a 200708457 application. 23.07. 2007, publ. 26. 01. 2009, Bull. № 2.
  11. Patent № 92. Ukraine, IPC. Method of metallization of silicon substrates / Koman BP, Morozov LM, Yuzevich VM (Ukraine, applicant and patent owner Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. –№ 2002087053 application. 28. 08. 2002, publ. 17. 07. 2003.
  12. Author’s certificate of the USSR, №1366872, 5D G 01 B 7/08. Capacitive sensor for measuring the thickness of the sprayed film / Yukhimyuk Zh.G., Kostyshin VG, Koman BP (Ukraine, applicant and patent owner Ivan Franko Lviv State University. –№ 4085720 / 25–28 application. 14. 07. 1986, publ. 15. 01. 1988, Bull. № 2.
  13. Author’s certificate of the USSR, №1456765. class 01 In 7/08. Capacitive sensor-witness for controlling the thickness of the sprayed dielectric film / Yukhimyuk Zh.G., Koman BP (Ukraine, applicant and patent owner Ivan Franko Lviv State University. – № 4260631. Application. 11. 06. 87, publ. 07. 02. 1989, bul. № 5.
  14. Author’s certificate of the USSR, №1461127 Device for measuring the thickness of the sprayed film / Koman BP, Yukhimyuk Zh.G. (Ukraine, applicant and patent owner Ivan Franko Lviv State University. Application №4260318. Application. 11. 06. 1987, bul. 2.


He was born on August 28, 1950 in the village of Mageriv, Lviv region, Zhovkva district.

He graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Ivan Franko State University of Lviv with a degree in Physics. Teacher of Physics (1972), graduate school at the Department of Semiconductor Physics (1974-1977). Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1981), Engineer, Junior Research Fellow, Research Assistant, Department of Semiconductor Physics (1980-1982), Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor, Department of Radioelectronic Materials Science (1983), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2015), Professor (2018).

He worked at the departments of semiconductor physics, radio electronic materials science, physical and biomedical electronics, system design of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

He has published: 2 monographs, a textbook, three textbooks, more than 170 scientific papers in specialized and international publications. Author of 14 patents for inventions and copyright certificates.

Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies, Member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Section 5: Electronics, Radio Engineering and Telecommunications).



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