Vasyl Lyashkevych

Position: Associate Professor, System Design Department

Scientific degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor


Google Scholar profile:

ORCID profile:

Scopus profile:

Web of Science (Publons) profile: profile:

Facebook profile:

LinkedIn profile:

ResearchGate profile:

Research interests

The main directions of scientific investigation and innovative solution

  • Metaverse and multi-agent business environment
  • Digital and virtual products and services
  • Self-learning visual search services

Pedagogical, scientific and professional internship

1. GlobalLogic, A Hitachi Group Company

Internship at GlobalLogic Education from 14.11.2023 р. to 30.11.2023р.  Topic: “IT insight for Educators”. Certificate.


2. GlobalLogic, A Hitachi Group Company

Internship at GlobalLogic Education from 04.07.2023 р. to 03.08.2023р.  Topic: “IT tools for educators”.  Certificate.

3. Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Professional Pre-Higher Education

Internship from 04/06/2023 to 06/09/2023 in the program: “Improving teaching skills”. Сертифікат серія СВ № 02070987/000104-2023 від 17.07.2023.


4. GlobalLogic, A Hitachi Group Company

Internship at GlobalLogic Education from 20.02.2023 р. to 19.05.2023р.  Topic: “The best practices in application development (enhanced)”. Certificate.


5. Ivan Franko Lviv National University   

Internship at the Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Professional Pre-Higher Education from 12/20/2022 to 12/21/2022. Topic: “Peculiarities of the development and content of the educational programs of selective disciplines, which ensure the formation of intercultural awareness and competencies of students of higher education”. Сертифікат серія СС № 38282994/5643-22 від 11.01.2023.


6. IBM Quantum Consultations. IBM, Nov 2020.

The certificate demonstrates foundational knowledge in how to answer client questions as they begin their quantum computing journey, and can speak about quantum computing as a technology, its potential, the need to beware of hype, & key players in the market. They can articulate potential business value for quantum computing, an overview of IBM’s quantum computing program “IBM Quantum”, how clients can engage, & connect clients advancing in the quantum computing journey to the right resources.


7. Master Big Data – Apache Spark/Hadoop/Sqoop/Hive/Flume/Mongo.

This certificate above verifies that Vasyl Lyashkevych successfully completed the course Master Big Data – Apache Spark/Hadoop/Sqoop/Hive/Flume/Mongo on 09/27/2020 as taught by Navdeep Kaur on Udemy. The certificate indicates the entire course was completed as validated by the student. The course duration represents the total video hours of the course at the time of most recent completion. Main topics to learn:

  • Hadoop distributed File system and commands.
  • Lifecycle of Sqoop command. 
  • Apache Spark
  • Hive
  • Sqoop import command to migrate data from Mysql to HDFS. 


8. Architecting with Google Compute Engine. (Oct 2019)

Google Cloud Training on Coursera. This certificate is necessary to have for professional certification with a statement in 2019. Main items to learn:

  • Google cloud fundamentals, core structure
  • Essential infrastructure
  • Elastic google cloud infrastructure
  • Reliable google cloud infrastructure


9. Technology Architect at Accenture (Sep 2019).

Accenture takes care of professionals and thus sometimes opens Master Technology Architect Program for 2 weeks of working full-time. The certificate is earned after the successful execution of a graduated task (Created and documented technological solution according to defined requirements). The main topics:

  • Requirements analysis and architectural styles and patterns
  • Creation of end-to-end enterprise cloud solutions for data-centric systems
  • Multi-streaming and multi-processing in distributed systems and databases
  • Preparation of the technical documentation which describes the application architecture 


10. Introduction to Supply Chain Finance & Blockchain Technology.

New York Institute of Finance on Coursera, Jun 2019. Main topics to learn:

  • Recognize the various means to improve the working capital of your company or your corporate client.
  • Recognize the process to implement and manage a Supply Chain Finance program.
  • Identify the main players, competitors, and enablers in Global Supply Chain Finance.
  • Recognize the impact of new technologies in Supply Chain Finance and how to apply them.


11. Quantum Machine Learning on EdX (Apr 2019).

The University of Toronto. Main topics to learn:

  • Distinguish between quantum computing paradigms relevant to machine learning
  • Assess expectations for quantum devices on various time scales
  • Identify opportunities in machine learning for using quantum resources
  • Implement learning algorithms on quantum computers in Python


12. Deep Learning specialisation on Coursera (Sep 2018). 

The main topics to learn:

  • Build and train deep neural networks, identify key architecture parameters, implement vectorized neural networks and deep learning to applications
  • Train test sets, analyse variance for DL applications, use standard techniques and optimisation algorithms, and build neural networks in TensorFlow
  • Build a CNN and apply it to detection and recognition tasks, use neural style transfer to generate art, and apply algorithms to image and video data
  • Build and train RNNs, work with NLP and Word Embeddings, and use HuggingFace tokenisers and transformer models to perform NER and question-answering


Selected publications

  1. Lyashkevych. Risks’ Attribute Values Evaluation in Software Engineering by Monte Carlo Simulation / M. Lyashkevych, V. Lyashkevych, R. Shuvar // IEEE 13th International Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies (ELIT), 2023. – 137-141 pp., doi:
  2. Liashkevych, M., Liashkevych, V., Shuvar, R. (2023). Markup ontology design for a content management system. Information Technology: Computer Science, Software Engineering and Cyber Security, 1, 67–73, doi: 
  3. Lyashkevych. Get a list of feature extractors based on feature importance techniques / M. Lyashkevych, V. Lyashkevych, R. Shuvar // Electronics and information technologies. 2022. Issue 20. P. 51–61, doi:
  4. Makarchuk R.I. Solving the intelligent diagnostics of computer means tasks using search web services  // Lyashkevych V.Y., Vorobets G.I. / Scientific Bulletin Chernivtsi National University. Computer System and Components. – 2015. V. 6. – N. 2. – P.23-26. 
  5. Makarchuk R.I., Lyashkevych V.Y., Vorobets G.I. An architecture of searching service for resolving tasks intelligence diagnostic of computer means. Materials of the scientific seminar. 22 June, 2015, Iasi, Romania.
  6. Lyashkevych, V. Actuality development searching service for solving tasks of intelligence diagnostic computer means [Text] / V. Lyashkevych, R. Makarchuk // Proceeding Of the 6th International Conference ACSN-2013. – Lviv: Ukraine Technology, 2013. – Pp.32-34.
  7. Lyashkevych, O. Olar and M. Liashkevych, “Software ontology subject domain intelligence diagnostics of computer means,” 2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS), Berlin, Germany, 2013, pp. 601-606, doi:
  8. Ляшкевич В. Я. Вибір критеріїв встановлення відповідності між поняттями в базах знань [Електронний ресурс] / В. Я. Ляшкевич, О. Я. Олар // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. – 2013. – № 6(12). – С. 65-67. – Режим доступу:
  9. Ляшкевич В. Я. Особливості пошуку діагностичної інформації для вирішення задач інтелектуального діагностування [Електронний ресурс] / В. Я. Ляшкевич, Р. І. Макарчук // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. – 2013. – № 6(12). – С. 109-112. – Режим доступу:
  10. Ляшкевич В. Я. Використання ситуаційного підходу при побудові онтології предметної галузі “Інтелектуальне діагностування комп’ютерних засобів” [Електронний ресурс] / В. Я. Ляшкевич, Р. І. Макарчук, А. В. Надєєв // Вісник Хмельницького національного університету. Технічні науки. – 2013. – № 5. – С. 152-158. – Режим доступу:
  11. Olar O.Y., Lyashkevych V.Y. Evaluation of efficiency the gains of knowledge repository in the process of computer tools diagnostics // Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi University: Computer systems and components. – Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi National University, No1. – 2013. – P.97-103. (Ukrainian)
  12. Olar O.Y. Formation of the concept of templates for situations intellectual process of diagnosing computer tools // O.Y. Olar, V.Y. Lyashkevych, M.Y. Lyashkevych, I.S. Tsurcan // Scientific Herald KNU. Engineering. – No1. – 2013. – P. 101-107. (Ukrainian)
  13. Lyashkevych, V.Y. Matching between concepts in databases and knowledge repositories thematic field of “predictive diagnostics computer means” [Text] // V.Y. Lyashkevych / Materials III-th International Scientific Conference “Physical and technological problems of wireless devices, telecommunications, nano- and microelectronics.” – Chernivtsi, 2013. – S. 132. (Ukrainian)
  14. Lyashkevych, V.Y. Interaction of search engines diagnostician in solving problems of predictive diagnostics [Text] // V.Y. Lyashkevych, R.I. Makarchuk / Materials III-th International Scientific Conference “Physical and technological problems of wireless devices, telecommunications, nano- and microelectronics.” – Chernivtsi, 2013. – P. 131. (Ukrainian)
  15. Lyashkevych, V.Y. Use a thesaurus terms for interconnection of different subject areas [Text] // V.Y. Lyashkevych, O.Y. Olar, M.Y. Lyashkevych / National Scientific Conference Pictou-2013. Abstracts. – Chernivtsi: Pedigree, 2013. – P.90-92. (Ukrainian)
  16. Politanskyy L.F. Encrypting information using a pseudorandom Gaussian sequence / L.F. Politanskyy, P.M. Shpatar, A.V. Gres, V.Y. Lyashkevych // Eastern European Journal of advanced technologies. – 2012 – No6 / 11 (60). – P 8-10. (Ukrainian)
  17. Olar O.Y., Lyashkevych V.Y., Tsurcan I.S. Application of data mining to the subject field of “predictive diagnostics computer tools”// Collection of scientific papers on materials international scientific-practical conference. Conf. “Modern problems and solutions in science, transport, manufacturing and education’2012.” T.2. Tech. science. – Odesa: Black Sea, 2012. – P.58-64. (Ukrainian)
  18. Olar O.Y. Implementation and research the generalized formal of process model predictive the diagnostics computer facilities / O.Y. Olar, V.Y. Lyashkevych // Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi National University. 2. T. Vol. 2: Computer systems and components. – Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi National University, 2011. – P.97-103. (Ukrainian)
  19. Lyashkevych V.Y., Sidoruk A.V. Software implementation of a virtual processor for writing programs with the ability to modify their code during execution // Bulletin Khmelnytsky National University. – 2009. – No 2. – P.212-216. (Ukrainian)
  20. Lyashkevych Proceedings of V., the Oksana 5th O., Mirosh O. Logic-Textual and Neuronet Approach to Search Information // IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications 21-23 September 2009, Rende (Cosenza), Italy. – P.539-543.
  21. Lokazyuk V., Olar O., Lyaskevych V. Software for Creating Knowledge Base of Intelligent Systems of Diagnosing Process // 2009. – Advanced Computer System and Networks: Design and Application: ACSN 2009.-Lviv, 2009. – P. – 140 – 145.
  22. Olar O.Y., Lyashkevych V.Y., Machyshyn T.V. Intelligent interactive test system // Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi National University. Computer systems and components. – 2009. – No 446. – P.108-111. (Ukrainian)
  23. Lyashkevych V.Y., Melnychuk S.V., Ratush E.V. The use of semantic networks to study ways to improve methods of textual information retrieval // Bulletin Khmelnytsky National University. – 2008. – No 4. – P.129- 132. (Ukrainian)
  24. Lyashkevych V.Y., Hnytka A.V. Design the search device of diagnostic information // Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi National University. Physics. Electronics. – 2008. – No 426. – P. 131-136. (Ukrainian)
  25. Lyashkevych V.Y. Technological aspects of designing functional electronic devices, which are the realization of the neuron networks algorithms // Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Development and application systems, Suceava, Romania, May 22-24, 2008. – P. 156-159.
  26. Olar O.Y., Lyashkevych M.Y., Lyashkevych V.Y. Expert assessment of the effectiveness of software diagnostics tools for hard disks // Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi National University. Physics. Electronics. – 2008. – No 423. – P. 110-116. (Ukrainian)
  27. Ляшкевич В. Я. Оцінка ефективності роботи методів класифікації текстів [Електронний ресурс] / В. Я. Ляшкевич, О. П. Мірош // Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи. – 2008. – № 5. – С. 9–17. – Режим доступу:
  28. Lyashkevych V.Y., Sidoruk A.V. Development of a virtual processor to implement programs with the ability to modify code during execution // “Computer Systems and Network Technologies” conference (2008, Kyiv). International Scientific Conference “Computer systems and network technologies”, 17-19 March 2008. : Collection of abstracts. – Kyiv, 2008. – P.129-132. (Ukrainian)
  29. Lyashkevych V.Y., Mirosh A.P. Matching between user requests and meaning Web document // Proceedings of the International Conference “Theoretical and applied aspects of building software systems” (Chernihiv, Kyiv, 22-26 September 2008). Part 2. -2008. – P.156-163. (Ukrainian)
  30. Lyashkevych V.Y. Search device of the typed information // Proceedings of the IX Int. scientific and technical. Conf. “Control and management in complicated systems” (Vinnytsia, 21-24 October 2008) – (Ukrainian)
  31. Lyashkevych V.Y. Using the criterion of utility for finding information // Proceedings of the International Conference “PROBLEMS OF DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTIES” (PDMU-2008). Kyiv, Rivne, 12-17 May 2008 – P.153-155. (Ukrainian)
  32. Lyashkevych V.Y., Tunyk O.B. Development of the site for testing computer systems and their components// Collection of scientific papers on materials international scientific-practical conference. Conf. “Modern problems and solutions in science, transport, manufacturing and education’2008.” T.2. Tech. science. – Odesa: Black Sea, 2008. – P.21-24. (Ukrainian)
  33. Lyashkevych V.Y., Bernik A.I. Studying the results of the search the diagnostic information // Collection of scientific papers on materials international scientific-practical conference. Conf. “Modern problems and solutions in science, transport, manufacturing and education’2008.” T.2. Tech. science. – Odesa: Black Sea, 2008. – P.90-95. (Ukrainian)
  34. Lyashkevych V.Y., Olar O.Y., Kinaschuk A.I. Evaluating the effectiveness of hard drives with modern diagnostics software // Bulletin Khmelnytsky National University. – 2007. – No 6. – P.96-99. (Ukrainian)
  35. Lyashkevych V.Y, Bagirov Sh. Investigation of pictures search methods in video files// Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on “Microelectronics and Computer Science”, V.1, Sept. 19-21, 2007. – P. 450-453.
  36. Lyashkevych V.Y, Mirosh O.P. classifier methods // Proceedings Subject-oriented of the 5th International informational Conference retrieval on “Microelectronics system for investigation text and Computer Science”, V.1, Sept. 19-21, 2007. – P. 454-457.
  37. Lyashkevych V.Y., Mirosh A.P. The study of the opportunity of a probabilistic neural network to classify texts // Bulletin Khmelnytsky National University. – 2007. – No 6. – P.99-105. (Ukrainian)
  38. Makarchuk V.I., Lyashkevych V.Y., Olar O.Y, Melnychuk S.V. Technological factors influence the average processing time SQL-query servers // Bulletin CSTU. Computer information technology and systems. – 2007. – No1-2. – P.12-18. (Ukrainian)
  39. Lokazyuk V.M, Lyashkevych V.Y. Evaluating the effectiveness textual-logic and neural networks method and search tools of diagnostic information // Bulletin Khmelnytsky National University. – 2007. – No 2. – Vol.1. – P.160-166. (Ukrainian)
  40. Локазюк В. М. Розроблення програмного забезпечення для опрацювання текстів з діагностичною інформацією [Електронний ресурс] / В. М. Локазюк, В. Я. Ляшкевич, О. Я. Олар // Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи. – 2007. – № 6. – С. 123–129. – Режим доступу:
  41. Lokazyuk V.M., Lyashkevych V.Y. Textual search methods of diagnostic information for testing computer devices // Proceedings of 13th International Scientific Conference “Automation 2006”. – Ball: Universum. – 2007. – P.397-405. (Ukrainian)
  42. Makarchuk R.I., Lyashkevych V.Y., Olar O.Y., Melnychuk S.V. System testing interaction WEB and SQL-Server // New Technologies. – 2007. – No1-2 (15-16). – P.87-91. (Ukrainian)
  43. Veselovsky A.I., Lyashkevych V.Y., Olar O.Y., Melnychuk S.V. On improving the efficiency of diagnosis integrated circuits // New Technologies. – 2007. – No1-2 (15-16). – P.17-21. (Ukrainian)
  44. Lyashkevych V.Y. Research thematic areas to detect signs of them // Proceedings of the International Conference “PROBLEMS OF DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTIES” (PDMU-2007). Chernivtsi, 21-25 May 2007. – P.175-177. (Ukrainian)
  45. Lyashkevych V.Y., Pyslar A.V. Using the values of reliability for the prediction of the computer systems technical state // Collection of scientific papers on materials international scientific-practical conference. Conf. “Modern problems and solutions in science, transport, manufacturing and education’2007.” T.4. Tech. science. – Odesa: Black Sea, 2007. – P.13-14. (Ukrainian)
  46. Lyashkevych V.Y., Olar O.Y. Problems of development the information – search system based on logic- textual – neural networks method of the information search // Collection of scientific papers on materials international scientific-practical conference. Conf. “Modern problems and solutions in science, transport, manufacturing and education’2007.” T.4. Tech. science. – Odesa: Black Sea, 2007. – P.42- 45. (Ukrainian)
  47. Lyashkevych V.Y., Veselovsky A.O. The usage of VHDL for the study of faults in the structure of artificial neural networks // Collection of scientific papers on materials international scientific-practical conference. Conf. “Modern problems and solutions in science, transport, manufacturing and education’2007.” T.4. Tech. science. – Odesa: Black Sea, 2007. – P.14-19. (Ukrainian)
  48. Lyashkevych V.Y. Evaluation of usefulness and adequacy of information for diagnostic testing of computer tools in the system Simulink [Text] / V.Y. Lyashkevych // Bulletin of KNU. – Khmelnytskyi: KNU. – 2006. – No6 (87). – P.77-85. (Ukrainian)
  49. Ляшкевич В. Я. Модель пошуку діагностичної інформації для тестування комп’ютерних пристроїв [Електронний ресурс] / В. Я. Ляшкевич // Науковий вісник Чернівецького університету. Фізика, електроніка. – 2006. – Вип. 303. – С. 94-100. – Режим доступу:
  50. Локазюк В. М. Інформаційна система пошуку діагностичної інформації мікропроцесорних пристроїв [Електронний ресурс] / В. М. Локазюк, В. Я. Ляшкевич // Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи. – 2006. – № 6. – С. 103–109. – Режим доступу:
  51. Lokazyuk V.M., Lyashkevych V.Y. Textual diagnostic information search methods for testing computer devices // XIII International Conference on Automatic Control (Automation 2006). Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Scientific Conference. Vinnytsya, 25-28 September 2006. – Universum – Vinnitsa, 2006. – P.352. (Ukrainian)
  52. Lyashkevych M.Y., Olar O.Y., Lyashkevych V.Y. Technological problems finding information on the Internet // Information technologies in education, science and technology. Materials of the V All- Ukrainian conference of young scientists ITONT 2006: Cherkasy, 3-5 May 2006. – Cherkasy, Cherkasy National University, 2006. – P. 60. (Ukrainian)
  53. Makarchuk R.I., Lyashkevych V.Y., Olar O.Y. Pressure on the average processing time SQL-query servers // Information technologies in education, science and technology. Materials of the V All-Ukrainian conference of young scientists ITONT 2006: Cherkasy, 3-5 May 2006. – Cherkasy, Chernivtsi National University, 2006. – P. 8. (Ukrainian)
  54. Lokazyuk V.M., Lyashkevych V.Y. Conceptual model of finding diagnostic information for testing computer devices // Сontrol and management of complex systems. (CMCS-2005). Proceedings of the Eighth Scientific Conference. Vinnytsia, 24-27 October 2005. – Universum-Vinnytsia, 2005. – P.108. (Ukrainian)
  55. Lokazyuk V.M. Conceptual model of finding diagnostic information for testing computer devices [Text] / V.M. Lokazyuk, V.Y. Lyashkevych // International scientific journal “Information Technology and Computer Engineering”. – Ball: NTB. – 2005. – No3. – P. 221-229. (Ukrainian)
  56. Lokazyuk V.M. Problems of development of information retrieval system diagnostics computer devices [Text] / V.M. Lokazyuk, V.Y. Lyashkevych // Scientific Herald KNU. – Khmelnytskyi: KNU. – 2005. – No 4. – Part 1 – Vol.2. – P.169-175. (Ukrainian)
  57. Mikhnevich V.E., Lyashkevych V.Y., Olar O.Y., Fedoruk V.I. Stratum architecture as an object of study of computer science majors // Scientific Herald Khmelnytsky National University. Engineering. – 2005. – Vyp.4. – Often. 1, Vol.2. – P.77-81. (Ukrainian)
  58. Fedoruk V.I., Lyashkevych V.Y. Universal interface for accessing the on-screen image // Scientific Herald of Khmelnytsky National University. Engineering. – 2005. – Vyp.4. – Often. 1, Vol.2. – P.42-46. (Ukrainian)
  59. Lyashkevych V.Y. Algorithm Intellectual PC diagnostic program [Text] / V.Y. Lyashkevych, V.I. Fedoruk // Bulletin TUP. – Khmelnytskyi: KSU. – 2004. – No 2. – Part 1, Vol.1. – P.68-74. (Ukrainian)
  60. IX Scientific Conference “Measuring and computing in technological processes.” Danchuk A.S., Lyashkevych V.Y., Fedoruk V.I. “Hardware bridge MTM-GSM”. Collected Works, Issue No9, Volume 1, May 30 – June 2, 2002, Khmelnytskyi, P.135-141. (Ukrainian)
  61. Семенюк О.Д. Застосування JAVA–сервлетів для offline-завантаження ресурсів з мережі Internet [Електронний ресурс] / О. Д. Семенюк, М. М. Колесніков, В. Я. Ляшкевич, В. І. Федорук // Науковий вісник Чернівецького університету. Фізика, електроніка. – 2001. – Вип. 112. – С. 100-103. – Режим доступу:
  62. V Ukrainian scientifically-practical conference “Computer technologies for educational purposes in Chemistry”. Fedoruk V.I., Lyashkevych V.Y., Bratenko M.K., Chornous V.A. “Electronic Directory of the course the Bioorganic Chemistry”. Abstracts of V Ukrainian scientific-technical conference “Computer technologies for educational purposes in Chemistry”, Donetsk, May. – 2001. – P. 44. (Ukrainian)
  63. Ляшкевич В. Я. Інтерактивна тестова оболонка та електронний інтернет-довідник для навчанння та контролю знань студентів [Електронний ресурс] / В. Я. Ляшкевич, В. І. Федорук // Науковий вісник Чернівецького університету. Фізика, електроніка. – 2001. – Вип. 102. – С. 96-99. – Режим доступу:


2021-present: Solutions Architect at GlobalLogic, A Hitachi Group Company (Lviv, Ukraine)

2021-present: Associate Professor at the Department of System Design, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

2017-2021: Artificial Intelligence Technology Architect, Deputy Manager at Accenture (Riga, Latvia)

2015-2017: Lead Engineer of artificial intelligence software at PC Computer Systems and Software Innovation Group (Chernivtsi, Ukraine)

2009-2015: Lead Machine Learning Engineer at PC Globak (Chernivtsi, Ukraine)

2008-2014: Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Systems and Networks, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

2012: Promoted to Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Systems and Networks

2008: Received the title of PhD

2007: He defended his Ph.D. thesis on “Textual and neural network method and tools for searching for diagnostic information for testing computer systems”.
The dissertation is devoted to solving an urgent scientific and technical problem – increasing the efficiency of the CS testing process. A new conceptual model is proposed, which, by analyzing not all available sources of information, reduces the time of searching for the diagnostic information for the successful testing of the CS, and allows the use of an artificial neural network to assess the sufficiency of the diagnostic information.

2003-2008: Ph.D. student of the Department of System Design of Khmelnytsky National University, specialty 05.13.13 – Computers, systems and networks

2002-2008: Assistant of the Department of Computer Systems and Networks, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

2000-2002: Trainee lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

1990-1995: Student of the Faculty of Physics, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.


GlobalLogic, A Hitachi Group Company:

  • “Hitachi ML/CV Platform”, Nov 2023 – present
  • “Data migration & Cloud Analitycs with ML/CV”, Jan 2023 – Oct 2023
  • “Medicine & Health Treatment “, Aug 2021 – Dec 2022
  • “Computer Vision: Object detection + tracking”, Feb 2021 – Aug 2021



  • “Virtual Agent Hub”, Sep 2019 – Jan 2021
  • “Riga Liquid Studio”, Dec 2017 – Jun 2020
  • “PPE and Environment Safety Monitoring”, Feb 2019 – May 2020
  • “Extra Designer: Business designing”, Feb 2019 – May 2020
  • “Fashion Advisory”, Feb 2019 – Jan 2020
  • “Sign language”, Mar 2018 – Aug 2018
  • “Apple Picker Robot”, Dec 2017 – Feb 2019
  • “Immigration services chat-bot tools”, Jun 2018 – Nov 2018


PC Computer Systems and Software Innovation Group:

  • “Search web services”, Feb 2015 – Dec 2017
  • “Delivery advisor”, Sep 2017 – Nov 2017
  • “Multi-site intellectual compiling tools”, Jun 2017 – Aug 2017
  • “AI business analytics and risk analysis”, Oct 2016 – Apr 2017
  • “Semantic Markup Ontology”, Aug 2016 – Mar 2017
  • “Personal Health Dashboard”, May 2016 – Oct 2016


Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University:

  • “Information retrieval self-taught system”, Jan 2006 – Dec 2013
  • “Development of methods for knowledge representation while integrating diverse components of artificial intelligence in the database”, Sep 2008 – Dec 2013
  • “Methods and algorithms of ontology creation of “Intelligence diagnostics of computer means” subject domain, Sep 2009 – Jun 2013
  • The Scientific Basis of Creation, Testing, and Reliability Improvement of the Sensor Signals in Automatic Control Systems, Computer’s Parts and Devices and Information Protection In Computer Systems, Dec 2010 – Dec 2012
  • “Text-logical and deep learning techniques of diagnostic information search” (within PhD theme), Dec 2003 – Dec 2009


Awards and Gratitudes of Ivan Franko Lviv National University:

  1. Gratitude from LNU “for many years of conscientious work and significant achievements in scientific and pedagogical activities“, October 11, 2023.

  2. Certificate of Appreciation for “Speaker of Artificial Intelligence Technologies Summer School 2023“, July 7, 2023.

  3. Gratitude from LNU for “Speaker of Data Engineering and Security 2023“, February 2023

  4. Certificate of Appreciation for “Speaker of Artificial Intelligence Technologies Summer School 2022“, July 8, 2022.


Awards and Gratitudes of GlobalLogic, A Hitachi Group Company:

(01/2024) Trusted Interviewer – 2023

(01/2023) Trusted Interviewer – 2022

(04/2022) LTIP Award

(01/2022) Trusted Interviewer – 2021

(07/2021) Stellar Contributor


Awards and Gratitudes of Accenture:

(09/2020) Great Work in FY20 CSE Maturity Model team


(08/2019) Best Innovator Team Member


(09/2018) Innovation Champion



Awards and Gratitudes of PC Computer Systems and Software Innovation Group:

(12/2016) CSSIG Solution 2016

(12/2015) For a significant contribution


Awards and Gratitudes of PC Globak:

(12/2013) The best innovator


Awards and Gratitudes of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University:

(03/2010) For high professional achievements 

(10/2008 – Oct 2010) Стипендія Кабінету Міністрів України для молодих науковців

(09/2008, 10/2007) For essential impact on high professional engineers curation 

(04/2007) For high achievements

Teaching materials

A list of developed electronic courses:

  1. Selected Sections of Data Science” (2023), еlectronic course in Moodle. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • general information about the course
    • 16 presentations for lectures, 16 laboratory works, 16 tasks for independent works
  2. Архітектури та технології машинного навчання” (2023), електронний курс в мудл. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • general information about the course
    • 16 presentations for lectures, 16 laboratory works, 16 tasks for independent works
  3. Методології дослідження даних” (2023), електронний курс в мудл. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • general information about the course
    • 16 presentations for lectures, 16 laboratory works, 16 tasks for independent works
  4. Хмарний комп’ютинг” (2023), електронний курс в мудлі. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • general information about the course
    • 16 presentations for lectures, 16 laboratory works, 16 tasks for independent works
  5. The Best Practices in Application Development (enhanced)” (2022), електронний курс в мудл. Developed in English:
    • Classes: 32 hours
    • Hands-on: 16 hours
    • Self-education: 72 hours
    • Totally: 120 hours / 4 credits in ECTS
  6. The Best Practices in Application Development (intensive)” (2022), електронний курс в мудл. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • Classes: 72 hours
    • Hands-on: 28 hours
    • Self-education: 20 hours
    • Totally: 120 hours / 4 credits in ECTS
  7. Розподілені технології та бази даних” (2022), електронний курс в мудлі. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • general information about the course
    • 16 presentations for lectures, 16 laboratory works, 16 tasks for independent works, and project tasks (16 stages of execution)
  8. Методи та технології машинного навчання“(2022), електронний курс в мудлі. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • general information about the course
    • 16 presentations for lectures, 16 laboratory works, 16 tasks for independent works, and project tasks (16 stages of execution)
  9. Методи та технології опрацювання даних” (2022), електронний курс в мудлі. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • general information about the course
    • 16 presentations for lectures, 16 laboratory works, 16 tasks for independent works
  10. Веб-програмування” (2022), електронний курс в мудлі. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • general information about the course
    • 16 presentations for lectures, 10 laboratory works, 16 tasks for independent works
  11. Веб-технології та програмування” (2022), електронний курс в мудлі. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • general information about the course
    • 16 presentations for lectures, 10 laboratory works, 16 tasks for independent works
  12. (СЕРТИФІКОВАНО)Бази даних” (2021), електронний курс в мудлі. Protocol №183-23 July 4, 2023. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • general information about the course
    • 16 presentations for lectures, 9 laboratory works, 16 tasks for independent works
  13. (СЕРТИФІКОВАНО) Вступ в інженерію програмного забезпечення” (2021), електронний курс в мудлі. Protocol №178-23 July 4, 2023. Developed in Ukraine/English:
    • general information about the course
    • 16 presentations for lectures, 6 laboratory works, 16 tasks for independent works


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