Taras Nenchuk
Position: Associate Professor, System Design Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Phone (office): (032) 239-4678
Email: taras.nenchuk@lnu.edu.ua
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com
Research interests
Scientific research is carried out as part of a personal initiative on the topic: “Systematic data analysis by means of artificial intelligence and machine learning” No.Dr 0122U200688 (in free time from the main job). In accordance with the subject of the scientific work of the department, it is planned to process raw three-dimensional loosely structured experimental data with the aim of converting them into a two-dimensional format for analysis by means of machine learning and the development of algorithms for the analysis of large arrays of spectral data obtained for the surfaces of solids by the methods of scanning tunneling spectroscopy and low energy electron diffraction using the Python. The result of the work is optimization of data processing while transition from their acquisition to analysis and algorithmization of experimental data processing, proposed machine learning models for processing arrays of two-dimensional data that allow effective identification of different shaped nanostructural elements obtained on the surfaces of layered crystals as a result of the solid-state dewetting procedure.
Навчальні дисципліни
- Nenchuk T.M. Self ‑ assembled indium nanostructures formation on InSe (0001) surface / P.V. Galiy, P. Mazur, A. Ciszewski, T.M. Nenchuk, Ya.M. Buzhuk, · O.V. Tsvetkova // Applied Nanoscience, 2020, 7pp. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13204-020-01421-y
- Nenchuk T.M. Surface termination and Schottky-barrier formation of In4Se3 (001) / Archit Dhingra, Pavlo V Galiy, Lu Wang, Nataliia S Vorobeva, Alexey Lipatov, Angel Torres, Taras M Nenchuk, Simeon J Gilbert, Alexander Sinitskii, Andrew J Yost, Wai- Ning Mei, Keisuke Fukutani, Jia-Shiang Chen, Peter A Dowben // Semiconductor Science and Technology, V. 35, N.6, 2020, p. 065009 http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1361-6641/ab7e45
- Nenchuk T.M. Indium segregation to the selvedge of In4Se3 (001) / Archit Dhingra, Zoe G. Marzouk, Esha Mishra, Pavlo V. Galiy, Taras M. Nenchuk, Peter A. Dowben // Physica B 593 (2020) p. 412280 (pp.3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2020.412280
- Nenchuk T.M. Scanning tunneling microscopy / spectroscopy study of In / In4Se3 (100) nanosystem / P.V. Galiy, P. Mazur, A. Ciszewski, T.M. Nenchuk, I.R. Yarovets’ // The European Physical Journal Plus. – V. 134, 2019, p. 70 (6pp). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/i2019-12461-1.
- Nenchuk T.M. Quantitative analysis of indium deposited layer formation mechanism for In / In4Se3 (100) nanosystem / P.V. Galiy, T.M. Nenchuk, P. Mazur, A. Ciszewski, I.R. Yarovets // Journal Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, V. 674, 2018, Issue 1: 6th Intern. Conf. on Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (NANO-2018), Part 2, Pages 11-18 Published online: 24 Jun 2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/15421406.2019.1578487
- Nenchuk T.M. Building the Quasi One Dimensional Transistor from 2D Materials / Pavlo V. Galiy, Lu Wang, Avinash Kumar, Bilal Barut, Taras M. Nenchuk, Andrew Yost, Alexander Sinitskii, Michael Randle, Simeon Gilbert, Chun-Pui Kwan, Shenchu Yin, Takashi Komesu, Jonathan P. Bird, Alexey Lipatov, Nataliia Vorobeva, Jubin Nathawat, Nargess Arabchigavkani, Keke He, Wai-Ning Mei, Peter A. Dowben // 2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Conference Proceedings, Lviv, Ukraine, July 2-6, 2019, p. 679-682.
- Nenchuk T.M. Indium deposited nanosystem formation on InSe (0001) surface applied as template / P.V. Galiy, T.M. Nenchuk, A. Ciszewski, P. Mazur, Ya.M. Buzhuk, Z.M. Lubun, O.R. Dveriy // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, V. 41, issue №10, 2019, p. 1291-1301.
- Nenchuk T.M. Scanning tunneling microscopy / spectroscopy study of In / In4Se3 (100) nanosystem / P.V.Galiy, T.M.Nenchuk, Ciszewski, P. Mazur, O.R. Dveriy // 9th International workshop on surface physics. Book of abstracts. June 24-28, 2019 – Trzebnica, Poland. – P. 48. http://www.iwsp2019.ifd.uni.wroc.pl/files/AbstractBook.pdf.
- Nenchuk T.M. Application of InSe (0001) surface as template for indium deposited 0D nanosystem formation / P.V.Galiy, T.M.Nenchuk, A. Ciszewski, P. Mazur, O.R. Dveriy, Ya.M Buzhuk // Book of abstracts International research and practice conference “Nanotechnology and nanomaterials” NANO 2019, 27-30 August 2019, Lviv, Ukraine, p. 368. http://www.iop.kiev.ua/~een/PICNIC-2019/files/nano19program.pdf
- Nenchuk T.M. Formation of Indium Nanowires on (100) Surface of In4Se3 Layered Crystal / V.Galiy, T.M.Nenchuk, P.Mazur, O.P.Poplavskyy // ХVII Intern. Conf. on Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems: Book of Abstr., May 20-25, 2019, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. – Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. 2019. – P. 189.https: //conference.pu.if.ua/phys_che/start/conference_17/zbirn_%202019_internet.pdf
- Nenchuk T.M. Tunable In / In4Se3 (100) nanosystem application for nanoelectronics / P.V.Galiy, T.M.Nenchuk, A. Ciszewski, P. Mazur, O.R. Dveriy // E-MRS 2019 Fall Meeting, September 16-19, 2019, Warsaw, Poland. Symposium D Materials for nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, P. PP5TL, D.01.7. https://www.european-mrs.com/sites/default/files/pdf/full_conference_prog.pdf
- Nenchuk T.M. Elemental-phase composition study of por-Si / c-Si heterostructure’s interfaces obtained by electrochemical etching / V.Galiy, T.M.Nenchuk, O.R. Dveriy, О.В. Tsvetkova // Book of abstracts Ukrainian Conference with International participation “CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF SURFACE”. May 15 – 17, 2019. – Kyiv, Ukraine. – P.69. https://www.isc.gov.ua/images/documents/conference/2019/book_2019.pdf
- Patent for utility model of Ukraine № 130851, application number № u201807411, IPC G01Q 80/00 (2018.01), B82Y 35/00 (2018.01) application dated 02.07.2018 Publ. 12/26/2018 – Bull.№ 24. Galiy P.V., Nenchuk T.M., Tsvetkova O.V. / “Method for determining the presence of nanometer semiconductor and metal sections on the surface of materials of nano- and micro-integrated electronics”. http://base.uipv.org/searchINV/search.php?action=viewdetails&IdClaim=254029
- Patent for a utility model of Ukraine № 136617, application number № u201902507, IPC B82B 1/00 (2019.01), B82B 3/00 (2019.01), C23C 4/06 (2016.1), C23C 4/18 (2006.01), B82Y 40 / 00 (2019.01) application dated 14.03.2019, Publ. 08/27/2019 – Bull.№ 16. Galiy P.V., Nenchuk T.M., Tsvetkova O.V. / “Method of obtaining linear conductive nanowires on a nanostructured surface” .http: //base.uipv.org/searchINV/search.php? Action = viewdetails & IdClaim = 261429
- Nenchuk T.M. Quantitative analysis of indium deposited layer formation mechanism for In / In4Se3 (100) nanosystems / P.V. Galiy, P. Mazur, T.M. Nenchuk, I.R. Yarovets, О.R. Dveriy, I.O. Poplavskyy // Intern. research and practice conf. “Nanotechnology and nanomaterials” (Nano 2018) / Book of Abstr., 27-30 August 2018.- Kyiv, Ukraine, P.468.
- Nenchuk T.M. Analysis of the formation of indium nanostructures on the surface of a layered In4Se3 semiconductor crystal by scanning tunneling microscopy / spectroscopy / P.V. Galiy, T.M. Nenchuk, P. Mazur, and A. Ciszewsky, I.R. Yarovets, Ya.M. Buzhuk // V International. scientific-practical conf. “Semiconductor materials., Information technologies. and photovoltaics ”/ Thesis, May 17-19, 2018 – Kremenchuk.- P. 80-81.
- Nenchuk T.M. Topography and density of surface electronic states of juvenile and defective nanostructured chipping surfaces (100) of layered In4Se3 crystals / P.V. Galiy, P. Mazur, A.Ciszewsky, T.M. Nenchuk, I.R. Yarovets, Ya.M. Buzhuk , О.R. Dveriy // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2018. – v. 10, № 4. – P. 04002-1 – 04002-12.
- Nenchuk T.M. Study of Self-assembled 2D Ag Nanostructures Intercalated into In4Se3 layered semiconducture crystals /P.V. Galiy, T.M. Nenchuk, O.R. Dveriy, A. Ciszewski, P. Mazur, I.O. Poplavskyy // Proceeding of the 2018 IEEE 8-th Intern. Conf. on “Nanomaterials: Applcations & Properties (NAP-2018)”, September 9-14, 2018, Odessa-Zatoka, Ukraine. – P. 02CBM02-1–02CBM02-5.
- Nenchuk T.M. Structural aspect of the In / In4Se3 (100) nanosystem formation /P.V. Galiy , P. Mazur, A. Ciszewski , T.M. Nenchuk , I.R. Yarovets’ , O.R. Dveriy // Metallophysics and advanced technologies, V. 40, issue №10, 2018, p. 1361-1371.
- Nenchuk T.M. Element-phase and structural studies of polycrystalline surfaces of compounds of the b-Ga2O3-SnO2 system / P.V. Galiy, V.I. Vasyltsiv, A.P. Luchechko, P. Mazur, T.M. Nenchuk , О.V. Tsvetkova, I.R. Yarovets // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2018. – v. 10, № 5. – P. 05039-1 – 05039-8.
- Nenchuk T.M. Peculiarities of Nickel nanostructures formed on interlayer chipping surfaces (0001) of NiXInSe intercalates / P.V. Galiy, I.R. Yarovets, T.M. Nenchuk, P. Mazur, A. Ciszewsky, O.R. Dveriy // Chemistry, physics and surface technology. – 2018, vol. 9, №1. – P. 46-63.
- Nenchuk T.M. Data processing for scanning tunneling spectroscopy analysis of metal and semiconductors areas in nanoscale / T.M. Nenchuk, P.V.Galiy, Buzhuk Ya.M., K.A. Korvats’ka // Proceedings of the Xth Intern. Sientifics and Practical Conf. “Electronics and Inform. Technologies ”(ELIT-2018) Aug 3 – Sept. 2 2018 Lviv-Karpaty, Ukraine. – P. A-88 – A-91.
- Nenchuk T.M. NixInSe (0001) Metal-Semiconductor Hetero Nano System Study / P.V. Galiy , T.M. Nenchuk , A. Ciszewski, P. Mazur , I.R. Yarovets’, O.R.Dveriy // Metallophysics and advanced technologies, V. 39, issue №7, 2017, p. 995-1004 DOI: 10.15407 / mfint.39.07.0995.
- Nenchuk T.M. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy study of In / In4Se3 (100) nanosystem / P.V.Galiy , P. Mazur, A. Ciszewski, T.M. Nenchuk , I.R. Yarovets’ // Book of abstracts International research and practice conference “Nanotechnology and nanomaterials” NANO 2017, 23-26 August 2017, Chernivtsi, Ukraine. – p. 712.
- Nenchuk T.M. The surface study of InSe (Ni) intercalate heteronanosystems / P.V. Galiy , P. Mazur , A. Ciszewski , T.M. Nenchuk , I.R. Yarovets’ , O.R. Dveriy , Ya.M. Buzhuk // Book of abstracts International research and practice conference “Nanotechnology and nanomaterials” NANO 2017, 23-26 August 2017, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, p. 713.
- Nenchuk T.M. Analysis of scanning tunneling spectroscopy spectra for the InSe (Ni) metal-semiconductor system / P.V. Galiy , T.M. Nenchuk , P. Mazur , A. Ciszewski , I.R. Yarovets // IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Semiconductor Materials, Information Technologies and Photovoltaics”, Kremenchuk: Kremenchug National University named after Mikhail Ostrogradsky, May 26-28, 2016 – P. 139-141.
- Nenchuk T.M. Micro-, nano- and electron energy structure of cleavage surfaces of NiХInSe hybrid intercalate systems / P.V. Galiy , P. Mazur , A. Ciszewski , I.R. Yarovets’ , T.M. Nenchuk , Frank Simon , Ya.B. Losovy , Ya.M. Buzhuk // Book of abstracts International research and practice conference “Nanotechnology and nanomaterials” NANO 2016, 24-27 August 2016, Lviv, Ukraine, p. 314.
- Nenchuk T.M. Investigation of micro- and nanostructure of interlayer chipping surfaces of layered InSe crystals intercalated with Nickel /P.V. Galiy , P. Mazur , A. Ciszewski , I.R. Yarovets’ , T.M. Nenchuk , Frank Simon , Ya.M. Buzhuk , V.L. Fomenko // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, Vol. 8, №1, 2016, p. 01012 (11cc).
- Nenchuk T.M. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy / Spectroscopy and Low-Energy Electron Diffraction Investigations of GaTe Layered Crystal Cleavage Surface / P.V. Galiy , T.M. Nenchuk , A. Ciszewski , P. Mazur , S. Zuber , I.R. Yarovets ’ // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, Vol. 37, №6, 2015, p. 789-801.
- Nenchuk T.M. Structural Phase Transitions on the Free Cleavage Surfaces of GaTe Layered Crystals /P.V. Galiy , T.M. Nenchuk , P. Mazur , O.P. Poplavskyy , I.R. Yarovets // XV International Conference on Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems, Ivano-Frankivsk, May 11-16, 2015. – P.65.
- Nenchuk T.M. Surface Structure Studies of InSe Layered Crystal Intercalated by Nickel /P.V. Galiy , Ya.B. Losovyj , T.M. Nenchuk, A. Ciszewski , P. Mazur , I.R. Yarovets ’ // The XXth International Seminar on Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Lviv, Ukraine, 12-15 September 2015, p. 49-50
- Nenchuk Т.М. Structural studies of the chipping surfaces (100) of layered In4Se3 crystals by the method of low electron diffraction / P.V. Galiy , Ya.B. Lozovyi , T.M. Nenchuk , I.R. Yarovets // Ukr. phys. journ. 2014. v. 59, № 6. – p. 613-622.
- Nenchuk T.M. Investigation of topography and atomic structure of chipping surfaces (100) of layered In4Se3 crystals / P.V.Galiy ,T.M. Nenchuk , I.R. Yarovets// Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. 2014. v. 6, № 2. – p. 02029-1-02029-7.
- Nenchuk T.M. Indium induced nanostructures on In4Se3 (100) surface studied by scanning tunneling microscopy / P. V. Galiy, T. M. Nenchuk, A. Ciszewski, P. Mazur, S. Zuber, Ya. M. Buzhuk // Functional materials. – 2013. – V. 20, N 1. – p. 37–43.
Born in Lviv in 1964.
Graduated from 53th Secondary School in Lviv.
In 1981-1986 he studied at the Ivan Franko Lviv State University, Faculty of Physics, graduated with honors. In 1997, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Since 2016 he has been associate professor of the Department of System Design.
Participation in the project of the Lviv IT cluster Data Science & Intelligent Systems at LNU
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