Curriculum – Software Engineering

The field of knowledge 12 “Information Technologies”

Speciality: Software Engineering (121)

All suggestions and wishes for the improvement of the EPP “Software Engineering” for the academic year 2023/2024 should be sent to the corporate mail of the guarantor of the EPP

Program of work of the expert group during the accreditation examination in remote (distance) mode in the specialty “121 Software Engineering” of the educational program “Software Engineering” (in Ukrainian)

Curriculum for bachelor’s degree in specialty 121 “Software Engineering” 2019 academic year (in Ukrainian)


Review of the educational and professional program “Software Engineering” by Candidate of Technical Sciences (specialty AI systems and tools), Associate Professor, Head of the GlobalLogic University Program in Ukraine E. Sakalo (in Ukrainian)

Review of the educational and professional program “Software Engineering” by P.O. Konovalov, Director of Elex LLC (in Ukrainian)

Review of the educational and professional program “Software Engineering” by Sigma Software CEO D. Vartanyan (in Ukrainian)

Review of the educational and professional program “Software Engineering” by the Executive Director of the Association “Lviv Cluster of Information Technologies and Business Services” S.V. Veselovsky (in Ukrainian)


Report on the results of the survey on the quality of the educational program “Software Engineering” of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies (in Ukrainian)


Working curricula of the EC of the educational program “Software Engineering” (in Ukrainian)


Topics of term papers and guidelines for their implementation (in Ukrainian)

Topics of bachelor’s theses (in Ukrainian)

Regulations for the performance, execution and defense of qualification (bachelor’s) work (in Ukrainian)

1-й семестр

Предмет Лекцій Лаб. Практ. На тиждень Звітність
Architecture of computers and computer circuitry (SE) 32 32 2:2 Іспит
Computer information networks and systems 32 32 2:2 Залік
Foreign Language 64 0:4 Залік
Higher mathematics 32 32 2:2 Іспит
History of Ukraine 16 16 1:1 Залік
Introduction to software engineering 32 32 2:2 Іспит
Physical education 32 0:2 Немає
Programming basics 32 32 2:2 Іспит

2-й семестр

Предмет Лекцій Лаб. Практ. На тиждень Звітність
Discrete Mathematics 32 32 2:2 Іспит
Foreign Language 64 0:4 Іспит
Higher mathematics 32 32 2:2 Іспит
IT Project Management (Software Engineering) 32 32 2:2 Іспит
Object Oriented Programming 32 32 2:2 Іспит
Operating systems, system programming 32 32 2:2 Залік
Physical education 32 0:2 Залік
Ukrainian language (for professional purposes) 16 16 1:1 Залік
Web technologies and programming part 1 (HTML, CSS, basic JS) 32 32 2:2 Залік

3-й семестр

Предмет Лекцій Лаб. Практ. На тиждень Звітність
Algorithms and data structures 32 32 2:2 Іспит
Databases 32 32 2:2 Іспит
Design Patterns 32 32 2:2 Залік
Foreign Language 64 0:4 Немає
Functional programming 16 16 1:1 Залік
Higher mathematics 32 32 2:2 Іспит

4-й семестр

Предмет Лекцій Лаб. Практ. На тиждень Звітність
Applied Statistics and Probabilistic Processes 32 32 2:2 Іспит
Foreign Language 64 0:4 Іспит
Parallel Programming (Parallel and Distributed Computing (2022)) 32 32 2:2 Залік
Philosophy 16 16 1:1 Залік
Web programming (Web technologies and programming part 2) 32 32 2:2 Іспит

5-й семестр

Предмет Лекцій Лаб. Практ. На тиждень Звітність
Digital information processing 32 2:0 Іспит
Дисципліна на вибір 1:Fundamentals of artificial intelligence 32 32 2:2 Залік

6-й семестр

Предмет Лекцій Лаб. Практ. На тиждень Звітність
Machine Learning Tools 32 32 2:2 Залік

7-й семестр

Предмет Лекцій Лаб. Практ. На тиждень Звітність
Innovation and entrepreneurship in the IT industry 16 16 1:1 Залік
Дисципліна на вибір 1:Deep Learning Tools 32 32 2:2 Залік

8-й семестр

Предмет Лекцій Лаб. Практ. На тиждень Звітність
Computational linguistics and natural language processing 32 32 2:2 Залік