Foreign Language

Type: Normative





SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)

Опис навчальної дисципліни

Description of the subject
Oral communication:

The student understands the communicative intent of the speaker and the consequences of his/her statement and adequately responds to his/her speech behavior, answers questions, speaks simply and coherently on familiar topics, topics of personal interests, topics related to current issues in a particular field, following the rules of etiquette of linguistic culture of native speakers, norms of their speech behavior;
can describe experiences, events, hopes, dreams and ambitions, provide brief explanations and evidence of views and plans;
can solve most issues while staying or traveling in the country of study;
can competently and coherently present oral reports on a variety of topics about the life and culture of English-speaking countries.


The student performs written exercises and tasks, the level of difficulty of which is defined as below average, reflecting lexical material on familiar topics, topics of personal interest, topics outlining problematic situations of real communication and grammatical material: parts of speech, pluralization of nouns, use of the article, degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, peculiarities of using personal pronouns, use of active and passive voice verb tenses, modal verbs, tense agreement, subjunctive mood, impersonal verb forms;
write coherent private letters and e-mails, describe their needs and problems, hopes, ambitions, give advice, using correct language and grammatical structures;
has the ability to write such types of business documents as: personal resume, cover letter, letter of request, letter of complaint, memo;
writes discursive and argumentative essays about his/her environment, family, studies, potential career, using the studied language and grammatical structures, expressing thoughts logically and coherently, following the format of a written statement;
writes, annotates and abstracts the text he/she has read in a coherent, stylistically and grammatically correct manner.


Reads and understands authentic texts of a level of complexity defined as below average from textbooks and manuals, specialized and popular periodicals, and Internet sources;
reads and understands instructions for performing academic tasks of a level of complexity defined as below average in the field of specialization;
understands the communicative intent of the author of simple written texts of various genres;
recognizes and understands stylistic markers of simple written discourses of different genres;
understands the main content of authentic academic and business documents.


Understands about 70% of the content of a native speaker’s oral utterance on the phone or in direct personal communication, educational audio or video recording of a level of perception difficulty defined as below average in terms of the amount of information, use of language and grammatical structures, pronunciation and pace, on topics covered by the curriculum;
identifies key details of information perceived from educational audio or video recordings and successfully completes listening comprehension tasks;
recognizes the necessary information and main ideas of statements during discussions, presentations, reports on topics related to everyday life, social problems, education, as defined by the curriculum;
understands about 70% of the information from listened texts, messages and instructions;
recognizes stylistic markers in oral speech.

Recommended Literature

Основна література:

  1. Heyderman E., May P. Cambridge Complete PET (Student’s Book & Work Book). – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. – 239 p.
  2. Evans V. Round Up 5. English Grammar Practice. – Pearson Education Limited, 2007.

Додаткова література:

  • Шандра Н. А. IT Literacy in Writing (Ефективна писемна комунікація у сфері ІТ). Навч. посіб. / Н. А. Шандра, А. М. Котловський. – Тернопіль : Вектор, 2017. – 102 с.
  • Esteras S. R. Infotech. English for Computer Users. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. – 168 p.
  • Glendinning E. H., McEvan J. Oxford English for Information Technology. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. – 224 p.
  • Esteras S. R., Fabre E. M. Professional English in Use for Computers and the Internet. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. – 118 p.
  • Evans V., Dooley J., Wright S. Information Technology. – Express Publishing, 2014. – 40 p.
  • Ісаєва Г. Т., Сологуб Л. В., Цурковський О. Я. English for Students of Electronics / Г. Т. Ісаєва, Л. В. Сологуб, О. Я. Цурковський: Навч. посіб. – Львів : Видавничий центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2005. – 129 с.
  • Ісаєва Г. Т., Комар Р. І., Веселівська С. М., Сологуб Л. В., Шумська О. А. Basic English. Підручник з англійської мови для студентів неспеціальних факультетів університету. – 3-тє вид., перероб. і допов. – Львів: ПАІС, 2007. – 272 с.
  • Ісаєва Г. Т. Improve your English. Посібник з англійської мови для самостійної роботи. – Львів: ПАІС, 2010.
  • Ісаєва Г. Т., Микитенко Н. О. Enjoy your Home Reading. Навчальний посібник для самостійної роботи студентів вищих навчальних закладів гуманітарного та природничого профілів. – Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ, 2008.
  • Микитенко Н. О., Івасів Н. С., Милик О. В., Веселівська С. М. Ukraine and International Organizations (Україна і міжнародні організації): Навчальний посібник. – Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ, 2009 (з грифом МОН України)
  • Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Destination B1. Grammar and Vocabulary. – Oxford: Macmillan, 2007.

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Силабус: in the discipline "Foreign language (English, level B1)"

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Силабус: in the discipline "Foreign language (English, level B2)"

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