Physical education

Type: Normative





SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)

Опис навчальної дисципліни

The course is designed so that the student acquires the necessary knowledge of the terminology of physical education; receives theoretical and practical information about health promotion and the introduction of a healthy lifestyle; learns the methodology of developing motor skills; knows the features of physical training and ensuring the required level of development of motor abilities; is able to determine the physical development and functional capabilities of the body; is able to draw up a program of independent health training.

Upon completion of this course, the student will:
– theoretical and methodological foundations of physical culture and sports
– basics of healthy lifestyle formation;
– hygienic basics of physical education (rational nutrition, body care, hardening, etc.)
– history of the Olympic Games and outstanding Olympians of Ukraine;
– methods of using the most effective means and directions of rational physical activity;
– main requirements for health improvement;
– methods of developing physical qualities and improving physical performance;
– safety precautions when performing physical exercises and participating in competitions.
Be able to:
– apply in practice the most effective forms, methods and means of health-improving physical activity;
– regulate physical activity to meet the requirements of health-improving physical activity;
– plan a weekly motor regimen, apply elements of special physical training;
– to make up complexes of physical exercises for solving problems of physical education;
– technically correctly perform physical exercises in various sports;
– evaluate their physical condition, body readiness for physical exercises and the amount of load during physical exercises by objective and subjective indicators;
– organize and conduct independent recreational and health classes during the day and on weekends;
– have the skills to help in case of injuries and accidents.

Recommended Literature

Hygienic bases of physical education of students / R.R. Sirenko, A.G. Kiselevych, V.M. Stelnykovych, M.O. Sapronov: [textbook] – L. : Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2005. 144 p.
Krutsevych T.Y. Theory and methods of physical education / T.Y. Krutsevych. – Volume 1. – Kyiv: Olympic literature, 2012. – 392 p.
Lynets M.M. Fundamentals of the methodology of development of motor skills / M.M. Lynets: Stabar, 1997. 207 p.
Sirenko R.R. Physical education of students: [a course of lectures] / R.R. Sirenko, O.I. Bednarsky, B.V. Semen; edited by R.R. Sirenko – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2011. 242 p.
Sport in higher educational institutions: [textbook] / R.R. Sirenko, B.V. Semen, S.N. Nikitenko and others ; edited by R.R. Sirenko – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2019. 420 p.
General bases of theory and methods of physical education: [textbook]; Edited by O.M. Khudolii. – K.: OVS, 2008. – 406 p.
Encyclopedia of Olympic Sport of Ukraine; edited by V.M. Platonov. – Kyiv: Olympic Literature, 2005. – 464 p.
Tovt V.A. Fundamentals of theory and methods of physical education: [textbook] / V.A. Tovt, O.A. Dulo, M.Y. Shcherba – Uzhhorod: PE “Grafika”, 2010. – 140 p.
Innovative technologies of physical education of students: [textbook]; edited by Y. M. Vykhliaiev; – Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Kyiv : Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. 2018 – 543 с.
Buultjens M. Enhancing aspects of the higher education student experience / P. Rjbinson // Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 2011. – vol. 33 (4). – P. 337-346.
Brehm W. “To get Germany moving” – goals, target-groups, programs, evidence of healthSport // Book of Abstracts of the 11th mannual congress of the European College of Sport Science,


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