Oleksandr Futei

Research interests

Solid State

Termal Electrical and Optical Studies of Phase Transision

Навчальні дисципліни




Born on May 10, 1955 in Buchach, Ternopil region. Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics of Lviv University (1979). In 1977-79 he worked as a research engineer, senior engineer of the problem laboratory for the growth and study of physical properties of crystals. Since 1979 – Assistant Professor of the Department of Radioelectronic Materials Science, since 2013 – Assistant Professor of the Department of Radioelectronic and Computer Systems of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies. He is the author (and co-author) of 96 scientific papers and methodological developments, has 3 patents for inventions. He teaches the following courses: “E-learning and Document Management, Biometric Identification Systems. Research interests: superionic semiconductors and modeling of defects and gas formation processes in them. He has completed scientific internships: Lomonosov Moscow State University (1982); Department of Semiconductor Physics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Radiophysics, 1986; NPO “Karat”, 2000 – Department of Growth and Research of Physical Properties of Single Crystals; Center for Mathematical Modeling of the Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2015.


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