Sensors and actuators (IST)
Type: For the student's choice
Department: radioelectronic and computer systems
Semester | Credits | Reporting |
6 | 5.5 | Setoff |
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
6 | 32 | Associate Professor Olenych I. B. | ФеС-31 |
Laboratory works
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
6 | 32 | ФеС-31 | Sinkevych O. O., Sinkevych O. O. |
Опис навчальної дисципліни
The subject of study of the discipline is the study and analysis of electronic sensors and executive functional elements of automation. The principles of operation, structure and use of the main types of sensors, amplifiers, transducers and actuators used in various fields of science and technology are considered.
Purpose: teaching the discipline is to get acquainted with the main types of sensors and actuators, their classification, basic characteristics, principle of operation and areas of application.
Objectives: to acquaint students with the principles of construction and operation of sensors and actuators, methods of analysis of their characteristics and methods of synthesis of interface circuits for communication between sensors and actuators.
According to the requirements of the educational and professional program, the student must:
know the general principles of operation of sensor and executive systems, algorithms for their operation and control; structure and characteristics of the main types of sensors, transducers, comparison elements, amplifiers and actuators;
be able to analyze various physical systems with the help of electronic sensors, make qualitative and scientifically sound conclusions, correctly use sensors and actuators.
Recommended Literature
1. Мікроелектронні сенсори фізичних величин (в 3-х томах). Під ред. З. Готри. Львів: “Ліга-Прес”. Т.1. 2002. 475 с. (Т.2. 2003. 595 с., Т.3. 2007. 249 с)
2. Войтович И.Д., Корсунский В.М. Интеллектуальные сенсоры: Учебное пособие. М. : БИНОМ. Лаборатория знаний, 2009. – 624 с.
2. C.W. de Silva. Sensor Systems: fundamentals and applications. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, 2017. – 720 p.
3. Сенсоры в контрольно-измерительной технике. Под ред. П. Таланчука. -К.: Техніка, 1991.- 175 с.
5. Буджак Я., Готра З. та ін. Елементи теорії мікроелектронних сенсорів. -Львів: Ліга-Прес, 2001. – 630 с.