Ivan Katerynchuk

Position: Associate Professor, Optoelectronics and Information Technologies Department

Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Phone (office): (032) 239-46-98

Email: ivan.katerynchuk@lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com

ORCID profile: orcid.org

Scopus profile: www.scopus.com

Web of Science (Publons) profile: www.researcherid.com

Research interests

Complex systems of different nature;
Digital systems based on FPGA.

He is the co-author of more than 100 scientific papers, including more than 40 articles in refereed journals included in the HAC list (14 in the ISI list), and more than 60 abstracts at international and national conferences and seminars. 1 AC.

Навчальні дисципліни



    1. Peculiarities of incommensurate modulation behavior during superstructure creation in case of potential symmetry n = 4 / S. Sveleba, I. Katerynchuk, I. Kuno, I. Karpa, O. Semotiuk // Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. – 2023. – Vol. 752, No. 1. – P. 149-161. – DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2022.2091282.
    2. Transition from order to chaos of an incommensurable superstructure described by the Lifshitz invariant at N = 5 / KI. Kuno, S. Sveleba. I. Katerynchuk, O. Semotyuk, Ya. Shmygelsky, V. Kuno  // Appl. Nanosci. – 2023. – DOI: 10.1007/s13204-023-02893-4.
    3.  The Influence of the Input Array on the Learning Error of a Multilayer Neural Network / S. Sveleba, I. Katerynchuk, I. Kunyo, N. Sveleba, O. Semotіuk, V. Kotsun // 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies (ELIT) : Conference Proceedings. – 2023. – Lviv, Ukraine, September 26-28, 2023. – P. 47-50.
    4. Sveleba S. The Influence of Sampling Parameters on the Learning Error of a Multilayer Neural Network / S. Sveleba, I. Katerynchuk, I. Kunyo, N. Sveleba,  S. Velhosh, V. Kotsun // 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies (ELIT) : Conference Proceedings. – 2023. – Lviv, Ukraine, September 26-28, 2023. – P. 51-54.
    5.  Dynamics of the Learning Process of a Multilayer Neural Network when using the AdaDelta Optimization Method / S. Sveleba, I. Katerynchuk, I. Kunyo, V. Brygilevych, V. Kotsun, Yu. Sidelnyk // 2023 24th International Conference on Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering (CPEE). – 2023. – September 10-13, 2023. – 23905159 – DOI: 10.1109/CPEE59623.2023.10285140.
    6.  Алгоритм оптимізації AMSGrad і хаос в багатошарових нейронних мережах із стохастичним градієнтним спуском / С. Свелеба, І. Катеринчук, І. Куньо, О. Семотюк, Я. Шмигельський, С. Вельгош, А. Копач, В. Куньо // Електроніка та інформаційні технології. – 2023. – Вип. 21. – С. 64-80. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.30970/eli.21.7.
    7. Свелеба С. Аналіз функції похибки за умови застосування алгоритму оптимізації AMSGrad / С. Свелеба, І. Катеринчук, І. Куньо, О. Семотюк, Я. Шмигельський, С. Вельгош, А. Копач, В. Стахура // Електроніка та інформаційні технології. – 2023. – Вип. 23. – С. 59-69. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.30970/eli.23.6
    8.  Gradient Methods for Teaching a Multilayer Neural Network to Recognize Printed Digits / S. Sveleba, I. Katerynchuk, I. Kunyo, O. Semotyjuk, N. Sveleba, M. Ozhha // 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT). – 26-28 September 2022. – Ruzomberok, Slovakia. DOI: 10.1109/ACIT54803.2022.9913121
    9. Convolutional Neural Networks – Deterministic Systems / Sveleba,V. Brygilevych, I. Kuno, I. Katerynchuk, O. Semotyjuk, Y. Shmyhelskyy // 23rd International Conference on Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering (CPEE) 2022. – 11-14 September 2022. – Zuberec, Slovakia. DOI: 10.1109/CPEE56060.2022.9919672
    10. Peculiarities of incommensurate modulation behavior during superstructure creation in case of potential symmetry n = 4 / S. Sveleba, I. Katerynchuk, I. Kuno, I. Karpa, O. Semotiuk // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. – 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/15421406.2022.2091282.
    11.  Specifics of the Learning Error Dependence of Multilayered Neural Networks from the Activation Function During the Process of Printed Digits Identification / S. Sveleba, I. Katerynchuk, I. Kuno, O. Semotiuk, Ya. Shmyhelskyy, N. Sveleba // Electronics and Information Technologies. – 2022. – Is. 17. – P. 36–53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30970/eli.16.3
    12. The Role of Sample Size in Multilayer Neural Networks // Sveleba S., Katerynchuk I., Kuno I., Semotyuk O., Sveleba N. // Proceedings – 16th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering, TCSET 2022 Pages 767 – 770 (2022 ) 10.1109/TCSET55632.2022.9767025
    13. Multilayer neural networks – as determined systems //Sveleba S., Brygilevych V., Katerynchuk I., Kuno I., Karpa I., Shmygelsky J., Semotyuk O., Sveleba N.//Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering Journal, vol.11, No 2 pp. 26 – 31 (2021) Режим доступу
    14. Хаотичні стани багатошарової нейронної мережі // С. Свелеба,  І. Катеринчук, І. Куньо, І. Карпа, О. Семотюк, Я. Шмигельський, Н. Свелеба, В. Куньо// Електроніка та інформаційні технології, Вип. 16, ст. 20-35 (2021) https://doi.org/10.30970/eli.16.1
    15. Branching diagrams for a dimensional incommensurate under different symmetry of thermodynamic potential //Sveleba S.A., Katerynchuk I.M., Kuno I.M., Karpa I.V., Velgosh A.S., Shmygelsky J.A., SemotyukO.V.Kuno .V.M. 9th International Conference “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” NANO-2021 , 25 – 27 of August 2021, Lviv, P.451
    16. Analysis of mechanisms transition from order to chaos of superstructure described by the invariant of Lifshits with N=4 // Sveleba S.A., Katerynchuk I.M., Kuno I.M., Karpa I.V., Velgosh A.S., Shmygelsky J.A., Semotyuk O.V. Kuno V.M. 9th International Conference “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” NANO-2021 , 25 – 27 of August 2021, Lviv, P.450
    17. The dependence of the fourier spectrum of oscillations of the amplitude function of the incommensurate superstructure on the magnitude of the anisotropic interaction interacting with dzialoszynski invariant / S . Sveleba, I. Katerynchuk, I. Kuno, I. Karpa, O. Semotyuk //Journal of Physical Studies 24(4), Article 4603 [8 pages] (2020) Режим доступу
    18.  Calculation of Fourier Spectra of Amplitude Function of Incommensurate Superstructure Described by Two Components Parameter of Order (N=4) // Serhiy Sveleba, Ivan Karpa, Ivan Katerynchuk, OstapSemotyjuk, Ivan Kuno// 2021 IEEE XIIth International Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies (ELIT) P. 198-202. Режим доступу
    19. Calculation of the phase state of the [N(CH3)4]2CuCl4 crystals//Sergii Sveleba, Ivan Katerynchuk, Ivan Kuno, Ivan Karpa, Ostap Semotiuk, Volodymyr Brygilevych / Computational problems of electrical engineerin/ Vol. 10, No. 2, 2020 P.28-32 Режим доступу
    20. Sveleba, S., Katerynchuk, I., Kunyo, I., Shmygelsky, Y., & Karpa, I. (2019). The lyapunov’s exponents variation on system with incommensurate superstructure under surface energy field. Paper presented at the 2019 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies, ELIT 2019 – Proceedings, 113-116. режим доступу
    21. Sveleba, S., Kunyo, I., Sveleba, N., Karpa, I., & Katerynchuk, I. (2019). The expert system ‘pharmacy’ for determination of availability and conditions of storage of medicinal products. Paper presented at the 2019 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies, ELIT 2019 – Proceedings, 63-66. Режим доступу
    22. Sveleba, S., Katerynchuk, I., Kunyo, I., & Karpa, I. (2019). The modeling of the lyapunov’s exponents for incommensurate superstructures, which is a spontaneous deformation as a parameter of order. Paper presented at the 2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, UKRCON 2019 – Proceedings, 1139-1142. Режим доступу
    23. Sveleba, S., Katerynchuk, I., Karpa, I., Kunyo, I., Ugryn, S., & Ugryn, V. (2019). The real time face recognition. Paper presented at the 2019 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communications Technologies, AICT 2019 – Proceedings, 294-297. режим доступу
    24. Kuno, I. M., Sveleba, S. A., Karpa, I. V., & Katerynchuk, I. M. (2018). Inhomogeneous states of thin-layer crystals with incommensurate superstructure. Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 10(2) doi:10.21272/jnep.10(2).02026
    25. Kunyo, I. M., Kashuba, A. I., Karpa, I. V., Stakhura, V. B., Sveleba, S. A., Katerynchuk, I. M., . . . Kovalenko, M. V. (2018). The band energy structure of (N(CH3)4)2ZnCl4 crystals. Journal of Physical Studies, 22(3), 3301-1-3301-5. doi:10.30970/jps.22.3301
    26. С.Свелеба, І. Катеринчук, І. Куньо, З Любунь. Створення багатовимірного OLAP-куба послуг готельно-туристичного комплексу Прикарпаття. Електроніка та інформаційні технології. – 2017.– Вип.7 . – С. 72–79. Режим доступу
    27. Afanassyev, D., Katerynchuk, I., Rabyk, V., & Brygilevych, V. (2016). Measurement of complex signals by quadrature sampling with filtering. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 2016 17th International Conference Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering, CPEE 2016, doi:10.1109/CPEE.2016.7738746
    28. Sveleba, S. A., Karpa, I. V., Katerynchuk, I. M., Kunyo, I. M., & Phitsych, E. I. (2014). Influence of the thickness of [N(CH3)4] 2Zn0.75Mn0.25Cl4 crystal on the phase-transition temperature. Crystallography Reports, 59(2), 229-237. doi:10.1134/S1063774514020266
    29. Karpa, I. V., Sveleba, S. A., Katerynchuk, I. N., Kunyo, I. M., Phitsych, E. I., Shymkiv, R. M., & Furgala, Y. M. (2013). Electronic spectra of [N(CH3)4]2CoCl4 microcrystals in thin films. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 79(6), 888-895. doi:10.1007/s10812-013-9690-y
    30. Sveleba, S. A., Karpa, I. V., Katerynchuk, I. N., Furgala, Y. M., Semotyuk, O. V., Kunyo, I. M., . . . Pankivskyi, Y. I. (2013). Size effects in [N(CH3)4]2Zn 0.58Cu0.42Cl4 crystals. Crystallography Reports, 58(1), 122-128. doi:10.1134/S1063774513010124
    31. Shymkiv, R. M., Sveleba, S. A., Karpa, I. V., Katerynchuk, I. N., Kunyo, I. M., & Phitsych, E. I. (2012). Electronic spectra and phase transitions in thin [N(CH 3) 4] 2CuCl 4 microcrystals. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 78(6), 823-828. doi:10.1007/s10812-012-9539-9
    32. Sveleba, S. A., Karpa, I. V., Katerynchuk, I. M., Semotyuk, O. V., Shymkiv, R. M., Kunyo, I. M., & Fitsych, O. I. (2011). Optical transmission coefficient of crystalline [N(CH3)4]2MeCl4 in the incommensurate phase. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 78(2), 228-233. doi:10.1007/s10812-011-9451-8


Date of Birth: 06.10.1975

Education: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Physics (1997)

PhD Thesis: Температурно-часові ефекти у неспівмірній фазі кристалів тетраметиламін-тетрахлорметалатів (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2007)


Executor of the project CO-24F “Chaotic states in modulated systems” Category of work: basic research. Project manager: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S. Sveleba: 01.01.2022 – 31.01.2024.


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