Digital signal processing (122 Computer Science)
Type: Normative
Department: optoelectronics and information technologies
Semester | Amount of hours | Lecturer | Group(s) |
4 | 16 | Professor Ihor Polovynko | ФеІ-23, ФеІ-24 |
Laboratory works
Semester | Amount of hours | Group | Teacher(s) |
4 | 16 | ФеІ-23 | Senior Researcher Krupych O. M. |
ФеІ-24 | Horon B. I. |
Опис навчальної дисципліни
Goal: to gain knowledge of digital signals, analog signal sampling, spectra of these signals, as well as digital systems and their characteristics and parameters.
Objectives: to familiarize students with the features of digital signal processing related to its quantization and discretization, study of digital filtering algorithms, characteristics of digital filters, filter implementation schemes, theory, calculation and approximation of filters with finite and infinite impulse response, efficiency of using filters in various systems.
As a result of studying this course the student should:
know the basic concepts, definitions and problems of the course; digital signals and their spectra; methods of calculating digital filters.
be able to: discretize analog signals; perform interpolation and decimation of digital signals; design digital filters.
The course requires knowledge of the following areas of mathematics and physics: higher mathematics, discrete mathematics, algorithm theory, algorithmization and programming.
The knowledge gained by students in the course “Digital Signal Processing” will be used in the study of the following disciplines: microprocessor technology, decision theory, digital information processing, information security technologies.
Recommended Literature
- Eificher E. Digital signal processing: a practical approach. – M.Izd.dom.Williams, -2004 -992p.
- Bortnik G.G., Kichak V.M. Digital signal processing. Study guide – Vinnytsia: Universum-Vinnytsia, 2006. 167 p.
- Freeze M.E., Stadnyk M.A.. Lecture notes on the discipline Signal and Image Processing. Ternopil: TNTU, 2015 – 97 p.
- Sergienko A. B. Digital signal processing – St. Petersburg, 2002 – 608 p.
- Filippova LI Introduction to digital filtering. Moscow: Mir – 1976.
- Mochulsky Y. Analog and digital signal processing: Study guide. Publishing center of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 1999.
- Filippova L.I. Introduction to digital filtering. Moscow: Mir – 1976.
- Bleichut R. Fast algorithms of digital signal processing. – Moscow: Mir, 1989. – 448 p.
- Marple S.L. Digital spectral analysis and its applications. – Moscow: Mir, 1990. – 584 p.
The e-course is available in the e-learning environment of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv at