Ihor Polovynko
Position: Professor, Optoelectronics and Information Technologies Department
Scientific degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Academic status: Professor
Phone (office): (032) 239-47-24
Email: ihor.polovynko@lnu.edu.ua
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua
ORCID profile: orcid.org
Scopus profile: www.scopus.com
Web of Science (Publons) profile: www.researcherid.com
Research interests
Technology for creating secure digital signatures
Planar optical devices
Author of more than 60 scientific papers and patents for the invention of 3 speakers, etc.
Навчальні дисципліни
- Shpotyuk, Y., Bureau, B., Boussard-Pledel, C., Nazabal, V., Golovchak, R., Demchenko, P., & Polovynko, I. (2014). Effect of ga incorporation in the As30Se50Te 20 glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 398-399, 19-25. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2014.04.021
- Shpotyuk, Y., & Polovynko, I. (2013). The study of radiation-induced instability in the glassy arsenic sulphides by optical spectroscopy doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.200.168
- Пат. 66536 Україна, МПК С30В 7/00 / Спосіб вирощування монокристалів K2CoxNi1–x(SO4)2•6H2O / Половинко І. І., Рихлюк С. В., Коман В. Б., Лондар Т. О. – № u 2011 07080; заявл. 06.06.2011; опубл. 10.01.2012, Бюл. № 1.
- Shpotyuk, Y., & Polovynko, I. (2012). Optical-spectroscopic signature of radiation-induced instability in glassy arsenic sulphides. Paper presented at the International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering, OMEE 2012, 83-84. https://doi.org/10.1109/OMEE.2012.6464789
- Korchak, Y. M., Fedor, B. S., Polovynko, I. I., & Rudyk, V. P. (2012). Manifestation of a thermochromic phase transition in electronic spectra of C 3H 7NH 3CuCl 3 crystals. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 79(2), 243-247. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10812-012-9590-6
- Polovynko, I., Rykhlyuk, S., Karbovnyk, I., Koman, V., Piccinini, M., & Castella Guidi, M. (2009). A new method of growing K2CoxNi1-x(SO4)2*6H2O (x=0; 0.4; 0.8; 1) mixed crystals and their spectral investigation. Journal of Crystal Growth, 311(23-24), 4704-4707. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2009.09.006
- Kushnir, O. S., Shopa, R. Y., & Polovynko, I. I. (2007). Optical studies of ferroelectric phase transition in deuterated triglycine sulfate crystals. Phase Transitions, 80(1-2), 89-94. https://doi.org/10.1080/01411590601092761
- Interaction of a Defect Density Wave With a Modulated Structure in Incommensurate-Phase / S. A. Sveleba, I. M. Katerinchuk, O. V. Semotyuk, I. I. Polovinko, Yu. M. Furgala & O. I. Fitsych// Crystals. J Appl Spectrosc 72, 690–699 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10812-005-0134-1
- Kushnir, O., Shopa, R., Girnyk, I., & Polovynko, I. (2004). Studies of phase transition sequence in (C3H7NH3)2CuCl4crystals. Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics, 5(2), 61-66.https://doi.org/10.3116/16091833/5/2/61/2004
- Капустяник В.Б., Корчак Ю.М., Половинко І.І., Свелеба С.А. Прояв фазових переходів в спектрах оптичного поглинання кристалів біс-(n-пропіламін) тетрахлоркупрату. // УФЖ.- 2000.- 45, №7.- сс. 870-874.Режим доступу
- Kushnir O.S., Lokot L.O., Lutsiv-Shumski L.P., Polovinko I.I., Shopa Y.I. On the propagation of light in incommensurately modulated dielectric crystals. // Physica Status Solidi (b).- 1999.- 214.- PP.487-494. Режим доступу
- Kapustianik V., Korchak Yu., Polovinko I., Tchukvinskyi R., Czapla Z., Dack Electron-Phonon Interaction and Phase Transitions in [C2H5NH3]2CuCl4 Crystals. // Phys.stat.sol.(b). – 1998. – 207. – PP. 95-101. Режим доступу
- Polovinko I. , Sveleba S., Kapustianik V. et. al. Manifestation of defect network around a soliton in the incommensurate [N(CH3)4]2FeCl4 crystals. // Ferroelectrics. – 1995.- V.172.- PP. 331-336.https://doi.org/10.1080/00150199508018494
name of the educational institution: Ivan Franko State University of Lviv
year of graduation: 1974
academic degrees:
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
dissertation topic: Physical properties of crystals of triglycine sulfate with an admixture of iron
where the defense took place: Ivan Franko State University of Lviv
year of defense: 1979
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
thesis topic: Optical and physical properties of crystals of the A2BX4 group with disproportionate phases
where the defense took place: Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology of Low Temperatures
year of defense: 1991
Professor Emeritus of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (since 2009).
Teaching materials
- Atomic and nuclear physics. Lviv University Press. 2010. 514 с.
- Polovinko I., Kaluzha S. Optical properties of incommensurate phases of crystals of the A2BX4 type (in Polish) – Kielce, 1998. – 320 с.
- Ivankiv L.I., Polovinko I.I., Pastyrsky Ya.A. et al. Competitive test tasks in physics. – Lviv: Lviv University Press, 1993. 90 p.
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