Ihor Polovynko

Position: Professor, Optoelectronics and Information Technologies Department

Scientific degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Academic status: Professor

Phone (office): (032) 239-47-24

Email: ihor.polovynko@lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua

ORCID profile: orcid.org

Scopus profile: www.scopus.com

Web of Science (Publons) profile: www.researcherid.com

Research interests

Technology for creating secure digital signatures
Planar optical devices

Author of more than 60 scientific papers and patents for the invention of 3 speakers, etc.

Навчальні дисципліни


  1. Shpotyuk, Y., Bureau, B., Boussard-Pledel, C., Nazabal, V., Golovchak, R., Demchenko, P., & Polovynko, I. (2014). Effect of ga incorporation in the As30Se50Te 20 glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 398-399, 19-25. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2014.04.021
  2. Shpotyuk, Y., & Polovynko, I. (2013). The study of radiation-induced instability in the glassy arsenic sulphides by optical spectroscopy doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.200.168
  3. Пат. 66536 Україна, МПК С30В 7/00 / Спосіб вирощування монокристалів K2CoxNi1–x(SO4)2•6H2O / Половинко І. І., Рихлюк С. В., Коман В. Б., Лондар Т. О. – № u 2011 07080; заявл. 06.06.2011; опубл. 10.01.2012, Бюл. № 1.
  4. Shpotyuk, Y., & Polovynko, I. (2012). Optical-spectroscopic signature of radiation-induced instability in glassy arsenic sulphides. Paper presented at the International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering, OMEE 2012, 83-84. https://doi.org/10.1109/OMEE.2012.6464789
  5. Korchak, Y. M., Fedor, B. S., Polovynko, I. I., & Rudyk, V. P. (2012). Manifestation of a thermochromic phase transition in electronic spectra of C 3H 7NH 3CuCl 3 crystals. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 79(2), 243-247. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10812-012-9590-6
  6. Polovynko, I., Rykhlyuk, S., Karbovnyk, I., Koman, V., Piccinini, M., & Castella Guidi, M. (2009). A new method of growing K2CoxNi1-x(SO4)2*6H2O (x=0; 0.4; 0.8; 1) mixed crystals and their spectral investigation. Journal of Crystal Growth, 311(23-24), 4704-4707. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2009.09.006
  7. Kushnir, O. S., Shopa, R. Y., & Polovynko, I. I. (2007). Optical studies of ferroelectric phase transition in deuterated triglycine sulfate crystals. Phase Transitions, 80(1-2), 89-94. https://doi.org/10.1080/01411590601092761
  8.  Interaction of a Defect Density Wave With a Modulated Structure in Incommensurate-Phase / S. A. Sveleba, I. M. Katerinchuk, O. V. Semotyuk, I. I. Polovinko, Yu. M. Furgala & O. I. Fitsych// Crystals. J Appl Spectrosc 72, 690–699 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10812-005-0134-1
  9. Kushnir, O., Shopa, R., Girnyk, I., & Polovynko, I. (2004). Studies of phase transition sequence in (C3H7NH3)2CuCl4crystals. Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics, 5(2), 61-66.https://doi.org/10.3116/16091833/5/2/61/2004
  10. Капустяник В.Б., Корчак Ю.М., Половинко І.І., Свелеба С.А. Прояв фазових переходів в спектрах оптичного поглинання кристалів біс-(n-пропіламін) тетрахлоркупрату. // УФЖ.- 2000.- 45, №7.- сс. 870-874.Режим доступу
  11. Kushnir O.S., Lokot L.O., Lutsiv-Shumski L.P., Polovinko I.I., Shopa Y.I. On the propagation of light in incommensurately modulated dielectric crystals. // Physica Status Solidi (b).- 1999.- 214.- PP.487-494. Режим доступу
  12. Kapustianik V., Korchak Yu., Polovinko I., Tchukvinskyi R., Czapla Z., Dack Electron-Phonon Interaction and Phase Transitions in [C2H5NH3]2CuCl4 Crystals. // Phys.stat.sol.(b). – 1998. – 207. – PP. 95-101. Режим доступу
  13. Polovinko I. , Sveleba S., Kapustianik V. et. al. Manifestation of defect network around a soliton in the incommensurate [N(CH3)4]2FeCl4 crystals. // Ferroelectrics. – 1995.- V.172.- PP. 331-336.https://doi.org/10.1080/00150199508018494


date of birth: August 12, 1952
name of the educational institution: Ivan Franko State University of Lviv
year of graduation: 1974

academic degrees:
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
dissertation topic: Physical properties of crystals of triglycine sulfate with an admixture of iron
where the defense took place: Ivan Franko State University of Lviv
year of defense: 1979

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
thesis topic: Optical and physical properties of crystals of the A2BX4 group with disproportionate phases
where the defense took place: Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology of Low Temperatures
year of defense: 1991


Professor Emeritus of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (since 2009).

Teaching materials

  1. Atomic and nuclear physics. Lviv University Press. 2010. 514 с.
  2. Polovinko I., Kaluzha S. Optical properties of incommensurate phases of crystals of the A2BX4 type (in Polish) – Kielce, 1998. – 320 с.
  3. Ivankiv L.I., Polovinko I.I., Pastyrsky Ya.A. et al. Competitive test tasks in physics. – Lviv: Lviv University Press, 1993. 90 p.


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