Mariana Mostova

Position: , Lecturer, Optoelectronics and Information Technologies Department

Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Google Scholar profile:

Scopus profile:

Research interests

time series
integer functions of zero order

Author of more than 6 scientific papers

Навчальні дисципліни


  1. Mostova M. Repetition characteristic for single texts / O. Kushnir, Ivanitskyi,  A.Kashuba, M. Mostova, V. Mykhaylyk // Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (COLINS 2021). V. ICEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2021. — V. 2870. —  P. 629–641(Scopus)
  2. Large-scale studies of the repetition characteristic for different models ofsymbolic sequences / O. S. Kushnir, L. B. Ivanitskyi, A. I. Kashuba,M. R. Mostova, V. B. Mykhaylyk // Proc. 12th IEEE Int. Conf. on Electron.and Inf. Technol. (ELIT), 2021, P. 61–66.
  3. Logarithmic derivative and v-density of zeros for entire functions along curves of regular rotation / Zabolotskyi, M. Mostova// International online Conference “Complex Analysis and Related Topics” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of A.A. Goldberg, Lviv, Ukraine, June 28 – July 1 2021: abstract sofreports. – Lviv, 2021. – P. 52.
  4. Logarithmic derivative and angular density of zeros for the Blaschke product /  Zabolotskyi, Yu. Gal, M. Mostova// The International Conference in Complex and Functional Analysis dedicated to the memory of Bohdan Vynnytskyi, Drohobych, Ukraine, September 13-16 2021 : book of abstracts. — Drohobych, 2021. — P. 45.
  5. Mostova M. R. Binomial asymptotics for the logarithmic derivative of zero-order entire functions with zeros along curves of regular rotation / M. V. Zabolotskyi, Yu. V. Basiuk, M. R. Mostova // Mat. Stud. – 2019. – V. 52, № 2. – P. 156–165. http://10.30970/ms.52.2.156-165
  6. M. V. Zabolots’kyj, M. R. Mostova. Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of the υ -Density of Zeros for an Entire Function of Order Zero. – 2016 – Ukr. Math. J. V. 68, № 4, P. 570-582 http://10.1007/s11253-016-1242-1
  7. Mostova M. R. Convergence in -metric of logarithmic derivative and angular -density for zeros of entire function of slowly growth / M. R. Mostova, M. V. Zabolotskyj // Carpathian Math. Publ. – 2015. – V. 7, № 2. – P. 209–214. doi: 10.15330/cmp.7.2.209-214.


Date of birth: 23.02.1991 р.

Education: higher education (2008-2013, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics)

Postgraduate studies: 2013-2016, specialty 01.01.01 – mathematical analysis (postgraduate student of the Department of Mathematical Modeling, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv)
Dissertation topic: The logarithmic derivative of integer functions close to polynomials
where the defense took place: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
year of defense: 2017


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