Robotics (126 Information Systems and Technologies)

Type: For the student's choice

Department: radiophysics and computer technologies




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
832Kushnir OleksiiФеС-41

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
832ФеС-41Kushnir Oleksii

Опис навчальної дисципліни

The course is designed to provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to work with technology in order to model, design and create simple robots and robotic devices. The discipline presents an overview of tools, technologies and concepts used in modern robotics. Particular attention is paid to open source software and hardware.

The purpose of studying the elective discipline “Robotics” is to provide students with knowledge about the structure of modern robots, hardware and software for the development, modeling and testing of robots and robotic devices.

Upon completion of this course the student will:

To know modern tendencies of robotics development, basic principles of designing and designing robots, principles of designing architecture of robotic systems on the basis of modern element base of electronics, hardware and software.
Be able to justify the choice of technical structure of robotic systems, develop software for them; design models of robots and implement them; use modern robotics software.

Recommended Literature

  1. Robot Operating System documentation [Електронний ресурс]:
  2. Gazebo Robot Simulation Tutorials [Електронний ресурс]:
  3. Springer Handbook oƒ Robotics [Електронний ресурс]:
  4. Починаємо працювати з Docker [Електронний ресурс]:


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