Data processing systems (IST)

Type: Normative

Department: system design




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
432Demkiv L. S.ФеС-21, ФеС-22

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
432ФеС-21Demkiv L. S., Parubochyi V. O.
ФеС-22Demkiv L. S., Parubochyi V. O.

Опис навчальної дисципліни

1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline
1.1. The purpose of teaching the discipline “Data Processing” is the formation of students skills and abilities necessary for obtaining and creating data, submitting them in graphical form, studying methods and algorithms for data processing, determination of statistical data parameters.
1.2. The main tasks of studying the discipline is to ensure acquaintance of students with the peculiarities of data processing, the study of algorithms of pre-processing data; mastering of theoretical material and practical mastering of modern graphic-information technologies, computer and software tools for creation and processing of data.
1.3. According to the requirements of the educational-professional program students must
Know: principles of data formation and storage; ways to visualize data; methods of constructing, transforming and analyzing graphics information; data representation technologies in different types of variables,
Be able to: use modern software to preprocess nonideal real data, to write data into corresponding data structures.


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