2013. November. European integration. For the first time in history, young people gather on the Maidan to defend their rights.

21.11.2023 | 14:51
2013. November. European integration. For the first time in history, young people gathered on the Maidan to defend their rights. This time, to join the EU, and thus to break away from the Soviet umbilical cord with the “brotherly nations.” They had already succeeded on Granite and during the Orange Revolution, and they would succeed today, they thought.
The peaceful action, which was supposedly intended to convey the people’s opinion to the authorities, turned into a three-month struggle for the interests of Ukrainians. Fighting with injuries, water cannons, sniper bullets, and the Heavenly Hundred
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the day when we chose the road forward, not backward. It is also the 10th anniversary of the loss of our first best sons and daughters. No one knew then what awaited us next.
From the projection of time, we can see that the Revolution of Dignity was unavoidable – this is the period of history that hardened us for the next struggle that awaited us in the near future. This is the period that made it clear who our enemy is.
The struggle continues! We bow to all those who died for our freedom on the Maidan! Let’s be worthy of their sacrifice and our European beliefs. Let us fight, and we will win!
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