Physical bases of methods of medical diagnostics (153 – Sensor and diagnostic electronic systems)

Type: Normative

Department: physical and biomedical electronics




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
848Professor Bordun O. M.ФеM-41, ФеM-42

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
832ФеM-41Associate Professor Medvid I. I., Associate Professor Medvid I. I.
ФеM-42Associate Professor Medvid I. I., Associate Professor Medvid I. I.

Опис навчальної дисципліни

The course “Physical foundations of methods of medical diagnostics” is a normative discipline of the cycle of mathematical and natural science training.

Purpose: formation in the future of electronics of a holistic picture of physical bases of medical diagnostics and orientation in the newest devices of functional diagnostics of cardiovascular system of the person, X-ray diagnostic researches. The subject of the discipline includes the basic concepts, patterns and laws of biophysical processes that take place in the human body and are used in medical diagnostics.

The subject of the discipline is the development of “intelligent” medical devices that allow to obtain results of measurements of physiological parameters in a ready-to-diagnose patient condition, opens up great opportunities to improve treatment and diagnostic methods, predict changes in patient status and adjust treatment procedures.

Laboratory workshop on the course “Physical Fundamentals of Medical Diagnostics” for students majoring in “Micro- and nanoelectronics” is an important foundation for skills in working with equipment, provides information on methods of research of biological objects and physical principles of diagnostic equipment, lays the prerequisites for independent scientific work in the laboratory.

Interdisciplinary links: To study the discipline requires knowledge of the following sections of mathematics and physics: mathematical analysis, basics of vector analysis and differential equations, general physics, biophysics.

The program uses examples from science and technology, which allow to show the decisive role of physics in the development and formation of modern methods of medical diagnostics and their use in the design and development of appropriate medical equipment. The lecture course involves the use of a demonstration experiment, technical teaching aids, a computer projector.

Objectives: to teach students to independently conduct biophysical research, to provide practical skills in working with measuring equipment, to show the physical foundations of information display methods and to teach to interpret the obtained experimental and theoretically calculated results.

As a result of studying this course the student must


basic ideas, concepts and patterns that underlie the methods of medical diagnosis;
biophysical bases; registration methods and evaluation methods, as well as technical means of electrocardiography;
biophysical bases and equipment of researches of fluctuations of arterial pressure;
physical bases of methods of estimation of basic parameters of cardiac output and vascular bed;
physical basics and technical means of traditional X-ray diagnostics and X-ray computed tomography.

be able:

apply the acquired knowledge in practice, in particular during a physical experiment;
explain the physical processes and phenomena used in conducting diagnostic studies;
determine the principles of operation and scope of physical methods and devices used in medical diagnostic tests.

Силабус: Фізичні основи методів медичної діагностики

Завантажити силабус