Object Oriented Programming (121 Software Engineering, High Performance Computing)

Type: Normative

Department: radiophysics and computer technologies




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
232Kushnir OleksiiФеП-11, ФеП-12, ФеП-13

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
232ФеП-11Kushnir Oleksii, Shevchyk Valeriy
ФеП-12Levush  P. N., Shevchyk Valeriy
ФеП-13Levush  P. N., Levush  P. N.
ФеП-14Levush  P. N.

Опис навчальної дисципліни

The main goal of the course is to teach students how to independently develop programs in C++, the basic concepts and key points of the OOP paradigm.
Course objectives:
The course program involves familiarizing students with the basic provisions of object-oriented programming in C++, as well as mastering the fundamental concepts of algorithm for computer science, forming practical skills in developing programs in C++.
After studying this discipline, the student should
basic types of variables in C++, language operations, program structure in C++, conditional commands of the language, implementation of loops in C++, input and output facilities in C++, methods of implementing functions in C++, methods of working with arrays, methods of using structures and unions in C++, language tools for working with files. basic concepts and key points of the OOP paradigm.
be able to:
independently develop algorithms for object-oriented programs using the C++ language; independently design, develop, debug and use software applications based on an object-oriented approach

Recommended Literature

  1. Основна література:
    1. Стандарт мови С++ [Електронний ресурс]: https://isocpp.org/
    2. Відкритий довідник мови С++ [Електронний ресурс]: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp
    3. Stroustrup B. The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition, 2013, Addison-Wesley Professional
    4. Josuttis N. M. C++ Standard Library, The: A Tutorial and Reference, 2012, Addison-Wesley Professional
    5. Lippman S.B., Moo B.E. C++ Primer, 2012, Addison-Wesley Professional

    Додаткова література:

    1. McConnell Code Complete, 2nd Edition, 2004, Cisco Press.

    Martin R. C. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, 2008, Pearson


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