Microprocessor technology (153 Sensor and diagnostic electronic systems)

Type: Normative

Department: radiophysics and computer technologies




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
632Associate Professor Rabyk V. G.ФеM-31

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
632ФеM-31Associate Professor Rabyk V. G.

Опис навчальної дисципліни

The discipline “Microprocessor Engineering” is an integral part of the disciplines of the cycle of professionally-oriented disciplines for training specialists of educational and qualification level “Bachelor”. The course is based on the following disciplines: higher mathematics, general physics, theory of electrical and electronic circuits, analog and digital circuitry, programming and algorithmic languages, computer architecture. During the course students learn the basics of microprocessor technology, gain knowledge of architecture, principles of construction, operation of modern microcontrollers, input, processing and output of information in microprocessor systems, programming microcontrollers using Keil Vision development environment, measurement of various physical quantities. with the help of modern sensors.

After studying the discipline, students must:


structure, functional purpose, principles of construction and logic of microprocessors and microcontrollers;
modern element base for building microprocessor systems;
programming languages ​​and software used in the programming of microprocessors and microcontrollers;
methods of measuring physical quantities (voltage, current, resistance, temperature) using sensors.

be able:

read structural and schematic diagrams of microprocessor devices based on microprocessors and microcontrollers;
implement input, processing and output of information in microprocessor systems in different modes of their operation;
program and test the software of microprocessor devices;
perform settings of microprocessor systems;
use the knowledge gained in the operation of microprocessor technology.

Recommended Literature

  1. Мікропроцесорна техніка: Підручник / Якименко Ю.І., Терещенко Т.О., Сокол Є.І., Жуйков Ю.С., Петергеря Ю.С.; за ред.. Т.О. Терещенко. – 2-ге вид. переробл. та допов. –К.: ІВЦ “Видавництво ”Політехніка”; “Кондор”, 2004. 440 с.
  2. Каспер Э. Программирование на языке Ассемблера для микроконтроллеров семейства i8051. – М.: Горячая линия – Телеком, 2004. – 191 с.
  3. Однокристальные микро-ЭВМ. /Боборыкин А.В., Липовецкий Г.П., Литвинский Г.В. и др. –М.: Бином, 1994, 400 с.
  4. Сташин В. В., Урусов А.В., Мологонцева О.Ф., Проектирование цифровых устройств на однокристальных микроконтроллерах. –М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1990, -224 с.
  5. Фрунзе А.В., Микроконтроллеры? Это же просто! Т. 1. – М.: ООО “ИД СКИМЕН”, 2002. -336 с.
  6. Фрунзе А.В., Микроконтроллеры? Это же просто! Т. 2. – М.: ООО “ИД СКИМЕН”, 2002. -392 с.
  7. Фрунзе А.В., Фрунзе А.А., Микроконтроллеры? Это же просто! Т. 3. – М.: ООО “ИД СКИМЕН”, 2003. -224 с.
  8. Григорьев В.Л., Программирование однокристальных микропроцессоров. –М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1987, 288 с.


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