Java programming (126 Інформаційні системи та технології)

Type: For the student's choice

Department: optoelectronics and information technologies




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
532Senior Researcher Sveleba S. A.ФеС-32

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
532ФеС-32Horon B. I.

Опис навчальної дисципліни

Objective: to provide students with the necessary theoretical knowledge related to the Java programming language. Formation of practical skills that would allow students to effectively apply the acquired knowledge and methods in the implementation of relevant tasks and algorithms.

Objectives: to familiarize students with the basic concepts, ideas, approaches and methods of the Java programming language.


As a result of studying this course, the student should:

know the basic principles of Java technology; the purpose of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine); compilation stages and runtime mode of Java programs; basic concepts of object-oriented programming (class, object, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance) and mechanisms for their implementation in Java; basic components of standard Java packages;

be able to implement basic algorithms in Java; apply IDE (Integrated Development Environment) NetBeans/Eclipse/InteliJIdea to solve problems; solve typical problems in Java; find semantic errors in algorithms; find and correct syntax errors in the code; use components of standard Java libraries to solve problems; create a hierarchy of application program classes.

To study this discipline, you need knowledge gained from the study of general and special disciplines relevant to the field of study and specialty, primarily “Higher Mathematics”, “Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics”, “English (for professional purposes)”, “Algorithmization and Programming”, etc.

Recommended Literature

  • 9.Hortsmann C.S. Core Java: Vol. I: Fundamentals. – 11th Ed. – Pearson, 2017, – 2617 p.
  • 10. Evans B.J., Flanagan D. Java in a Nutshell. – 7th Ed. – O’Reilly Media, 2018. – 455 p.
  • 11. Arnold K., Gosling J., Holmes D. The JavaTM Programming Language. – 4th Ed. – Addison Wesley Proffesional, 2005. – 938 p.
  • 12. Hortsmann C.S. Core Java: Vol. II: Advanced Features. – 10th Ed. – Prentice Hall, 2017. – 1077 p.


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