Volodymyr Pysarevskyi
Position: Laboratory Chief Manager, Educational Information Systems Design Laboratory
Phone (office): (032) 239-42-29
Born on November 2, 1946 in the Tarasivka village, Yarmolyntsi district of the Khmelnytsky region in the teachers family. In 1959, he graduated from seven classes at the Tarasivka seven-year school and continued his studies at Solobkivtsi Secondary School, which graduated from in 1963. In the same year he entered the first year of the Faculty of Physics of Ivan Franko Lviv State University. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the University in 1968 and was directed to work in the R&D sector of the University, where worked in engineering positions. After вefense in the Ph.D. thesis in 1986, he worked as a Leading Researcher and Head of the Laboratory of Photoelectronics at the Institute of Applied Physics at Lviv University.
For many years, he has been the head of research topics and projects related to the development of new semiconductor materials and the creation of an elemental base of optoelectronics on their basis. He is the author of more than 150 publications in the field of semiconductor materials science. At present, the head of the training laboratory for the information systems design of the Department of System Design of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.