Українська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)

Type: Normative





SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
216ФеІ-11, ФеІ-12, ФеІ-13, ФеІ-14, ФеІ-15, ФеІ-16


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)

Опис навчальної дисципліни

The student should know:

the specifics of oral Ukrainian professional speech and elements of rhetoric;
peculiarities of vocabulary, phraseology, terminology, grammatical means of the Ukrainian language in the professional field;
types of lexicographic works, specifics of professional dictionaries;
norms of the modern Ukrainian literary language and features of their implementation in the system of oral and written professional speech;
rules of speech etiquette.
current legal acts regulating the status of Ukrainian as the state language

be able to:

use knowledge of orthoepic and accentuation rules, rhetorical laws to implement various genres of oral professional speech;
characterize the vocabulary of the Ukrainian literary language, use normative lexical items, phraseological units in professional speech;
use lexicographic sources of the Ukrainian language in accordance with the needs of professional communication;
create texts within the framework of different types and genres of oral and written professional Ukrainian speech;
follow the rules of speech etiquette in accordance with the situations and tones of professional communication.

Recommended Literature

Duda L.E., Kmet I.F., Shchepanska H.A. Ukrainian language for professional purposes: a textbook for students of the Faculty of Philology. Lviv: FOP Plaksiy MD : 2021. – 110 p.
Hrytsenko, T. B. Ukrainian for Specific Purposes: a textbook. Kyiv : Center for Educational Literature, 2019. 622 с.
Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language” (No. 2704-VIII, effective as of July 16, 2019)
Matsiuk Z., Stankevych N. Ukrainian language of professional communication: [textbook], Kyiv : Caravel, 2013. 352 с.
Mykytyuk O. Culture of speech: features, tasks, interesting things: [Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2014. 236 с
Modern Ukrainian language: identity, system, norm: [textbook]. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2013. 440 с.
Pohyba L. Workshop on the Ukrainian language for professional purposes: [textbook] / L. Pohyba, T. Hrybinichenko, L. Holichenko, N. Kavera. Kyiv: Kondor-Vydavnytstvo, 2013. 296 с.
Sagach G. Business rhetoric: the art of rhetorical communication. Kyiv: Zorya, 2003. 255 с.
Semenog O. Culture of the scientific Ukrainian language: [Kyiv : VC “Akademia”, 2010. 214 с.
Stakhiv M. Ukrainian communicative etiquette: [study guide]. Kyiv : Znannya, 2008. 245 с.
Ukrainian spelling (2019). – URL:
Shevchuk S., Klymenko I. Ukrainian language for professional purposes: [textbook]. Kyiv : Alerta, 2012. 696 с.