Internship (122 CS)

Type: Normative



116Differentiated setoff


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
11ФеІм-21Associate Professor Pavlyshenko B. M.
ФеІм-22Associate Professor Pavlyshenko B. M.
ФеІм-23Associate Professor Pavlyshenko B. M.
ФеІм-24Associate Professor Pavlyshenko B. M.

Опис навчальної дисципліни

Industrial practice is an important part of the educational program of training for the educational qualification level “Master” in specialty 122 – Computer Science. In particular, the curriculum for applicants for the second level of higher education (master’s degree) studying at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv under the educational program “Computer Science” in the specialty 122 – Computer Science, field of knowledge 12 – Information Technology, provides for an internship with a total duration of 180 hours.
This practice is conducted in the third semester for four calendar weeks. Four specialized departments of the faculty are responsible for the practice: Optoelectronics and Information Technologies, Radio Electronic and Computer Systems, Radiophysics and Computer Technologies, and System Design. The specific terms of the internship are set annually based on the schedule of the educational process approved by our university. The practice ends with a differentiated test.


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