Fundamentals of thermometry (153 Micro-nanosystem technology)

Type: For the student's choice

Department: department of sensory and semiconductor electronics




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
548Associate Professor Lys R. M.ФеM-32

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
548ФеM-32Associate Professor Lys R. M.

Опис навчальної дисципліни

In modern energy installations and systems, thermal engineering temperature measurements are used for continuous production control over equipment operation. When conducting energy audits of various systems, in which the main objective indicator of compliance of their performance characteristics with regulatory requirements or requirements of technological conditions is temperature, the accuracy of its measurement will determine the acceptability of further measures to implement energy-saving measures.

Aims: to study the basics of thermometry, methods of temperature measurement, temperature control and thermal management in basic electronics processes.

Objectives: to teach students the basic methods of temperature measurement; selection of thermosensors and finding their accuracy when measuring temperature in experimental studies and in performing key electronics tasks.

Recommended Literature

  • Lutsyk Y.T. Temperature measurement: theory and practice.
  • Osadchuk V.S. Microelectronic temperature sensors with frequency output: Universum-Vinnytsia, 2007. 163 p.


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