Digital signals (153 Micro- and nanosystem technology)

Type: Normative

Department: department of sensory and semiconductor electronics




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
432Associate Professor Slobodzyan D. P.ФеM-21, ФеM-22

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
432ФеM-21Associate Professor Slobodzyan D. P.
ФеM-22Associate Professor Slobodzyan D. P.

Опис навчальної дисципліни

The curriculum of the discipline “Digital Signals” is based on the bachelor’s degree program in specialty 153 Micro- and nanosystems engineering. This discipline is taught for 2nd year students of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies, who are studying under the educational program “Sensor and Diagnostic Electronic Systems”.

Goal: to study and master the basic principles of digital signal processing and digital information transmission.

Objectives: to provide students with basic knowledge of the construction of real-time DSP systems, principles and methods of signal representation and processing, functional features of digital filters and organization of digital data transmission.

As a result of studying this course, the student should:

know the classification of signals and their characteristics; mathematical representation of signals and methods of their digital processing; principles of filter operation and their characteristics; basics of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion; principles of organization of digital information transmission; types of digital interfaces and their use; basics of working in the MatLab environment.

be able to model and analyze signals of various types in the MatLab environment; perform sampling and quantization of periodic signals; apply digital processing methods (Fourier analysis, convolution, correlation) to real signals; model the principles of operation of digital filters, ADCs and DACs and apply them in the construction of real-time DSPs; work with digital interfaces.

To study this course, students must have knowledge of the courses Computer Architecture, Higher Mathematics, Programming, General Physics, Theory of Electrical and Electronic Circuits, and Analog and Digital Circuitry.

In the future, the knowledge gained by students from the course “Digital Signals” will be used in the study of the following disciplines: “Testing and Characterization of Systems”, “Automation of Experiment”, “Networks and Protocols”, “Modeling of Processes and Systems”.

Recommended Literature

  1. Digital signal processing. Textbook / A.Y. Nakonechnyi, R.A. Nakonechnyi, V.A. Pavlysh – Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2010. 368 p.


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