Artificial intelligence systems (126 Information systems and technologies)

Type: Normative

Department: optoelectronics and information technologies




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
332Associate Professor Hrabovskyi V. A.ФеС-22

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
332ФеС-22Associate Professor Hrabovskyi V. A.

Опис навчальної дисципліни

The purpose of teaching the discipline “Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence” is to provide students with an understanding of artificial intelligence as a field of scientific and practical activity, the tasks that are solved using artificial intelligence systems, the approaches used in their use, the problems that arise in their creation, and to form the basis for acquiring skills in the practical use of acquired knowledge to solve applied problems.

The main objectives of studying the discipline “Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence” are to provide students with knowledge of the general state of affairs in the field of artificial intelligence, methods and tools used in the creation of artificial intelligence systems, modern approaches to their creation and use.

Learning outcomes:

After mastering the program of the discipline, students should:

know: basic concepts and definitions of the field of artificial intelligence; history of origin, development and features of the modern stage; tasks that are solved using artificial intelligence tools and systems; search methods and algorithms used in artificial intelligence; basic approaches used to create artificial intelligence systems; ways to represent an intellectual task and methods of finding solutions; the role of knowledge and features of its representation in artificial intelligence systems; structure of intelligent systems and their architecture; problems that

be able to: use the acquired knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence to solve applied problems; choose the right method of solving a problem that requires the use of artificial intelligence methods; choose and justify the method of representing an intellectual problem and the approach necessary to solve a particular problem; use the right type of artificial intelligence system that is best suited to solve a particular problem; obtain the necessary knowledge and use available sources of knowledge, including distributed information environments

Recommended Literature

  • Russell Stewart, Norvig Peter. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2nd ed.: Per. with Engl. – M.: Publishing House “William”, 2006. – 1408 с.
  • Ruchkin V.N., Fulin V.A. Universal artificial intelligence and expert systems. / SPb., “BHV-Peterburg”, – 240 p.
    Subbotin S. О. Podannya i obraboka znani u sistemy piece intellectu i pidtrimki prijmitryat’yu rishleni: Nauch. posibnik. – Zaporizhzhya, ZNTU, 2008. – 431 с.
  • Flach P. Machine Learning. Science and Art of Building Algorithms that Extract Knowledge from Data. – Moscow: DMK Press, 2015. – 400 с.
  • Goodfellow Y., Bengio I., Courville A. Deep Learning / translated from English by A. A. Slinkin. – 2nd edition, revised. – Moscow: DMK Press, 2018. – 652 с.


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