General-faculty news

The first team course work

08.06.2022 | 21:16

In order to acquire the competence – “Ability to work in a team”, as part of the course work on the course “Cross-platform programming” team of students of the FEI-21 group: Drevetnyak KA, Derzhil A.Yu., Datsiv DI and Sidor OO a joint course work on the topic: “Mathematical modeling of chaotic processes in dynamical systems” was performed.
Supervisor, Associate Professor of Radiophysics and Computer Technology Ivan Khvyshchun.
Konstantin Drevetnyak on teamwork: “It was unusual to work on teamwork. For me personally, it...

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About the defense of team projects by FIRST year students at SoftServe

04.06.2022 | 09:14

Recently, within the framework of the dual educational program “122 Computer Science”, 1st year students of this EP of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies of the LNU named after. I. Franko presented their team projects!
They presented projects developed independently under the guidance of mentors from SoftServe. And now a little more about each of the commands:
BBS (Big BrainS) Team – Cube Project – a project to support people far from home due to the situation in the country. Read more »

Meeting “Support of the scientist in the conditions of war”

26.05.2022 | 18:45

As part of the All-Ukrainian Festival of Science – 2022 (program of events), today will be a round table “Support for scientists during the war” with Ukrainian and American scientists, representatives of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the US Department of Education, US two countries.
According to Yuriy Gamota, President of the Association for Science and Technology Management, who initiated the meeting, “The meeting is mainly about exchanging information, but I also hope that we will be...

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