Internet of Things design (126 Information systems and technologies)

Type: For the student's choice

Department: radiophysics and computer technologies




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
732Associate Professor Rabyk V. G.ФеС-41

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
732ФеС-41Associate Professor Rabyk V. G.

Опис навчальної дисципліни

Annotation of the discipline: the discipline “Internet of Things Design” is an elective discipline in the specialty 126 “Information Systems and Technologies” for the educational program “Information Systems and Technologies” for training specialists of educational qualification level “Bachelor”. The course is based on the following disciplines: “Computer Electronics and Digital Circuitry”, “Programming”, “Object Oriented Programming”, “Computer Architecture”, “Microcontrollers” (Part 2). While studying the discipline, students get acquainted with the architecture, operation of microcontrollers, microprocessors, Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer, sensors and actuators, gain knowledge in the field of Internet of Things and digital technologies, development of IoT-based systems using Raspberry Pi microcomputer and modern sensors and actuators, implement devices for measuring temperature, humidity, distance, control actuators based on the Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer.

Learning outcomes:

– know:

– principles of organization and functioning of the Internet of Things;

– the history of the origin and development of the Internet of Things;

– existing technologies in the field of Internet of Things;

– modern element base for building Internet of Things devices;

– programming languages ​​and software used in the programming of microcontrollers and microcomputers;

– principles of work in the development environment Node-RED, PSoC Creator 4.2;

– hardware and software of PSoC 6 microcontrollers, Raspberry Pi microcomputers;

– configure network interaction between IoT devices via Ethernet, Bluetooth, Internet.

– be able to:

– work with Raspberry Pi microcontrollers and microcomputers;

– use the development environment Node-RED, PSoC Creator for programming Internet of Things devices;

– implement input, processing and output of information from sensors to microcontrollers, microcomputers;

– understand existing IoT technologies and use them for specific projects;

– design integrated devices, network connections, data exchange;

– develop algorithms and computer programs in high-level languages ​​for information systems;

– have modern methods of analysis of design objects, make optimal decisions on the choice of structure of microprocessor systems.

Recommended Literature

  1. Simone Cirani, Gianluigi Ferrari, Marco Picone, Luca Veltri. Internet of Things. Architectures, Protocols and Standards. – Wiley. – 2019. – 394 p.
  2. Boris Adryan, Dominik Obermaier, Paul Fremantle. The Technical Foundations of IoT. – Artech House. – 2017. – 494 p.
  3. Harry Fairhead. Raspberry Pi IoT In C. – IO Press. – 2016. – 292 p.
  4. Дэвид Роуз. Будущее вещей. Как сказка и фантастика становятся реальностью, ISBN: 978-5- 91671-394-7, 2015. – 27 с.
  5. Росляков, А.В. Интернет вещей: учебное пособие [текст] / А. В. Росляков, С. В. Ваняшин, А. Ю. Гребешков. – Самара: ПГУТИ, 2015. – 200 с.
  6. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B / Raspberry Pi Community. [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу:
  7. Агуров П.В., Последовательные интерфейсы ПК. Практика программирования. – СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2004. 496 с.
  8. Агуров П.В., Интерфейсы USB. Практика использования и программирования. – СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2004. 576 с.
  9. Петин В. А., Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things, ISBN: 978-5-9775-3646-2, 2016, 320c.
  10. Gastón C. Hillar, MQTT Essentials – A Lightweight IoT Protocol. – Packt. – 2017. 280 p.
  11. John C. Shovic, Raspberry Pi IoT Projects: Prototyping Experiments for Makers. – Apress, New York. – 2016. 233 p.


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