Curriculum – Micro- and Nanosystem Technology

The field of knowledge 15  “Automation and Instrumentation”

Speciality: Micro- and Nanosystem Technology (153)

1 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
32 32 2:2 Exam
General Physics 48 32 3:2 Exam
Physical Workshop 48 0:3 Setoff

2 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
General Physics 48 48 3:3 Exam
Physical Workshop 48 0:3 Setoff
Programming 32 48 2:3 Exam

3 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Analog and digital circuitry 32 32 2:2 Exam
General Physics 32 32 2:2 Exam
Metrology 16 32 1:2 Setoff
physics workshop 32 0:2 Setoff
Theory of electrical and electronic circuits 32 32 2:2 Exam

4 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Biomedical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence 48 48 3:3 Exam
CAAD of electronic systems 32 32 2:2 Setoff
Digital signals 32 32 2:2 Exam

5 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Physical Electronics 48 48 3:3 Exam
Testing and characterization of systems 32 32 2:2 Setoff
Theory of the electromagnetic field 32 32 2:2 Exam
Discipline for choice 1:
Nanoelectronic systems
48 48 3:3 Setoff

6 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Microprocessor technology 32 32 2:2 Exam
Networks and protocols 32 32 2:2 Exam
Technique of physical experiment 32 16 2:1 Setoff
Power Electronics 32 48 2:3 Setoff

7 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Energy electronics 16 16 1:1 Setoff
Optoelectronics 32 32 2:2 Exam
Game theory 32 0:2 Setoff

8 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Physical bases of methods of medical diagnostics 48 32 3:2 Exam
Thin-film technologies in microelectronics 32 32 2:2 Setoff
Physics of living things 48 32 3:2 Setoff